Top 100 - Wamda.com

Top 100 - Wamda.com

Top 100 - Wamda.com

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PrefaceThe definitive brand valuation toolBrandZ <strong>Top</strong> <strong>100</strong> 2011: INTRODUCTION 8The BrandZ <strong>Top</strong> <strong>100</strong> Most Valuable Global Brands isthe most <strong>com</strong>prehensive annual ranking of brand value.Developed by Millward Brown Optimor, the rankinganalyzes the world’s leading brands and theeconomic and <strong>com</strong>petitive dynamics that influencevalue fluctuations.BrandZ focuses on market-facing brands that generaterevenue and profits through the sale of goods andservices directly to consumers or business customers,establishing the value of the Coca-Cola brand, forexample, rather than the Coca-Cola Company.It’s the only ranking grounded in both quantitativeconsumer research and in-depth financial analysis.Created 13 years ago, and perpetually updated, the WPPBrandZ database contains information from more than2 million in-depth consumer interviews in 30 countries.This proprietary data is analyzed with publicly availablefinancial information from Bloomberg, Kantar Worldpaneland other sources.These valuations are critical to the CEOs, financial andmarketing executives, security analysts, institutionalinvestors and others who depend on well-researched,reliable information for the assessments and <strong>com</strong>parisonsthat lead to well-considered decisions. All valuationsin this report appear in US dollars and are subject tofluctuations for those brands that are denominated inother currencies.Content HighlightsNew this year, the report includes thoughtful <strong>com</strong>mentsby experts from WPP operating <strong>com</strong>panies and othersinterpreting societal shifts that are likely to influencebrands and brand value in the future as they did in 2010:– The Digital Revolution: Finding the shopper along therandom and confusing “Path to Purchase.”– A Generational Shift: Meeting the different expectationsof the “Millennial” and “Boomer” generations.The report also includes, for the first time, in-depthreports on brand development in three of the world’sfastest-growing markets – Brazil, China and India.An overview summarizing key brand and productsector developments and trends ac<strong>com</strong>panies the <strong>Top</strong><strong>100</strong> ranking. Charts and analysis explore year-on-yearchanges in brand value:– <strong>Top</strong> 20 Risers: Brands that ascended fastest.– New<strong>com</strong>ers: Brands ranked for the first time.– Year-on-Year Change: What sectors moved up ordown.– Brand Contribution: Customer-bonding leaders.– Regions: Value concentration geographically.Brands are ranked and their performances analyzed in 13product sectors: apparel, beer, cars, fast food, financialinstitutions, insurance, luxury, oil and gas, personal care,retail, soft drinks, technology and tele<strong>com</strong> providers. Thereport concludes with a series of re<strong>com</strong>mendations forbuilding great brands and an in-depth explanation of theBrandZ valuation methodology.

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