C100 Cryomodule End Can Pipeline Design per ASME B31

C100 Cryomodule End Can Pipeline Design per ASME B31

C100 Cryomodule End Can Pipeline Design per ASME B31


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JLAB-TN-08-023Thermal Analysis of <strong>C100</strong> <strong>Cryomodule</strong> Coaxial Heat Station and RF CablesVarious cabling schemes are analyzed for the corresponding heat loads dissipated to the 2Kniobium probe, LHe, 50K thermal shield, and 300K warm boundary. Three transmitted RFpower levels are considered: 10 Watts, 1.0 Watt, and 0.125 Watts. The static, dynamic, andensemble heat loads are presented in Tables 2, 3, and 4. For example, the “41-27-27” stands forone 6-foot Gore type 41 cable and two 2-foot Gore type 27 cables to complete the connection.The peak tem<strong>per</strong>ature is found to occur in the 6 feet cable connecting warm boundary to the 50Kcoaxial heat station. The peak tem<strong>per</strong>atures are listed in Table 3 to help in judging whether theselected cables are safe from overheating and damage. The PTFE Teflon insulator will enter intoa gel status at 327 o C (600 K). Risky connections are red or yellow shaded in Table 4.Table 2 Double coaxial station design static loadsConnectionqs_2K,mWqs_LHe,mWqs_50K,mWqs_300K,mW41-27-27 0.95 128.8 87.26 -217402-89-89 0.39 77.4 79.92 -157.741-41-41 1.72 176.2 38.86 -216.8402-402-402 1.33 155.5 0.99 -157.827-27-27 0.95 129.1 -13.25 -116.889-89-89 0.40 77.9 -16.94 -61.3Table 3 Double coaxial heat station design dynamic loadsConnectionTransmittedpower, Wattsqd_2K,mWqd_LHe,mWqd_50K,mWqd_300K,mW41-27-27 10 341.6 597.3 1,097 806.141-27-27 1 5.74 9.44 61.31 71.5941-27-27 0.125 0.73 1.24 7.73 7.71402-89-89 10 546.3 1,002 1,627 1,137402-89-89 1 7.49 14.48 98.55 110.2402-89-89 0.125 0.92 2.92 7.23 8.8741-41-41 10 35.89 73.57 779.5 806.241-41-41 1 3.52 4.88 56.2 71.7141-41-41 0.125 0.44 0.7 7.18 7.71402-402-402 10 50.13 199.9 1,278 1,133402-402-402 1 4.59 7.03 89.44 110.1402-402-402 0.125 0.58 0.97 7.55 13.5927-27-27 1 5.74 9.11 130.3 147.227-27-27 0.125 0.72 1.57 13.94 14.1189-89-89 1 7.37 14.43 199.5 206.889-89-89 0.125 0.92 2.8 18.68 23.028/23

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