[PDF] Our commitment to you - NatWest

[PDF] Our commitment to you - NatWest

[PDF] Our commitment to you - NatWest

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<strong>Our</strong> <strong>commitment</strong> <strong>to</strong> <strong>you</strong>

Different ways <strong>to</strong> bankWith <strong>you</strong>r account, <strong>you</strong> decide – how, where andwhen <strong>to</strong> do <strong>you</strong>r banking. Stick <strong>to</strong> <strong>you</strong>r favouritemethods, or use all three, the choice is <strong>you</strong>rs.In-branchDo <strong>you</strong>r banking over the counter or use our cashmachines. Many of our branches also offer a quickdeposit facility, enabling <strong>you</strong> <strong>to</strong> pay in cash or chequesin a matter of minutes. An increasing number of ourbranches also have extended opening hours and are openon a Saturday. Please check with <strong>you</strong>r branch for details.TelephoneEnjoy access <strong>to</strong> <strong>you</strong>r account day and night, all yearround with our telephone banking service. Obtainbalance and transfer information, make instant transfersbetween <strong>you</strong>r <strong>NatWest</strong> accounts, pay bills and setup or amend Standing Orders*. To register, call0800 881177. Once registered, call 08457 88 444.Minicom users please call 0845 917 0527.InternetWith our online banking service <strong>you</strong> can use <strong>you</strong>rcomputer <strong>to</strong> manage <strong>you</strong>r account day and night(unless essential maintenance or upgrades are beingcarried out). Register at www.natwest.comKeeping <strong>you</strong> up <strong>to</strong> dateWe like <strong>to</strong> keep <strong>you</strong> informed of our products andservices – existing, new or improved. But if, forany reason, <strong>you</strong> would prefer not <strong>to</strong> receive thisinformation, just tell us and we’ll remove <strong>you</strong>r detailsfrom our mailing list. Please note, if <strong>you</strong> have apackaged account, even though <strong>you</strong> may have optedout of marketing, we shall keep <strong>you</strong> informed ofpreferential offers and additional benefits that aredirectly associated with the account.Remember we’re here <strong>to</strong> help with all <strong>you</strong>r bankingqueries, <strong>to</strong> give <strong>you</strong> the best advice possible, and <strong>to</strong>reduce opportunities for fraud, so if <strong>you</strong>r contactdetails change – for example, because <strong>you</strong> movehouse – please contact <strong>you</strong>r branch who’ll update<strong>you</strong>r records. Please note for some accounts, theaccount is only operable via online or telephonebanking. You will be advised of this prior <strong>to</strong> openingthe account.*Please note Standing Orders, Direct Debits, overdraft and chequefacilities are not available on all accounts. Please check <strong>you</strong>r terms andconditions for further details.5

Cheques made out <strong>to</strong> one party can be paid in<strong>to</strong> asingle named or joint account, but a cheque made out<strong>to</strong> joint parties cannot be paid in<strong>to</strong> a sole account.There are some cases in which, for legal reasons, oras a result of circumstances beyond our control, thepayment of a cheque in<strong>to</strong> <strong>you</strong>r account may beprevented or may take longer than the timescalesmentioned above. This may effect the day on whichthe money is added <strong>to</strong> <strong>you</strong>r balance; the day on whichwe will start paying interest on the cheque (or s<strong>to</strong>pcharging overdraft interest if <strong>you</strong>r account isoverdrawn); and/or the day on which <strong>you</strong> will be able<strong>to</strong> withdraw the money if <strong>you</strong>r account is in credit.Consequently, <strong>you</strong> should not rely on the abovetimings and check in branch, online or at a cashmachine <strong>to</strong> ensure funds have cleared <strong>to</strong> <strong>you</strong>r account.When a cheque is returned unpaidSometimes a cheque which has been added <strong>to</strong> thebalance on <strong>you</strong>r account is later returned unpaid.If a Sterling cheque issued by a UK bank is returnedunpaid after it has been paid in<strong>to</strong> <strong>you</strong>r account, wecan deduct the amount of the cheque from <strong>you</strong>rbalance (or add it on<strong>to</strong> <strong>you</strong>r overdraft) at any timebefore the end of the sixth business day after the‘transaction day’ or ‘T’. As explained above, T is theday on which the money is added <strong>to</strong> <strong>you</strong>r balance (ortaken off <strong>you</strong>r overdraft). In other words, <strong>you</strong> will notbe sure that the money is <strong>you</strong>rs until the end of T+6.For example, if the money is added <strong>to</strong> <strong>you</strong>r balance ona Monday (T), the point at which <strong>you</strong> can be sure themoney is <strong>you</strong>rs (the end of T+6) will be the end of theTuesday of the following week (or the end of theWednesday of that week if the Monday is a bankholiday). If, before then, the cheque is returned unpaidwe will deduct the amount of the cheque from <strong>you</strong>rbalance – even if we have already allowed <strong>you</strong> <strong>to</strong>withdraw the money. If this means that an unarrangedoverdraft arises on <strong>you</strong>r account, <strong>you</strong> will have <strong>to</strong>pay interest and fees as explained in the fees leafletPersonal and Private Banking – A Guide <strong>to</strong> Feesand Interest.However, if the cheque is not returned unpaid untilafter the end of T+6, we will not deduct money from<strong>you</strong>r account (or add it on<strong>to</strong> <strong>you</strong>r overdraft) unless:(a) <strong>you</strong> give <strong>you</strong>r consent; or (b) <strong>you</strong> were knowinglyinvolved in a fraud concerning the cheque.As before, longer timescales apply where the cheque isnot in Sterling, or is not issued by a UK bank.7

Out of date chequesBanks reserve the right not <strong>to</strong> pay a cheque which isover six months old. A cheque older than six months isno longer valid and <strong>you</strong> may not be able <strong>to</strong> pay it in.You should refer back <strong>to</strong> the person who issued thecheque and ask for a replacement if <strong>you</strong> still need it.If <strong>you</strong> have issued a cheque <strong>to</strong> a third party and it hasnot been cashed within six months, <strong>you</strong> should speak<strong>to</strong> us <strong>to</strong> get it s<strong>to</strong>pped if <strong>you</strong> don’t want it paid.Faster confirmation of paymentWe can specially present a cheque <strong>to</strong> the bank orbuilding society it was drawn on <strong>to</strong> obtain earlyconfirmation (usually the next business day) that itwill be paid. You may not receive the funds any earlierthan normal, but <strong>you</strong> will have confirmation that thecheque will not be returned unpaid. If <strong>you</strong> use thisservice, we will charge a fee. For details, please readthe fees leaflet Personal and Private Banking –A Guide <strong>to</strong> Fees and Interest.Salaries, pensions and benefitsRegular income can be paid directly in<strong>to</strong> <strong>you</strong>r currentaccount. Just give <strong>you</strong>r employer, pension provider orbenefits agency <strong>you</strong>r current account details i.e. sortcode and account number, and they will take care ofthe rest.Please contact <strong>you</strong>r branch or Relationship Manager if<strong>you</strong> would like further information on any of the above.8

