Finite Strip Modeling for Optimal Design of Folded Plate Structures

Finite Strip Modeling for Optimal Design of Folded Plate Structures

Finite Strip Modeling for Optimal Design of Folded Plate Structures


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1054 A. Bergamini, F. Biondini / Engineering <strong>Structures</strong> 26 (2004) 1043–1054adopted to check the convergence <strong>of</strong> the iterativeprocedure. Finally, Fig. 14 shows the correspondingevolution <strong>of</strong> the objective function f(x) and<strong>of</strong> its componentsf V (x) and f P (x).4.5. Box-girder bridge deck with internal diaphragmsThe box-girder bridge deck shown in Fig. 15(a), withlength L ¼ 40:0 m, total width B ¼ 16:0 m andheightH ¼ 2:0 m, is considered. Besides its self-weight, theweight <strong>of</strong> the non-structural elements g p ¼ 4kN=m 2andthe service loadp ¼ 2:0 kN=m 2 , the structure issubjected to the four alternative loading conditionsshown in Fig. 15(a), with q ¼ 8kN=m 2 . The thicknessdistribution andboth the shape andtopology <strong>of</strong> thecross-section which minimize the total volume, are searched<strong>for</strong>.To this purpose, the topologies associatedtothe four alternative symmetrical cross-sections shownin Fig. 15(b), each <strong>of</strong> them derived from the first fundamentalone by eliminating or not one or more internaldiaphragms, are considered. The search processleads to an optimal solution which corresponds to thetwo-cellular box girder shown in Fig. 15(c), with a totalvolume Vðx opt Þ¼7:737 m 3 =m. It is worth noting thatthe high value <strong>of</strong> thickness <strong>of</strong> the bottom slab intension is due to the hypothesis <strong>of</strong> homogeneousmaterial andelastic behavior. The disposition <strong>of</strong>proper longitudinal rein<strong>for</strong>cement, designed with referenceto the effective composite andnon-linear nature <strong>of</strong>the material, clearly allows a lower thickness <strong>of</strong> theconcrete slab.Finally, with reference to the path <strong>of</strong> the search process,Fig. 16 shows the distribution <strong>of</strong> the topologies atthe vertices <strong>of</strong> the complex andthe evolution <strong>of</strong> theobjective function f(x) <strong>for</strong> the current best solutionduring the iterative process.5. ConclusionsThe problem <strong>of</strong> finding the optimal shape, size andtopology <strong>of</strong> prestressed folded plate structures undermultiple loading conditions has been investigated. Thedesign problem has been <strong>for</strong>mulated as a mathematicaloptimization problem, accounting <strong>for</strong> both static andkinematic constraints, andit has been solvedby usinga numerical algorithm basedon the complex method.The structural analyses needed <strong>for</strong> the optimizationprocess have been per<strong>for</strong>medby using the finite stripmethod. A number <strong>of</strong> applications have shown theeffectiveness <strong>of</strong> the proposedprocedure.In particular, the design tools presented in this papercan usefully be appliedat the conceptual design stage,where the designer is usually interested in comparingbetween them a variety <strong>of</strong> alternative optimal solutions,derived, <strong>for</strong> example, by using different designmodels. These solutions, which the proposed procedureidentifies with wide generality, rationality and objectivity,can be then usedas a basis <strong>for</strong> a more detaileddesign <strong>of</strong> the rein<strong>for</strong>cement. Clearly, future developmentsare expectedin order to obtain a better control<strong>of</strong> the design problem, especially on the definition <strong>of</strong>the design constraints, which should also account <strong>for</strong>technological aspects, as well as <strong>for</strong> aesthetical andadditional functional requirements.References[1] ASCE. <strong>Design</strong> <strong>of</strong> cylindrical concrete shell ro<strong>of</strong>s. Manual <strong>of</strong>engineering practice. New York (NY): ASCE; 1952, p. 31.[2] Belegundu AD, Chandrupatla TR. Optimization concepts andapplications in engineering. Upper Saddle River (NJ): Prentice-Hall; 1999.[3] Bergamini A, Biondini F. 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