Details - Philadelphia Corporation For Aging

Details - Philadelphia Corporation For Aging

Details - Philadelphia Corporation For Aging


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Interaction Management® Resolving ConflictResolving ConflictDifferences of opinion can quickly escalate into an out-and-out battle. In the workplace, it’s the leader’srole to recognize the signs of conflict and then quickly choose the appropriate level of involvement to helpresolve the issue.This course teaches leaders how to recognize that a conflict is escalating and minimize damage by using themost appropriate resolution tactic – regardless of which stage a conflict is in. Leaders also learn the true cost ofconflict to an organization and techniques for handling even the most challenging conflict-related discussionseffectively.This module helps leaders:• Effectively resolve workplace conflict and enhance productivity, efficiency, and morale.• Help others take responsibility for resolving workplace conflicts.• Reduce the negative effects of workplace conflict on individuals, groups, and the organization.During this half (½) day interactive workshop, participants will:• View a video illustrating the escalation of a conflict, identify behavioral signs of escalation and learnabout the stages of conflict.• Discuss obvious and hidden costs of conflict in the workplace.• Identify situations where it is appropriate to use one of the four resolution tactics.• Use a Discussion Planner to analyze a positive model video of a leader using the coaching tactic to helpsomeone resolve his own conflict.• Watch a video meeting focusing on people’s emotions and behaviors and discuss ways to defuse strongemotions and balance the discussion.• Participate in practice sessions to gain skill in using the coaching and mediate resolution tactics.21

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