In addition <strong>to</strong> paying bycash, cheque and debitcard, there are a numberof other ways <strong>you</strong> canmake paymentsDirect Debit*Direct Debit is a convenient way <strong>to</strong> pay regular bills.Once set up, the amount is au<strong>to</strong>matically collectedfrom <strong>you</strong>r account, saving <strong>you</strong> time and hassle. Somecompanies even offer discounts for paying this way.It’s easy <strong>to</strong>:■ set up a Direct Debit by filling in the form suppliedby the company <strong>you</strong> wish <strong>to</strong> pay;■ cancel a Direct Debit by telling us in writing, or ifregistered, by using our online and telephonebanking services – usually we require at least threebusiness days’ notice <strong>to</strong> cancel a Direct Debit, butplease note that we are only able <strong>to</strong> cancel a DirectDebit if <strong>you</strong> tell us before we are committed <strong>to</strong> makethe payment. When cancelling a Direct Debit, <strong>you</strong>should also tell the recipient.<strong>Our</strong> Direct Debit Guarantee protects <strong>you</strong> againstunauthorised Direct Debits being taken from <strong>you</strong>raccount in error, whether by a company ororganisation, or by ourselves. For example, if:■ <strong>to</strong>o much is taken;■ it is taken <strong>to</strong>o early;■ it is taken after <strong>you</strong> have cancelled;■ <strong>you</strong> have not been given enough notice of a change<strong>to</strong> a Direct Debit amount or date.If <strong>you</strong> think an amount has been wrongly taken from<strong>you</strong>r account under a Direct Debit, tell us straightaway and if it is an error, we will give <strong>you</strong> a full refund.Standing Orders*With a Standing Order <strong>you</strong> can instruct us <strong>to</strong> pay aregular amount out of <strong>you</strong>r account <strong>to</strong> a person ororganisation. It’s easy <strong>to</strong>:■ set up a Standing Order by filling in a form at abranch or, if <strong>you</strong> are registered, by using our onlineand telephone banking services;* Please note Standing Orders, Direct Debits, overdraft and chequefacilities are not available on all accounts. Please check <strong>you</strong>r termsand conditions for further details.12

■ cancel or change a Standing Order by telling us inwriting or, if registered, by using our online andtelephone banking services – usually we requirethree business days’ notice <strong>to</strong> cancel a StandingOrder, and seven business days’ notice <strong>to</strong> changea Standing Order, but please note that we are onlyable <strong>to</strong> cancel a Standing Order if <strong>you</strong> tell us beforewe are committed <strong>to</strong> make the payment.Recurring PaymentsIf <strong>you</strong>r account comes with a card with a Visa Debitlogo <strong>you</strong> can use it <strong>to</strong> set up regular payments for billsand services, for example magazine subscriptions ormemberships using the repeat payment functionality.Electronic transferYou can transfer funds out of <strong>you</strong>r account <strong>to</strong> otherpeople by electronic funds transfer. If <strong>you</strong> do, <strong>you</strong> need<strong>to</strong> ensure that <strong>you</strong> give us all of the correct details of theperson <strong>you</strong> are paying the money <strong>to</strong> – such as the sortcode and the account number. If <strong>you</strong> give us the wrongdetails, the money might end up going <strong>to</strong> someone elseand <strong>you</strong> may not be able <strong>to</strong> recover it.Clearance of Standing Orders and Onlineand Telephone Banking paymentsThe introduction of the Faster Payments Service in May2008 means that Standing Orders and Online andTelephone Banking payments between accounts atbanks which are in the system will normally be receivedalmost immediately (but may sometimes take up <strong>to</strong> twohours), providing the payment amount is within theFaster Payments limits. Payments between banks whichare not in the scheme or outside the set limits willcontinue <strong>to</strong> take two business days after the paymentday <strong>to</strong> reach the account. You can also set up andmake Faster Payments in-branch as long as <strong>you</strong> have adebit card. Standing Orders and payments madebetween accounts in <strong>NatWest</strong> are also immediate.When <strong>you</strong> set up an Online or Telephone Bankingpayment <strong>you</strong> will be advised if the payment will gounder the Faster Payments Service or via the currentthree day cycle. Payments set up in branch can onlybe processed through the Faster Payments Scheme.For higher value payments <strong>you</strong> will still need <strong>to</strong> useCHAPs, for which the normal charge will apply. Wemay carry out extra identity checks when <strong>you</strong> aremaking larger payments or withdrawing large amountsof cash from <strong>you</strong>r account.Where monies are paid in<strong>to</strong> <strong>you</strong>r account under the FasterPayments Scheme on a weekend or bank holiday, it willbe added <strong>to</strong> <strong>you</strong>r account balance for interest purposeson the next business day. Please see the sectionheaded ‘Interest’ on page 14 for more details.13

