Phase diagrams of a two-dimensional Heisenberg antiferromagnet ...

Phase diagrams of a two-dimensional Heisenberg antiferromagnet ...

Phase diagrams of a two-dimensional Heisenberg antiferromagnet ...


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318B.V. Costa, A.S.T. Pires / Journal <strong>of</strong> Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 262 (2003) 316–324HamiltonianH eff ¼J X /i;jSþ constant:~S i ~ S j D eff ðHÞ X iSiz 2ð5ÞA detailed derivation <strong>of</strong> this effective Hamiltoniancan be found in Refs. [3,6]. Of course, theconcept <strong>of</strong> an effective field-dependent anisotropycan be applied only to the classical limit (i.e. forlarge values <strong>of</strong> the spin). In fact for S ¼ 1=2 thesingle-ion anisotropy plays no role.In the usual studies <strong>of</strong> phase <strong>diagrams</strong> <strong>of</strong> 2DAF, experimental data have been qualitativelycompared with simulations [1,3]. In this work, wewill go one step further by comparing experimentaldata and simulations with theory. This paper isorganized as follows: in Section 2, we presentMonte Carlo simulations. In Section 3 we studythe Ising phase using the self consistent renormalizedspin-wave theory. The study <strong>of</strong> the XY phaseusing a self consistent harmonic approximation ispresented in Section 4. Finally in Section 5 weanalyse some previously reported experimentaldata for the compound Rb 2 MnF 4 :2. Monte CarloMonte Carlo calculations for the <strong>two</strong>-<strong>dimensional</strong>exchange anisotropic <strong>Heisenberg</strong> modelwere performed by Binder and Landau [4]. Thoseauthors obtained the phase diagram for thatmodel, but a plot <strong>of</strong> T c as a function <strong>of</strong> theanisotropy was not presented. Also, at the timethat the work was done, the possibility <strong>of</strong> a phasetransition for the 2D isotropic <strong>Heisenberg</strong> model(as suggested by high-temperature series extrapolation)had not been completely ruled out. Later,Serena et al. [7], using Monte Carlo simulationwith an improved algorithm, obtained reliableresults for several thermodynamic properties <strong>of</strong> thesame model.Our simulations <strong>of</strong> Hamiltonian (1) were carriedout using the standard Metropolis algorithm. Wehave used lattices <strong>of</strong> size L L with L ¼8; 16; 32; 64 with periodic boundary conditions. Inorder to reach thermodynamic equilibrium, weperformed long runs <strong>of</strong> size 100 L L: In orderto extract the critical temperature T c in the Isingphase, the position <strong>of</strong> the maxima <strong>of</strong> the specificheat and magnetic susceptibility and, also, thefourth order Binder cumulant were analyzed. Toget the Berezinskii–Kosterlitz–Thouless (BKT)temperature T BKT we analyzed the helicity modulus[8]. The procedure we have adopted is asfollows: we fixed the anisotropy D while themagnetic field H was varied. For each pair <strong>of</strong>values, ðH; DÞ; we then obtained the specific heat.It is known that the specific heat maximum C maxdoes not change with L in the BKT region butbehaves as C max pln L in the Ising region. Thisdistinct behavior <strong>of</strong> C max can guide us in decidingin which region, Ising or BKT we are. Then, thecorresponding critical temperature is obtained asdiscussed above. Although the model has an Isingor a BKT transition for any value <strong>of</strong> D; it is verydifficult to perform the simulation for low values<strong>of</strong> the anisotropy, because the critical temperaturegoes down monotonically with D; and close toT ¼ 0 the system suffers <strong>of</strong> a strong slowing down.For this reason, we have used the following valuesfor the anisotropy parameter, D=J ¼ 0:25; 0:50;1:0; 5:0 and 10:0: Our results are shown in Figs. 1,2 and 3. For all simulations, we have adoptedk B ¼ 1; J ¼ 1; S ¼ 1 , and H is in units <strong>of</strong> gm B : Wemust note that having an anisotropy parameter <strong>of</strong>H65432100 0.5 1T cD=0.25D=0.5D=1.00Fig. 1. <strong>Phase</strong> diagramm H=JS 2 T c for some anisotropyvalues as indicated in the insert. Error bars are smaller thanthe symbols when not indicated. Lines are guide to the eyes.

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