Volume 9 Edition 3 2012 - The ASIA Miner

Volume 9 Edition 3 2012 - The ASIA Miner

Volume 9 Edition 3 2012 - The ASIA Miner

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South PacificTests under way on Tuvatu samplesMETALLURGICAL testing is being carried out on samples fr om LionOne Metals’ Tuvatu Gold Project on the island of Viti Levu, Fiji. Resultsof the tests will indicate amenability to processing routes which mayinclude gravity concentration, flotation, intensive or traditional leaching,and gravity recoverable gold.Lion One has commissioned Australian mining services companyGekko Systems to conduct the tests and has shipped a 300kgsample of drill cor e composites to Australia for comminution,gravity, and flotation test work. Initial testing is expected to be completedby the end of July.Previous metallurgical studies performed on Tuvatu ores includea batch treatment campaign carried out in 1997 by Emperor Gold,on 968 tonnes of ore with a head grade of 3.63 grams/tonne gold.<strong>The</strong> bulk sample was treated through the Emperor Mill at Vatukoula,40km northeast of Tuvatu, yielding overall gold recoveries of 86.3%.Subsequent laboratory tests carried out by Metcon in connectionwith the 2000 feasibility study by Bateman Kinhill on a 338kg bulksample yielded 90% recoveries from a combination of gravity, flotation,and cyanidation.Lion One considers these tests to be relevant as they demonstratedthat the ores tested were amenable to conventional treatment, but isnot relying on their conclusions as the current tests will be conductedunder different specifications using current processing technologies.If warranted, further test work will focus on developing a r ecoveryprocess flowsheet, assessing the economics of gold extraction, generatingcapital and operating cost models, and design parametersfor any proposed processing facilities.Strategic Elements applies for goldfieldSTRATEGIC Elements has lodged over the entire area of the historicGolden Blocks Goldfield on New Zealand’ s South Island. <strong>The</strong>131sqkm project has had no modern exploration and encompassesseven historic mines that produced about 39,154 ounces of gold.<strong>The</strong> largest mine was Aorangi, which r eportedly produced about30,688 ounces of gold at an average grade of 36 grams/tonne. Potentialexists for further hidden discoveries outside of the old minesthat would have not been visible to the old miners who were focusedonly on gold in quartz veins.<strong>The</strong> project also includes three areas which have potential for intrusion-relatedgold similar to OceanaGold’s nearby Sam’s Creek goldproject with a JORC-compliant 770,000 ounces of gold. <strong>The</strong>se areascontain gold mineralized acid porphyry in float and outcrop samples.ASX-listed Strategic will follow a pr oven strategy to explore thearea. Since OceanaGold opened the Globe Progress mine in Reefton,it has produced more than 250,000 ounces with a significantamount from haloes of gold mineralization surr ounding the quartzveins that were mined historically. Mine workings at the moder nopen cast pit also indicate shoots with extensive down plunge extentsnot mined by early miners. Shallow faults could also mean mineralizationthat may not be visible at surface. <strong>The</strong> company willfollow the OceanaGold appr oach to explore the Golden BlocksGoldfield for disseminated gold mineralization.May/June <strong>2012</strong> | <strong>ASIA</strong> <strong>Miner</strong> | 55

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