Managing <strong>you</strong>r money,some points <strong>to</strong> noteKeeping <strong>you</strong> up-<strong>to</strong>-dateIt is important that <strong>you</strong>’re aware of <strong>you</strong>r balance andhow available funds are affected by overnight and realtime transactions. The amount of funds <strong>you</strong> canwithdraw at weekends and on bank holidays will takeaccount of Standing Orders, Direct Debits, debit cardtransactions, forward dated payments and salarypayments due on the next business day.Please remember that some instructions for payments<strong>to</strong> be made from <strong>you</strong>r account (including payments bycheque, Direct Debit and some Standing Orders) areprocessed during the night before the payment is due.To be sure that a payment can be made, <strong>you</strong> shouldensure that <strong>you</strong> have sufficient available funds in <strong>you</strong>raccount by close of business on the business daybefore the payment is due <strong>to</strong> be made. For example,if a Direct Debit is due <strong>to</strong> be paid on a Monday, <strong>you</strong>should make sure that <strong>you</strong> have sufficient availablefunds in <strong>you</strong>r account by close of business on theFriday before. Please note that even on a weekdayevening the amount available for withdrawal will beaffected by payments due on the following day.Arranged OverdraftsIf money gets tight, and <strong>you</strong> need access <strong>to</strong> extrafunds, contact us immediately and we may be able <strong>to</strong>offer <strong>you</strong> an arranged overdraft on a current account:■ it’s easy <strong>to</strong> set up – just speak <strong>to</strong> a member of staff;■ there are no fees when <strong>you</strong> have an arrangedoverdraft up <strong>to</strong> a certain limit – all <strong>you</strong> pay is theinterest on the overdrawn balance;■ <strong>you</strong> can access the money as soon as the overdraftis set up;■ we will only demand repayment of an overdraft ifwe have a valid reason for doing so and we give<strong>you</strong> at least 30 days’ personal notice. In certaincases, our notice may take effect immediately(e.g. where we reasonably believe that <strong>you</strong> mayhave difficulty meeting <strong>you</strong>r <strong>commitment</strong>s).■ if we increase <strong>you</strong>r arranged overdraft, or place anew arranged overdraft limit on <strong>you</strong>r account, we’llnotify <strong>you</strong> personally.It’s important <strong>to</strong> note that we will only approve anapplication which we believe <strong>you</strong> can afford, as <strong>you</strong>should only take on financial <strong>commitment</strong>s <strong>you</strong> can16

easily afford. <strong>Our</strong> fees leaflets contain detailedinformation on interest rates, charges and arrangementfees that may be applicable <strong>to</strong> <strong>you</strong>.Unarranged Overdrafts and Unpaid ItemsOccasionally, <strong>you</strong> may find that <strong>you</strong> need <strong>to</strong> makea withdrawal or other payment that cannot be met fromthe money in <strong>you</strong>r account or (if <strong>you</strong> have an arrangedoverdraft) will take <strong>you</strong> over <strong>you</strong>r overdraft limit. If <strong>you</strong>find <strong>you</strong>rself in this position, we recommend that <strong>you</strong>ask us <strong>to</strong> provide <strong>you</strong> with an arranged overdraft or anincrease <strong>to</strong> <strong>you</strong>r existing arranged overdraft which willcover the payment. If we agree <strong>to</strong> <strong>you</strong>r request, <strong>you</strong>can be sure that <strong>you</strong>r payment will be made, and <strong>you</strong>will avoid unarranged overdraft and unpaid item charges.When <strong>you</strong> issue instructions for a withdrawal orpayment <strong>to</strong> be made from <strong>you</strong>r account, we decidewhether <strong>you</strong>r instructions would result in anunarranged overdraft by looking at the available fundsin <strong>you</strong>r account, i.e. the cleared balance in <strong>you</strong>raccount, plus any unused arranged overdraft facility.We give examples below of the fees, charges andinterest which apply in cases where we are instructed<strong>to</strong> make a payment which, if made, would give rise <strong>to</strong>or increase an unarranged overdraft. For full details,please refer <strong>to</strong> our leaflet, Personal and PrivateBanking – Terms and Conditions and the fees leafletPersonal and Private Banking – A Guide <strong>to</strong> Feesand Interest. We recommend that <strong>you</strong> read thoseleaflets carefully.Here are some examples of how our fees, charges andinterest in relation <strong>to</strong> unarranged overdrafts andunpaid items work. We recommend that <strong>you</strong> look atthese examples carefully. But do bear in mind thatthey are only examples.Example 1:You write a cheque in circumstances where, if we pay thecheque, an unarranged overdraft will be created. We decide<strong>to</strong> pay the cheque and an unarranged overdraft is created.You then pay off this unarranged overdraft in the followingmonthly charging period. We apply the following fees, chargesand interest:■ We charge <strong>you</strong> a Paid Referral Fee following our decision<strong>to</strong> pay the cheque.■ We charge <strong>you</strong> a Maintenance Charge for the monthlycharging period in which the unarranged overdraft is created.■ We charge <strong>you</strong> a further Maintenance Charge for thefollowing monthly charging period (this is because <strong>you</strong>runarranged overdraft remains owing for part of that period).■ While <strong>you</strong>r unarranged overdraft remains owing, we chargeinterest on it at the higher rate which applies <strong>to</strong> unarrangedoverdrafts.*17

Example 2:You write a cheque in circumstances where, if we pay thecheque, an unarranged overdraft will be created. We decide<strong>to</strong> pay the cheque and an unarranged overdraft is created.On each of the following four days in that calendar month aStanding Order falls due, each of which, if paid, will furtherextend <strong>you</strong>r unarranged overdraft. We decide <strong>to</strong> pay each ofthe first three Standing Order payments, further extending <strong>you</strong>runarranged overdraft. We decide not <strong>to</strong> pay the fourth StandingOrder payment. You then repay <strong>you</strong>r unarranged overdraftwithin the monthly charging period in which it was created.We apply the following fees, charges and interest:■ We charge <strong>you</strong> a Paid Referral Fee following our decision <strong>to</strong>pay the cheque.■ We charge <strong>you</strong> two further Paid Referral Fees following ourdecision <strong>to</strong> pay each of the first two Standing Orderpayments.■ We do not charge <strong>you</strong> a Paid Referral Fee in relation <strong>to</strong> thethird Standing Order payment (this is because we do notcharge more than three of these fees in any charging period).■ We charge <strong>you</strong> an Unpaid Item Fee in relation <strong>to</strong> the fourthStanding Order payment, which we decided not <strong>to</strong> pay.■ We charge <strong>you</strong> a Maintenance Charge for the monthlycharging period in which the unarranged overdraft is created.■ While <strong>you</strong>r unarranged overdraft remains owing, we chargeinterest on it at the higher rate which applies <strong>to</strong> unarrangedoverdrafts.*Example 3:You write a cheque which, if paid, will result in an unarrangedoverdraft. You use <strong>you</strong>r debit card <strong>to</strong> guarantee this cheque.Because <strong>you</strong>r cheque is guaranteed, we are obliged <strong>to</strong> pay it.We pay the cheque in accordance with our obligations and anunarranged overdraft is created. You repay the unarrangedoverdraft within four days, but in the meantime one monthlycharging period ends and another monthly charging periodbegins. We apply the following fees, charges and interest:■ When the cheque is presented <strong>to</strong> us for payment, we firstdecide whether we are willing <strong>to</strong> make the payment withoutat this stage considering whether we are obliged <strong>to</strong> make it.If we decide that we are willing <strong>to</strong> make the payment, wecharge <strong>you</strong> a Paid Referral Fee.■ If we decide that we are not willing <strong>to</strong> make the payment,we then check <strong>to</strong> see whether <strong>you</strong> used <strong>you</strong>r debit card <strong>to</strong>guarantee the cheque. When we do so, we find that <strong>you</strong> diduse <strong>you</strong>r card and that we are therefore obliged <strong>to</strong> make thepayment. In these circumstances, we charge a GuaranteedCard Payment Fee instead of a Paid Referral Fee.■ We charge <strong>you</strong> a Maintenance Charge for the monthlycharging period in which the unarranged overdraft is created.■ We charge <strong>you</strong> a further Maintenance Charge for thefollowing monthly charging period (this is because <strong>you</strong>runarranged overdraft remains owing for part of that period).■ While <strong>you</strong>r unarranged overdraft remains owing, we chargeinterest on it at the higher rate which applies <strong>to</strong> unarrangedoverdrafts.*Example 4:We decide not <strong>to</strong> pay a Direct Debit which, if paid, would havecreated an unarranged overdraft. As a result, an Unpaid ItemFee is debited <strong>to</strong> <strong>you</strong>r account in the following monthly chargingperiod. At the time when this fee is debited, there is not enough18

