Residential Multipurpose Fire Sprinkler Systems - City of Bonney Lake

Residential Multipurpose Fire Sprinkler Systems - City of Bonney Lake

Residential Multipurpose Fire Sprinkler Systems - City of Bonney Lake


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A minimum <strong>of</strong> one inch (1”) meter (or larger depending on fire flow demands) is required and a one and one halfinch (1 ½”) service line is required from the meter to the home. [The one inch meter cost (SDC fee) has beenreduced to the same cost as a five eights (5/8”) or a three quarter inch (3/4”) meter. The reason the city did thiswas to provide the water needed and to provide a price reduction ($10k) to allow the installation <strong>of</strong> a residentialsprinkler system.]Exception:A. Existing 5/8” meters [installed prior to July 12, 2010] may be used if the sprinkler system is designedfor a 5/8” meter. Please note the system can not have a pump and tank design as it would involve aprohibited backflow preventer. When the fire flow test occurs after installation, it will be based on twosprinkler heads operating at the same time. However, if after installation the flow test does not pass, thena 1” or larger meter will need to be installed.B. A pump and tank system may be allowed with prior approval if all <strong>of</strong> the following condition are met:1. The water system is provided from a well on private property.2. The tank must be a self contained nonsiphonable refillable tank.3. The tank must be designed for a minimum <strong>of</strong> ten (10) minutes <strong>of</strong> fire flow based on hydrauliccalculations for two heads.4. The system must be designed to IRC Appendix R or NFPA 13D4. If my existing meter is too small, will I have to replace it with a larger meter? If so who pays for it?Meter set installation or replacement is the responsibility <strong>of</strong> the permitee. Prior to any work the permitee is tocontact the Community Development Engineer for inspection and approval. Once the meter set has been installedand approved, contact the Public Works Department to request installation <strong>of</strong> the water meter. Details for themeter set are available online through the <strong>City</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Bonney</strong> <strong>Lake</strong> website at http://www.ci.bonney-lake.wa.us/Note: All meters and meter sets provided and installed on water service connections shall be and remainthe property <strong>of</strong> the city and shall be removed only by the city.5. If I share a main supply (1” tap <strong>of</strong>f <strong>of</strong> the street main) with my neighbor (two meters being supplied by one 1”water main tap) will it be sufficient to supply both houses?No. Depending on the flow requirements to your house you may need to install a new water main tap and a newservice line to the meter splitters. All new building supply lines from the water meter to the house have to be aminimum <strong>of</strong> one and one-half inch (1 ½”).6. Does a new town house or duplex require multiple water meters?Yes. Each duplex and townhouse style building unit will have a separate water meter and service for each livingunit. There shall be only one water meter installed for each building housing multiple residential units.7. Can there be dead ends in the residential sprinkler system piping?Dead ends are limited to 36”. Your dead ends should be limited because you are installing a “loop system”. Wetypically do not allow any dead ends unless they are unavoidable. <strong>Sprinkler</strong> systems need to meet the cities’potable water requirements. The reason is to have the water circulate through all <strong>of</strong> the piping so there isn’t anywater contamination. You are drinking the same water that flows through your domestic water system andsprinkler system.8. Can we use the smoke detectors in the home as a form <strong>of</strong> notification <strong>of</strong> fire sprinkler system activation?C:\JH\2011\Handouts 4 rev. 2/14/11

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