Assessment of Older People's Health and Social Care Needs and ...

Assessment of Older People's Health and Social Care Needs and ...

Assessment of Older People's Health and Social Care Needs and ...

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een found in the brains <strong>of</strong> drivers who crash'" but subsequent assessment <strong>of</strong> the families did notreveal significant premorbid deterioration in the subjects' general function"'. The most carefullycontrolled study <strong>of</strong> crashes <strong>and</strong> dementia showed no increase in crash rates for drivers withdementia". Likely causes for this counter-intuitive finding include a lower annual mileage <strong>and</strong>restriction <strong>of</strong> driving by the patient, family <strong>and</strong> physiciansThe effect <strong>of</strong> drugs on driving has also assumed greater importance'". This is a complex area, withmany difficult methodological considerations, not least <strong>of</strong> which is the question <strong>of</strong> whether it is thedisease or the medication that impairs the driver. From the existing literature, several key pointsemerge when considering the prescription <strong>of</strong> psychoactive medications. Does the patient really needthe medication? If benzodiazepines are required, long-acting agents should be avoided"; ifunavoidable, they would tip the scales towards driving cessation during the course <strong>of</strong> theprescription. The choice <strong>of</strong> an antidepressant in an older driver should be directed away fromtricyclic". Neuroleptic medication (<strong>and</strong> the underlying illness) would be a negative influence ondriving ability. Physicians need to be Vigilant about over- the -counter medications (particularly thosecontaining antihistamines) <strong>and</strong> newer drugs with uncommon but important side effects which mayaffect driving, such as changes in neurological status due to cipr<strong>of</strong>loxacin"._f------------------------The schedule for the assessment <strong>of</strong> the older driver is akin to that <strong>of</strong> geriatric assessment <strong>of</strong> olderpeople, a process which is marked by the following qualities: medical <strong>and</strong> functional assessment,detection <strong>and</strong> prioritisation <strong>of</strong> diseases, interdisciplinary assessment <strong>and</strong> remediation (Table 3).Functional assessments, such as a comprehensive test <strong>of</strong> visual processing, a falls history <strong>and</strong> areview <strong>of</strong> current medications may be <strong>of</strong> greater relevance than specific medical conditions in theidentification <strong>of</strong> older at-risk drivers", Early specialist referral may prove beneficial for the primarycare physician who does not have access to an interdisciplinary team.73 O'Neill,D. 'Physicians, elderly drivers, <strong>and</strong> dementia'. Lancet 1992;339 (8784):41-374 O'NeiJl, D., editor. 'Follow-up <strong>of</strong> Alzheimer's disease <strong>and</strong> apolipoprotein E E4 allele in older drivers who died in automobileaccidents'. The <strong>Older</strong> Driver, <strong>Health</strong> <strong>and</strong> Mobility; 1999; Dublin. ARHC Press.75 Trobe, l.D., Wailer, P.F., Cook-Flannagan, CA., Teshima, S.M., Bieliauskas, L.A.. 'Crashes <strong>and</strong> violations among drivers withAlzheimer disease'. Arch Neuro/1996;53 (5):411-6.76 O'NeiJl, D. 'Benzodiazepines <strong>and</strong> driver safety' Lancet 1998;352 (9137):1324-5.77 Hemmelgarn, B., Suissa, 5., Huang, A., Boivin, l.F., Pinard, G. 'Benzodiazepine use <strong>and</strong> the risk <strong>of</strong> motor vehicle crash in theelderly' Jama 1997; 278 (1):27-31.78 Ray, W.A., Thapa, P.B., Shorr, R.I. 'Medications <strong>and</strong> the oider driver'. Clin Geriatr Med 1993;9 (2):413-3879 Gray, K.J., Alien, K.D., Ridgway, E.J. 'Impairment <strong>of</strong> driving by cipr<strong>of</strong>ioxacin'. Br Med J 1994; 309: 542.80 Sims, R.V., Owsley, C, Allman,R.M., Ball, K., Smoot, T.M. 'A preliminary assessment <strong>of</strong> the medical <strong>and</strong> functional factorsassociated with vehicle crashes by older. JAm Geriatr Soc 1998; 46 (5):556-61.Conference Proceedings

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