InterestWe will always tell <strong>you</strong> the current interest rate when<strong>you</strong> open an account, take out a loan, arrange anoverdraft or apply for a credit card. Your branch willalways be able <strong>to</strong> tell <strong>you</strong> the latest rates which apply<strong>to</strong> <strong>you</strong>r account or <strong>to</strong> any other account that might bemore suitable for <strong>you</strong>.When <strong>you</strong> have money in <strong>you</strong>r account, <strong>you</strong> maybe eligible <strong>to</strong> earn interest on it. If <strong>you</strong> are eligiblefor interest, we will work out the interest due on thecleared amount in <strong>you</strong>r account at the close ofbusiness every business day. Over weekends and bankholidays, the balance eligible <strong>to</strong> earn interest is thebalance calculated at the close of business on thepreceding business day. For example, over a normalweekend, interest will be calculated for Friday,Saturday and Sunday based on the amount actually in<strong>you</strong>r account at close of business on Friday.Interest on current accounts is normally paid in<strong>to</strong> <strong>you</strong>raccount once a month, usually the day after we send<strong>you</strong>r statement <strong>to</strong> <strong>you</strong>. The main exceptions <strong>to</strong> this aredetailed in our Fees leaflets.We usually pay interest on savings accounts everymonth, every three months, or annually, dependingon the type of savings account <strong>you</strong> have. We like <strong>to</strong>help <strong>you</strong> compare interest rates on all our savingsaccounts more easily. If <strong>you</strong> have a savings accountwith a balance of at least £500, we will send <strong>you</strong> asummary, at least once a year, of the current rates for<strong>you</strong>r account and those which have applied during thelast 12 months for <strong>you</strong>r savings accounts, as well asdetails of any changes in the Bank of England baserate. We will also tell <strong>you</strong> about the accounts we nolonger offer and how <strong>you</strong> can find out about ourcurrent rates of interest. If <strong>you</strong> have £250 or more ina variable rate savings account and the interest ratehas fallen significantly compared <strong>to</strong> the Bank ofEngland base rate, we will contact <strong>you</strong> withina reasonable period of time <strong>to</strong>:■ tell <strong>you</strong> that the change in rates has happened;■ tell <strong>you</strong> about our other accounts and help <strong>you</strong> <strong>to</strong>switch <strong>to</strong> one of these, if <strong>you</strong> wish <strong>to</strong>;■ tell <strong>you</strong> that <strong>you</strong> can withdraw the money in <strong>you</strong>raccount in full;■ give <strong>you</strong> a reasonable time <strong>to</strong> switch <strong>to</strong> anotheraccount or withdraw the money without any noticeperiod or any charges.20

You will usually pay interest if <strong>you</strong> borrow moneythrough an overdraft. The interest rates we applywill depend on the type of account <strong>you</strong> have andwhether <strong>you</strong> arranged the overdraft with us before<strong>you</strong> went overdrawn.Interest rates change from time <strong>to</strong> time. We maynotify a change <strong>to</strong> the rate of interest that applies <strong>to</strong><strong>you</strong>r account, by putting advertisements in threestandard daily newspapers. If we notify <strong>you</strong> by pressadvertisements, we will also advertise the change onour website www.natwest.com and, where thealteration applies <strong>to</strong> branch based accounts, bybranch notices. We may also change interest ratesby notifying <strong>you</strong> personally not less than 30 daysbefore the change takes effect. You can ask ourbranch staff, telephone us using <strong>you</strong>r usual contactnumber or visit our website at www.natwest.com<strong>to</strong> find out our latest interest rates.Changes <strong>to</strong> account terms and chargesOccasionally, we may change the terms andconditions and charges relating <strong>to</strong> <strong>you</strong>r account.If we do so, we will tell <strong>you</strong> as described in Personaland Private Banking – Terms and Conditions. If wemake a change <strong>to</strong> the terms and conditions which isnot <strong>to</strong> <strong>you</strong>r advantage or if we introduce or increasea charge, we will always tell <strong>you</strong> personally at least30 days beforehand and we’ll ignore any notice periodfor 60 days from the date we first notify <strong>you</strong> –enabling <strong>you</strong> <strong>to</strong> change or close <strong>you</strong>r account withoutcharge or loss of interest.Important information forjoint account holdersWith an “either <strong>to</strong> sign” joint account, both accountholders:■ have full access <strong>to</strong> funds;■ can set up an arranged or unarranged overdraftwithout the other party’s consent;■ are responsible for the whole debt, even if they didnot agree <strong>to</strong> it.The way a joint account is operated is governed bya document called a mandate, signed by each jointaccount holder, which usually forms part of the jointapplication form. We can also send statements <strong>to</strong>each party and <strong>to</strong> different addresses, if <strong>you</strong> ask us <strong>to</strong>.21

