Camp Campbell Outdoor Science School Teacher & Parent ...

Camp Campbell Outdoor Science School Teacher & Parent ...

Camp Campbell Outdoor Science School Teacher & Parent ...


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to stay for tours or the opening ceremonies. Tours can be arranged in advance of the scheduledschool trip.Luggage Pick Up and Drop Off☼ Luggage may be loaded onto the <strong>School</strong> Buses for arrival and departure.☼ Many schools arrange for luggage trucks from the District or rent U-haul trucks to carry luggage.These vehicles should drive past the main parking lot, over the bridge, continue up the hill and pastthe swimming pool and then veer left to drop off and pick up luggage at the Pavilion a coveredoutdoor structure (see enclosed map).☼ Picking up luggage on Friday can be done anytime between 7:30 and 12:00 p.m. Any luggage notpicked up by 12:00 p.m. will be loaded onto school buses and teacher vehicles.☼ Our staff will be available to assist with the loading of luggage between 7:30 and 8:15. Vehiclesthat arrive later than this may be loading luggage with limited camp assistance.☼ <strong>Parent</strong>s picking up luggage are advised to drive directly to the Pavilion. Our staff are available toload cars between 7:30 and 8:15 a.m. Vehicles that arrive later than this may be loading luggagewith limited camp assistance.CLASSROOM TEACHER RESPONSIBILITIESBefore <strong>Camp</strong>☼ Arrange for one teacher per classroom to attend outdoor science school.☼ Designate at least one teacher to bring a car with your group for emergency purposes. It is theresponsibility of the school to transport any children who are sick, injured, or need to go home forbehavioral reasons if the parents are unavailable.☼ Arrange for transportation to and from camp and communicate this information with the Seniorprogram director prior to your arrival. Students may arrive by bus or cars.o Inform Senior Program Director of the number of buses oro Inform Senior Program Director of the number of expected cars.☼ Arrange for luggage to be dropped off and picked up from camp. Please inform the senior Program.At <strong>Camp</strong>☼ Upon your arrival, a staff member will greet your bus (or vehicles). This person will direct you toSommer Lodge where you will review the cabin assignments. Please go directly to Sommer Lodgerather than moving into your cabin. Please bring any student medications with you at this time aswell as any health forms that have not been sent to CCOSS.☼ Attend our Orientation meeting with Program Director. This meeting will take place upon yourarrival, while your students are participating in opening ceremony. We will review your role atCCOSS, coordinate the signing up for duties and responsibilities, and start the dialogue regardingthe needs and abilities of your students.☼ Classroom teachers will sign up for various duties on their first day. Duties include:o Assisting with supervision of the cabin areas as students prepare for bedo Being “<strong>Teacher</strong> of the Day” (who is our first contact person if assistance is needed with astudent for health or behavioral reasons)o Being a food advocate for students with special dietary requirements☼ Classroom teachers must also attend 3 meetings on their arrival day (one with the AssociateProgram director, one with the field teachers, and the last with the volunteer cabin leaders).☼ On the second morning the classroom teacher will meet with the cabin leaders again to discuss anystudent issues that may have come up on the first night. Students’ happiness and well-being is a14

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