alcohol and other drug problems among addiction professionals

alcohol and other drug problems among addiction professionals

alcohol and other drug problems among addiction professionals


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A p p e n d i x A :T h e T w e l v e C o r e N e e d sa n d P r o p o s e d P r o j e c t sn n nThrough a process of prioritization <strong>and</strong> synthesis, participants at the symposiumdistilled this information into 12 core needs, <strong>and</strong> crafted language to articulatethose needs.nElements Needed to Inform This Process1. Research Data: We need research data on the prevalence, extent, <strong>and</strong> effectsof impairment within the <strong>addiction</strong> profession. This includes an operationaldefinition of impairment that is broad based <strong>and</strong> not restricted to AOD use.◆Exploration of Collaboration with Researchers: To help bringthis inquiry out of the data-free zone, one participant volunteered to explorethe feasibility of collaboration with the services research field, togather concrete information about the prevalence <strong>and</strong> impact of <strong>alcohol</strong><strong>and</strong> <strong>other</strong> <strong>drug</strong> use by <strong>professionals</strong> in the field. The services research fieldfocuses on applied research, <strong>and</strong> on determining better ways of providingservices. With the help of contacts made through the National Institute onDrug Abuse Clinical Trials Network, this participant will work to determinesome appropriate research questions, conduct a brief literature review, <strong>and</strong>determine the need <strong>and</strong> opportunity for the gathering of empirical data.2. Needs Assessment: We need to complete comprehensive needs assessmentsto determine current practices; evaluate their effectiveness; <strong>and</strong> identify factorsrelated to successful professional practice, <strong>and</strong> those related to practices that leadto impaired performance. We need to determine the needs that must be met inorder for <strong>addiction</strong> <strong>professionals</strong> to function at optimal levels of performance.nOverarching Considerations3. St<strong>and</strong>ards: We need to establish national, regional, <strong>and</strong> local st<strong>and</strong>ards onimpairment <strong>and</strong> EAP practices for the <strong>addiction</strong> profession, <strong>and</strong> produce anauthoritative resource guide. We need to join forces with <strong>other</strong> agencies <strong>and</strong>professional groups to accomplish this goal.4. Fair Labor Laws: We need to ensure fair practices compliant with fair laborlaws in all states. We need to unify fair labor practices under national <strong>and</strong> internationalst<strong>and</strong>ards.n 49 n

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