What happens if a party <strong>to</strong> a jointaccount dies?The balance on <strong>you</strong>r joint account usually passesau<strong>to</strong>matically <strong>to</strong> the remaining joint account holder(s).The name of the deceased party is removed and theremaining party(ies) can continue <strong>to</strong> operate theaccount normally. If there is an overdraft on the jointaccount, when one of <strong>you</strong> dies, we may insist that theborrowing is paid from the other parties’ assets andthat the account is closed.When can the Bank ‘freeze’ <strong>you</strong>rjoint account?We may ‘freeze’ <strong>you</strong>r account if we have a validreason for doing so. We set out below some examplesof cases in which we may find it necessary <strong>to</strong> do this:■ When we receive a request <strong>to</strong> convert the jointaccount in<strong>to</strong> a sole account and we do not have<strong>you</strong>r joint agreement as <strong>to</strong> how the money in thejoint account is <strong>to</strong> be divided between <strong>you</strong>.If the joint account is overdrawn, the bank maydecide not <strong>to</strong> let <strong>you</strong> convert it <strong>to</strong> a sole accountunless <strong>you</strong> both remain responsible for the debt.■ Following notification of bankruptcy of the jointaccount holders. We will have <strong>to</strong> return chequesdrawn on the account, even if the account is incredit.■ Where we know of a dispute between the accountholders. You should tell us immediately if <strong>you</strong> areunhappy about the way <strong>you</strong>r partner is using theaccount, or are worried about how it may be usedin future.■ If the relationship between the account holders hasended, e.g. divorce, all account holders mustcontact us <strong>to</strong> arrange for the joint account <strong>to</strong> beclosed and new sole accounts <strong>to</strong> be opened. We willneed <strong>you</strong> <strong>to</strong> give us joint instructions about how <strong>to</strong>handle existing Standing Orders or Direct Debitsand how the money in the account is <strong>to</strong> be splitbetween <strong>you</strong>. We will need <strong>you</strong> <strong>to</strong> confirm <strong>you</strong>rarrangements for repayment of any borrowing withus. Until <strong>you</strong> cancel the joint account instructions,all parties will continue <strong>to</strong> be liable for newpayments and any overdraft and charges thatresult. If any cheques are supported by a chequeguarantee card, we may have <strong>to</strong> pay them.22

Financial difficultiesIf <strong>you</strong> have financial problems, come and talk <strong>to</strong> us,and we will try <strong>to</strong> help <strong>you</strong> solve them. Depending on<strong>you</strong>r circumstances, we could set regular or fixedrepayments for debts, or we could reduce or suspend<strong>you</strong>r repayments for a certain period.If <strong>you</strong> have a more serious debt problem, we will workwith <strong>you</strong> and put <strong>you</strong> in <strong>to</strong>uch with organisationsthat offer independent financial advice. In certaincircumstances, we may ask <strong>you</strong> <strong>to</strong> return either <strong>you</strong>rcheque book, debit card, credit or charge cards, or insome cases all of them. We do this <strong>to</strong> help make surethat any problems do not get worse. As long as thereis money in <strong>you</strong>r account, we will usually be happy <strong>to</strong>allow <strong>you</strong> <strong>to</strong> use a debit card <strong>to</strong> withdraw the moneyfrom cash machines. The sooner <strong>you</strong> come <strong>to</strong> us, themore likely it is that we will be able <strong>to</strong> help.Please note:At <strong>NatWest</strong>, we aim <strong>to</strong> be responsible. As lenders, thismeans we will work with <strong>you</strong> <strong>to</strong> decide how much <strong>you</strong>can afford <strong>to</strong> borrow and which is the most appropriaterepayment programme. We stress the need for carefulbudgeting. We also offer payment protection plans <strong>to</strong>guard against sudden changes in <strong>you</strong>r circumstances,but we will not insist that <strong>you</strong> buy an insurance productfrom us when we agree <strong>to</strong> lend <strong>to</strong> <strong>you</strong>.We try never <strong>to</strong> offer credit <strong>to</strong> <strong>you</strong> unless we havegood reason <strong>to</strong> think <strong>you</strong> can make the necessaryrepayments. If we offer <strong>you</strong> an arranged overdraft, orarrange an increase in <strong>you</strong>r existing arranged overdraftlimit, we will only demand repayment if we have avalid reason for doing so and we give <strong>you</strong> at least30 days’ personal notice. In certain cases, our noticemake take effect immediately,for example, where wereasonably believe that <strong>you</strong> may have difficultymeeting <strong>you</strong>r <strong>commitment</strong>s.If we are not able <strong>to</strong> help <strong>you</strong>, we will explain thereasons why in writing, if <strong>you</strong> ask us <strong>to</strong>. We do no<strong>to</strong>ffer credit <strong>to</strong> people under 18. Security may berequired in support of loans and overdrafts.23

Whether <strong>you</strong> use <strong>you</strong>raccount a lot, a littleor share access witha joint account holder,it’s important <strong>to</strong> protect<strong>you</strong>r money from thef<strong>to</strong>r fraudProtecting <strong>you</strong>r accountYou can help <strong>to</strong> protect <strong>you</strong>r account by followingthese simple guidelines:Looking after <strong>you</strong>r financial detailsCriminals can use personal information about <strong>you</strong>fraudulently. You should take great care whendisposing of documents which contain <strong>you</strong>r personalor financial details. These items may include bankstatements, benefits books, utility bills, blank chequesor card receipts. We recommend that any papersshowing information about <strong>you</strong>r financial affairs areeffectively shredded.Never provide <strong>you</strong>r account or security details <strong>to</strong> anycaller <strong>you</strong> do not recognise or have not expected.Always know who <strong>you</strong> are dealing with. If <strong>you</strong> haveany doubts call them back on a phone number that<strong>you</strong> know <strong>to</strong> be genuine. We will never ask for <strong>you</strong>rcomplete security details.You must tell us immediately if <strong>you</strong> discover that<strong>you</strong>r cheque book or card has been lost or s<strong>to</strong>len,or that someone else knows <strong>you</strong>r PIN, passwordor other security information.Identity checks and unusual transactionsAt times, we may make extra identity checks whenpayments are made from <strong>you</strong>r account and we mayalso need an extra period of notice if <strong>you</strong> arewithdrawing a large amount of cash from <strong>you</strong>raccount. To make it easier <strong>to</strong> confirm <strong>you</strong>r identity inbranches, we have introduced Chip and PIN terminals.You may be asked <strong>to</strong> use <strong>you</strong>r card and PIN <strong>to</strong>authenticate some transactions.<strong>Our</strong> fraud detection systems also help us <strong>to</strong> identifyany unusual transactions on <strong>you</strong>r account. If anythinglooks out of the ordinary we may contact <strong>you</strong> by24

