Statement of Intent 2013 to 2016 - Human Rights Commission

Statement of Intent 2013 to 2016 - Human Rights Commission

Statement of Intent 2013 to 2016 - Human Rights Commission


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44 HUMAN RIGHTS COMMISSION | STATEMENT OF INTENTOther incomeOther income is received from the supply <strong>of</strong> contractwork; the sale <strong>of</strong> other sundry promotional materials; andthe provision <strong>of</strong> advice and educational seminars <strong>to</strong> thirdparties. Other income is recognised at the time the produc<strong>to</strong>r service is provided <strong>to</strong> the client.InterestInterest income is recognised using the effective interestmethod. Interest income on an impaired financial asset isrecognised using the original effective interest rate.LeasesFinance leasesA finance lease is a lease that transfers <strong>to</strong> the lesseesubstantially all <strong>of</strong> the risks and rewards incidental <strong>to</strong>ownership <strong>of</strong> an asset whether or not title is eventuallytransferred.The finance charge is charged <strong>to</strong> the surplus or deficit overthe lease period so as <strong>to</strong> produce a constant periodic rate<strong>of</strong> interest on the remaining balance <strong>of</strong> the liability.At the commencement <strong>of</strong> the lease term, finance leasesare recognised as assets and liabilities in the statement<strong>of</strong> financial position at the lower <strong>of</strong> the fair value <strong>of</strong> theleased item or the present value <strong>of</strong> the minimum leasepayments.The amount recognised as an asset is depreciated overits useful life. If there is no certainty as <strong>to</strong> whether the<strong>Commission</strong> will obtain ownership at the end <strong>of</strong> the leaseterm, the asset is fully depreciated over the shorter <strong>of</strong> thelease term and its useful life.Operating leasesAn operating lease is a lease that does not transfersubstantially all the risks and rewards incidental <strong>to</strong>ownership <strong>of</strong> an asset. Lease payments under an operatinglease are recognised as an expense on a straight-line basisover the lease term.Lease incentives received are recognised in the surplus ordeficit over the lease term as an integral part <strong>of</strong> the <strong>to</strong>tallease expense.Financial instrumentsFinancial assets and financial liabilities are initiallymeasured at fair value plus transaction costs unless theyare carried at fair value through surplus and deficit in whichcase the transaction costs are recognised in the surplus ordeficit.Cash and cash equivalentsCash includes cash on hand and funds on deposit at bankswith an original maturity <strong>of</strong> three months or less.Deb<strong>to</strong>rs and other receivablesDeb<strong>to</strong>rs and other receivables are initially measured atfair value and subsequently measured at amortised costusing the effective interest method, less any provision forimpairment.Impairment <strong>of</strong> a receivable is established when there isobjective evidence that the <strong>Commission</strong> will not be able <strong>to</strong>collect amounts due according <strong>to</strong> the original terms <strong>of</strong> thereceivable.Significant financial difficulties <strong>of</strong> the deb<strong>to</strong>r, probabilitythat the deb<strong>to</strong>r will enter in<strong>to</strong> bankruptcy, and defaultin payments are considered indica<strong>to</strong>rs that the deb<strong>to</strong>r isimpaired. The amount <strong>of</strong> the impairment is the differencebetween the asset’s carrying amount and the presentvalue <strong>of</strong> estimated future cash flows, discounted using theoriginal effective interest rate. The carrying amount <strong>of</strong> theasset is reduced through the use <strong>of</strong> an allowance account,and the amount <strong>of</strong> the loss is recognised in the surplusor deficit. Overdue receivables that are renegotiated arereclassified as current (that is, not past due).Foreign currency transactionsForeign currency transactions are translated in<strong>to</strong> NewZealand dollars using the exchange rates prevailing atthe dates <strong>of</strong> the transactions. Foreign exchange gains andlosses resulting from the settlement <strong>of</strong> such transactionsand from the translation at year-end exchange rates <strong>of</strong>monetary assets and liabilities denominated in foreigncurrencies are recognised in the surplus or deficit.Property, plant and equipmentProperty, plant and equipment consists <strong>of</strong> mo<strong>to</strong>r vehicles,equipment, furniture and fittings, leasehold improvements,and library books.

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