Camp Campbell Outdoor Science School Teacher & Parent ...

Camp Campbell Outdoor Science School Teacher & Parent ...

Camp Campbell Outdoor Science School Teacher & Parent ...


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. Conference with CCOSS staff and possible activity restriction (see corrective discipline list forpossible activity restrictions).3. Volunteers will consistently suggest positive alternatives for unacceptable behavior before it gets out ofcontrol.HEALTH CAREThe care and supervision of students is supported by the Health Supervisor who is available on camp 24hours a day. Our health Supervisor, Thad Stockham is a certified Emergency Medical Technician(EMT)and Wilderness First Responder (WFR). All program staff are trained to help maintain establishedheath and safety standards. For example, all staff are first aid and CPR certified, and carry first aidequipment at all times. In addition our field teaching staff (field teachers and naturalists) carry epi-penswith them during all field experiences and are trained regarding their administration. We have fullystocked first aid kits stationed around camp (e.g., the kitchen, pool, and Sommer Lodge).Medicine must arrive in the original container and be accompanied by a Medication Intake Form (located inthe back of the packet and should be distributed to all parents). The Health Supervisor is a trainedprovider of first aid. Minor injuries will be treated and recorded. Any illness or injury, outside of thestanding order of the Boulder Creek Physician, will be treated by medical doctors on call in Boulder Creek.Reports of illness or injury are to be brought to the immediate attention of the Health Supervisor who willassess the situation and determine what actions are to be taken and who is to be notified. Classroomteachers will be consulted concerning their students, and parents will be called to keep them informed oftheir child’s health.<strong>Teacher</strong>s, on the morning of your departure for camp please collect all prescription and nonprescriptionmedications (including vitamins) from your students. It is critical that parents/guardians include theMedication Intake form with clearly written instructions with every collected medication thatincludes the student’s first and last name, dosage and frequency. Please place medications andMedication Intake form in a Zip-loc bag with the child’s name clearly written on the outside of the bag.Exception: If a child is required to keep medications on their person for emergency reasons (i.e.diabetes, asthma, bee sting allergies, etc.) please let the student keep them and notify the HealthSupervisor upon your arrival. <strong>Parent</strong>s please send an additional emergency inhaler and give this to theclassroom teacher, so that an inhaler will always be on hand in the health cottage in case the studentloses or misplaces the one they are carrying.Incidents of Head Lice: Routine head lice checks must be conducted at school. If a student who isscheduled to attend the <strong>Outdoor</strong> <strong>Science</strong> <strong>School</strong> is discovered to have lice, the student must be cleared byeither the school nurse or a family health care provider. Written notification of this clearance must beprovided to YMCA <strong>Camp</strong> <strong>Camp</strong>bell prior to or upon arrival of the student to the <strong>Outdoor</strong> <strong>Science</strong> <strong>School</strong>. Inthe event that Lice is discovered at YMCA <strong>Camp</strong> <strong>Camp</strong>bell the schools will provided a letter to send homewith students detailing the incident.Homesickness- Going away to camp for a week or more can be a challenging experience for manychildren. Short-term separation from parents and learning independence are both important parts ofgrowing up even though it may not always be easy. Many children have some difficulty coping with thechanges that come with spending a week away from home. This anxiety is perfectly normal and happenson occasion. <strong>Parent</strong>s can also feel these symptoms.<strong>Parent</strong>s can help by counseling your child prior to coming to camp in order to make the transition easier.Let them know you have confidence in their ability to be away from family and how exciting it will be to6

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