telephone. Please note, we will never ask <strong>you</strong> for <strong>you</strong>rtelephone or online banking security details, so pleaseact with caution when receiving a call or emailregarding <strong>you</strong>r accounts.Reporting a lost card and liability for lossWe have a 24-hour Card Loss Centre for <strong>you</strong> <strong>to</strong> reportlost or s<strong>to</strong>len cards. The number is 0870 6000 459.Minicom users please call 01423 700 545.If <strong>you</strong>r card is misused before <strong>you</strong> tell us that it hasbeen lost or s<strong>to</strong>len, <strong>you</strong> will normally have <strong>to</strong> pay up<strong>to</strong> £50 <strong>to</strong>wards any overdraft which is created orincreased on <strong>you</strong>r account. If <strong>you</strong> have acteddishonestly or carelessly, <strong>you</strong> may be responsible forall amounts spent or withdrawn.Please bear in mind that this is only a short summaryof <strong>you</strong>r liability for loss. For full details, please look a<strong>to</strong>ur leaflet Personal and Private Banking – Termsand Conditions.Cards, PINs and security information■ Ensure <strong>you</strong> take extra care <strong>to</strong> shield <strong>you</strong>r number whenentering <strong>you</strong>r PIN at cash machines and shopkeypads.■ If <strong>you</strong> have a debit card, keep it separate from <strong>you</strong>rchequebook at all times.■ If <strong>you</strong> have a debit, Credit or Charge Card, <strong>you</strong> mayalso have a Personal Identification Number (PIN),which <strong>you</strong> will need <strong>to</strong> use cash machines and <strong>to</strong>pay for goods and services.–Always learn the PIN or other security informationwe may send <strong>you</strong> and immediately destroy the slipgiving <strong>you</strong> the information.–Do not keep a note of <strong>you</strong>r PIN number whereanyone else might recognise it. If <strong>you</strong> think thatsomeone else knows <strong>you</strong>r PIN, or other securityinformation, <strong>you</strong> must tell <strong>you</strong>r branchimmediately and they will arrange for <strong>you</strong> <strong>to</strong>receive a new card and PIN.–For extra security, <strong>you</strong> can change <strong>you</strong>r PIN <strong>to</strong>a number of <strong>you</strong>r choice. You can do this at anytime using a <strong>NatWest</strong> cash machine, which willtell <strong>you</strong> how <strong>to</strong> do this. Please choose <strong>you</strong>r newPIN carefully so that other people cannot guesswhat it is.–Always keep <strong>you</strong>r card receipts safely and shredthese when they are no longer required.–Never allow anyone <strong>to</strong> use <strong>you</strong>r card, PIN or othersecurity information. If <strong>you</strong> do, we could hold <strong>you</strong>responsible for money taken from <strong>you</strong>r account.25

■ When disposing of any card, please ensure the cardis cut in half along the entire length of the magneticstrip. We recommend that the two sections are thencut in<strong>to</strong> small pieces. Please ensure that the chipwithin the card is also cut in half.■ Be careful when using cash machines. Always beaware of individuals who may try <strong>to</strong> distract <strong>you</strong>when using the machine. Ensure that no-one cansee <strong>you</strong> entering <strong>you</strong>r PIN and make sure that <strong>you</strong>put <strong>you</strong>r money away before leaving the machine.Cheques■ When writing a cheque, it is always good practice<strong>to</strong> draw a line through any unused space, as thiswill prevent unauthorised people from adding extranumbers or names.■ Cheques should bear the date on which <strong>you</strong> writethe cheque. If <strong>you</strong> post-date a cheque, there is arisk that we may pay the cheque prior <strong>to</strong> the date<strong>you</strong> have written on it. Therefore, we recommendthat <strong>you</strong> do not post-date cheques.■ If <strong>you</strong> are sending a cheque through the post <strong>to</strong> alarge organisation, for example HM Revenue &Cus<strong>to</strong>ms or paying in<strong>to</strong> a bank or building societyaccount, we recommend <strong>you</strong> write clearly the nameof the account (and/or reference number) <strong>you</strong> wantthe cheque paid in<strong>to</strong>, for example‘HM Revenue & Cus<strong>to</strong>ms account – J Jones’.Online Banking<strong>NatWest</strong>’s online banking service is a simple, safe andconvenient way <strong>to</strong> access and manage <strong>you</strong>r accountsonline. To ensure that <strong>you</strong> stay safe online werecommend these simple steps <strong>to</strong> protect <strong>you</strong> and <strong>you</strong>rcomputer.1. Never divulge <strong>you</strong>r full online cus<strong>to</strong>mer number,PIN and Password. Remember that we only askfor random characters, not the full online PINor Password.2. Never respond <strong>to</strong> any e-mail that asks forconfidential or personal security information.We will never send <strong>you</strong> such an e-mail.3. Ensure that there is up <strong>to</strong> date and functioningAnti-Virus and Firewall software on any computer<strong>you</strong> use for internet banking. To find out more aboutanti-Virus and Firewall software, or how <strong>you</strong> canprotect <strong>you</strong>rself from security and fraud threats,please visit our website at: www.natwest.com/security26

4. When shopping online, only make a payment viasecure websites.5. If at all possible, avoid disclosing sensitiveinformation when using computers in publicplaces/internet cafes. If this is not possible, takeextra precautions.6. Ensure <strong>you</strong> log off <strong>you</strong>r secure personal accountbefore leaving any public computer.Please be aware that if <strong>you</strong> pass on <strong>you</strong>r securitydetails <strong>to</strong> an account aggregation service provider, <strong>you</strong>will be in breach of <strong>you</strong>r terms and conditions andmay be liable for any unauthorised transactions tha<strong>to</strong>ccur on <strong>you</strong>r account as a result. For full details,please look at our leaflet Personal and PrivateBanking – Terms and Conditions.27

