Camp Campbell Outdoor Science School Teacher & Parent ...

Camp Campbell Outdoor Science School Teacher & Parent ...

Camp Campbell Outdoor Science School Teacher & Parent ...


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There are many types of models, ranging from simple physical models to computer models. Theycan be used to investigate how a design might work, communicate to design to others, andcompare different designs.CCCSS-Reading standards for literacy in science and technical subjects 6-8 Follow precisely a multistep procedure when carrying out experiments, taking measurements, orperforming technical tasks.CSS 5 th -Investigation and Experimentation 6.a Classify objects (e.g., rocks, plants, leaves) in accordance with appropriate criteria.CSS 5 th and 6 th -Investigation and Experimentation 6.b/7.a Develop a testable question/hypothesisCSS 5 th -Investigation and Experimentation 6.c Plan and conduct a simple investigation based on a student-developed question and writeinstructions other can follow to carry out the procedure.CSS 5 th -Investigation and Experimentation 6.d Identify the dependent and controlled variables in an investigation.CSS 5 th -Investigation and Experimentation 6.e Identify a single independent variable in a scientific investigation and explain how this variable canbe used to collect information to answer a question about the results of the experiment.ETS1.C- Optimizing the Design Solution Different solutions need to be tested in order to determine which of them best solves the problem,given the criteria and the constraints.3-5-ETS1-3. Engineering DesignETS2.A-Plan and carry out fair tests in which variables are controlled and failure points are considered toidentify aspects of a model or prototype that can be improved.Tools and instruments (e.g., rulers, balances, thermometers, graduated cylinders, telescopes, andmicroscopes) are used in scientific exploration to rather data and help answer questions about thenatural world.CSS 5 th and 6 th -Investigation and Experimentation 6.f/7.b Select and use appropriate tools and technology (e.g., thermometers, meter sticks, balances, andgraduated cylinders) and make quantitative observations.CSS 5 th -Investigation and Experimentation 6.g Record data by using appropriate graphic representations (including charts, graphs, and labeleddiagrams) and make inferences based on those data.CCCSS-Reading standards for literacy in science and technical subjects 6-8 Integrate quantitative or technical information expressed in words in a text with a version of thatinformation expressed visually (e.g., in a flowchart, diagram, model, graph, or table).CSS 5 th -Investigation and Experimentation 6.h Draw conclusions from scientific evidence and indicate whether further information is needed tosupport a specific conclusion.CSS 5 th and 6 th -Investigation and Experimentation 6.i/7.d Write a report or do an oral presentation of an investigation that includes conducting tests,collecting data or examining evidence, and drawing conclusions.28

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