Are <strong>you</strong>r personal detailssafe with us?ConfidentialityAt <strong>NatWest</strong>, we understand how important it is for <strong>you</strong><strong>to</strong> know that we will keep <strong>you</strong>r account detailsconfidential. We will not pass on information about<strong>you</strong> <strong>to</strong> other companies or people outside The RoyalBank of Scotland Group of companies (the “Group”),of which we are a member, unless we have <strong>you</strong>rpermission <strong>to</strong> do so, or we are required or permitted<strong>to</strong> do so. For example:■ <strong>to</strong> follow legislation aimed at preventing moneylaundering;■ when we have <strong>to</strong> do so <strong>to</strong> follow an order of a cour<strong>to</strong>r other authority (such as the Serious Fraud Office);■ when we need <strong>to</strong> pass on information about <strong>you</strong> inorder <strong>to</strong> prevent fraud or get back any money <strong>you</strong>owe us. Where <strong>you</strong> owe us money, we will try <strong>to</strong>give <strong>you</strong> at least 28 days’ notice, <strong>to</strong> allow <strong>you</strong> time<strong>to</strong> put matters right;■ when we provide information <strong>to</strong> other companieswho provide a service <strong>to</strong> us or <strong>you</strong>.We may exchange information about <strong>you</strong> and <strong>you</strong>rdealings with any Group company with othercompanies in the Group. We may do this <strong>to</strong>:■ assess credit and insurance risks;■ prevent and detect fraud; and■ develop cus<strong>to</strong>mer relationships, services and systems.We will not exchange information about <strong>you</strong> with othercompanies in the Group for marketing purposeswithout <strong>you</strong>r permission.Data ProtectionUnder the Data Protection Act, <strong>you</strong> can request acopy of the information we hold about <strong>you</strong>. For detailson how <strong>to</strong> go about this, and the fee that applies,contact <strong>you</strong>r branch or refer <strong>to</strong> our leaflet Personaland Private Banking – Terms and Conditions.Credit reference agenciesWe may make searches at credit reference agenciesand will disclose information <strong>to</strong> them as set out in ourleaflet Personal and Private Banking – Terms andConditions.28

Banker’s reference, options andstatus enquiriesWhen making a long-term financial <strong>commitment</strong> suchas a Rental or Hire Purchase Agreement, the otherparty may wish <strong>to</strong> know about <strong>you</strong>r ability <strong>to</strong> makepayments. One of the ways they can do this is byasking us for a reference. We would always ask for<strong>you</strong>r written permission first, take care <strong>to</strong> answergenerally and not disclose details of <strong>you</strong>r account.We will charge <strong>you</strong> for this service. Similarly, <strong>you</strong>can request a reference on another person ororganisation from their bank, but <strong>you</strong>r request mustinclude their written permission. It’s worth notingthat this reference is no more than an opinion andis in no way a guarantee of <strong>you</strong>r/their ability <strong>to</strong>make payments.29

Cus<strong>to</strong>mer ServicesYour account has been designed with <strong>you</strong> in mind,which is why it’s important that <strong>you</strong> talk <strong>to</strong> us –about where we’re getting it right and just asimportantly, where we could do better.<strong>Our</strong> <strong>commitment</strong> <strong>to</strong> <strong>you</strong>In each and every aspect of our service we arecommitted <strong>to</strong>:■ providing financial services which meet <strong>you</strong>r needs;■ giving value for money;■ delivering the best possible service;■ resolving complaints speedily and without fuss.Cus<strong>to</strong>mer Service ReviewWe can help <strong>to</strong> make sure that <strong>you</strong>r money is workingas hard as possible, with a review that:■ is free and easy <strong>to</strong> organise at a time that suits <strong>you</strong>;■ helps <strong>you</strong> make the most of <strong>you</strong>r money;■ either covers all our products or concentrates onone, depending on <strong>you</strong>r needs.Give <strong>you</strong>r branch a call <strong>to</strong> arrange an appointment.You can find the number of <strong>you</strong>r branch on <strong>you</strong>rstatement or by visiting our website.Moving <strong>you</strong>r accountIf <strong>you</strong> wish <strong>to</strong> transfer <strong>you</strong>r current account <strong>to</strong> us wewill tell <strong>you</strong>:■ how the process for transferring <strong>you</strong>r account willwork and where responsibility will lie for each stepin the process;■ what information <strong>you</strong>r old financial institution willpass <strong>to</strong> us;■ what features <strong>you</strong> will be offered with the newaccount so that <strong>you</strong> can compare <strong>you</strong>r new accountfeatures with <strong>you</strong>r old account;■ how long the transfer is likely <strong>to</strong> take.If <strong>you</strong> choose <strong>to</strong> move <strong>you</strong>r account <strong>to</strong> another bankor building society, we will co-operate with them andgive them information about the regular paymentsfrom <strong>you</strong>r account within three business days, so thatthe transfer is made as efficiently as possible. We willclose <strong>you</strong>r account without undue delay when <strong>you</strong> askus <strong>to</strong> do so.We will provide <strong>you</strong> with what <strong>you</strong> need <strong>to</strong> operatethe account within 10 business days of approving<strong>you</strong>r application.30

Dormant AccountsIf <strong>you</strong> do not use <strong>you</strong>r account for some time,we may make <strong>you</strong>r account dormant <strong>to</strong> protectagainst fraud. Your money with us will always remain<strong>you</strong>r property, no matter how many years pass. Youcan access any money in <strong>you</strong>r account by contactingus directly or via the British Bankers’Associationdormant account schemes at www.bba.org.ukBranch ClosuresIf we plan <strong>to</strong> close, move or significantly reduce theopening hours of <strong>you</strong>r branch, we will tell <strong>you</strong> at least12 weeks beforehand. We will also tell <strong>you</strong> how we willcontinue <strong>to</strong> provide banking services <strong>to</strong> <strong>you</strong>, including<strong>you</strong>r nearest branch and free cash machine services.Account ClosuresOccasionally, we s<strong>to</strong>p providing certain types ofaccount because we have developed others thatprovide a better service. If we have <strong>to</strong> close <strong>you</strong>raccount for this reason, we will let <strong>you</strong> know at least30 days beforehand.If we have <strong>to</strong> close <strong>you</strong>r account for other operationalreasons, we will write <strong>to</strong> inform <strong>you</strong> of the appropriatedetails.Your feedback countsMany of the features we have added over recent yearsare a direct result of cus<strong>to</strong>mer feedback.If <strong>you</strong> have a suggestion <strong>to</strong> make, fill out a feedbackleaflet, available at our branches. Alternatively,provide <strong>you</strong>r feedback online at www.natwest.comvia the “feedback” links. You may also receivea questionnaire by post, asking what <strong>you</strong> think of ourservice. If so, please take a few minutes <strong>to</strong> completeand return it.31

If <strong>you</strong> need <strong>to</strong> complainWe do everything we can <strong>to</strong> make sure ourcus<strong>to</strong>mers get the best possible service. However,sometimes, we don’t get things right. When thathappens, we always encourage <strong>you</strong> <strong>to</strong> tell us about<strong>you</strong>r complaints, so that we can put matters right.We want <strong>to</strong>:■ make it easy for <strong>you</strong> <strong>to</strong> tell us about <strong>you</strong>r complaint;■ give <strong>you</strong>r complaint the attention it deserves;■ resolve <strong>you</strong>r complaint without delay;■ make sure <strong>you</strong> are satisfied with how <strong>you</strong>r complaintwas resolved.The following information explains what <strong>to</strong> do if <strong>you</strong>have any complaint about <strong>NatWest</strong>’s service. It alsotells <strong>you</strong> how quickly we will deal with <strong>you</strong>r complaintand who <strong>to</strong> contact if <strong>you</strong> are not completely satisfiedwith our response.How and where <strong>to</strong> complainIf <strong>you</strong>’re not satisfied with any aspect of our service orproducts, <strong>you</strong> can tell us about <strong>you</strong>r concerns in thefollowing ways:■ In person – visit any of our branches and speak <strong>to</strong>one of our staff.■ In writing – address <strong>you</strong>r letter <strong>to</strong> the BranchManager or <strong>you</strong>r Relationship Manager.■ By telephone – use <strong>you</strong>r usual number forcontacting the Bank. If <strong>you</strong> have access <strong>to</strong> our24-hour telephone banking service our advisers areavailable at all times.■ By e-mail – visit our website at www.natwest.comand address <strong>you</strong>r complaint <strong>to</strong> us via the “contactus” page. Alternatively, <strong>you</strong> can send an e-mail <strong>to</strong>cus<strong>to</strong>mer.relations@natwest.com. Please notethat additional personal information should notbe included in this message for security reasons.We will respond by telephone or letter for thesame reason.How long will it take?We aim <strong>to</strong> solve <strong>you</strong>r concern straight away.If we have not been able <strong>to</strong> resolve <strong>you</strong>r complaintwithin one week, we will write <strong>to</strong> tell <strong>you</strong>:■ why we have not yet resolved <strong>you</strong>r complaint;■ who is dealing with <strong>you</strong>r complaint;■ when we will contact <strong>you</strong> again.32

We will usually sort out most complaints within twoweeks. We will contact <strong>you</strong> regularly until <strong>you</strong>rcomplaint has been resolved.If <strong>you</strong>r complaint is particularly complex, it may takelonger <strong>to</strong> resolve. If, <strong>to</strong>gether, we cannot reach anagreement by the end of eight weeks, we will:■ send <strong>you</strong> a letter giving our reasons for the delayand an indication of when we expect <strong>to</strong> provide aresolution; or■ refer <strong>you</strong>r complaint <strong>to</strong> our Cus<strong>to</strong>mer Relations Unit– they will issue the Bank’s final response letter,which will explain our final position. You will alsoreceive a leaflet explaining <strong>you</strong>r referral rights <strong>to</strong>the Financial Ombudsman Service, which isdiscussed later.If <strong>you</strong> are unhappy with the way we aredealing with <strong>you</strong>r complaintWe are committed <strong>to</strong> resolving <strong>you</strong>r complaint fairlyand quickly. In most cases this can be done if <strong>you</strong>contact us as soon as possible. We will try <strong>to</strong> resolve<strong>you</strong>r complaint by listening <strong>to</strong> <strong>you</strong>r concerns andagreeing a solution with <strong>you</strong>.<strong>Our</strong> aim is <strong>to</strong> resolve <strong>you</strong>r complaint as quickly aspossible and <strong>to</strong> <strong>you</strong>r complete satisfaction. If <strong>you</strong>’renot satisfied with our action or explanation, themember of staff dealing with <strong>you</strong>r complaint will behappy <strong>to</strong> discuss <strong>you</strong>r concerns further.However, if <strong>you</strong> remain unhappy, <strong>you</strong> can ask for<strong>you</strong>r complaint <strong>to</strong> be reviewed at a higher level withinthe Bank. <strong>Our</strong> Cus<strong>to</strong>mer Relations Unit will review<strong>you</strong>r complaint and will aim <strong>to</strong> give <strong>you</strong> a full responsewithin two weeks. If their investigation is likely <strong>to</strong>take longer, they will keep <strong>you</strong> fully informed oftheir progress.You can write <strong>to</strong> the Cus<strong>to</strong>mer Relations Manager atthe address shown below. Please quote <strong>you</strong>r accountnumber, branch sort code, details of <strong>you</strong>r complaintand what <strong>you</strong> would like us <strong>to</strong> do <strong>to</strong> resolve matters.Cus<strong>to</strong>mer Relations Manager<strong>NatWest</strong>FREEPOST NAT 12685London WD6 1BROr telephone 0800 015 4212 (If <strong>you</strong> have speech orhearing difficulties and are a Minicom user, <strong>you</strong> cancall us on 0800 917 0527). If <strong>you</strong> are calling fromoverseas, please dial +44 (20) 7649 9315.33

The Financial Ombudsman Service<strong>Our</strong> aim is <strong>to</strong> resolve all complaints internally.However if <strong>you</strong> are not satisfied with our suggestedresolution, or if eight weeks have passed since <strong>you</strong> firstbrought <strong>you</strong>r complaint <strong>to</strong> our attention, <strong>you</strong> can refer<strong>you</strong>r complaint <strong>to</strong> the Financial Ombudsman Service.If <strong>you</strong> want the Financial Ombudsman Service <strong>to</strong> lookin<strong>to</strong> <strong>you</strong>r complaint, <strong>you</strong> must contact them within sixmonths of the date of any final response issued by us.You can write <strong>to</strong> them at:The Financial Ombudsman ServiceSouth Quay Plaza183 Marsh WallLondonE14 9SRAlternatively, <strong>you</strong> can phone 0845 0801800.Further helpful information can be obtained fromvisiting the Financial Ombudsman website onwww.financial-ombudsman.org.ukThe Financial Ombudsman Service offers a freeindependent service and they can help with mostfinancial complaints. However, there are somelimitations on what the Financial Ombudsman Servicecan look in<strong>to</strong>, and further information about this canbe obtained from them directly.34

Additional extrasWe can also offer <strong>you</strong> a number of other usefulservices, as and when <strong>you</strong> need them – frompersonal loans and mortgages, <strong>to</strong> long-terminvestments.Savings and investmentsLooking for a good return on <strong>you</strong>r money? We havea range of savings accounts and investment services –from Individual Savings Accounts (ISAs), <strong>to</strong> instantaccess and notice accounts, and a selection of bonds.Credit cardsA credit card is one of the most convenient ways <strong>to</strong>pay for <strong>you</strong>r shopping, either on the Internet or on thehigh street. Choose between a MasterCard or Visaand make <strong>you</strong>r repayments in a number of convenientways, including in-branch or by our telephone andonline banking services.LoansIf <strong>you</strong> need <strong>to</strong> borrow a large amount of money –whether it’s for a new car, luxury holiday or help withreorganising <strong>you</strong>r finances – our personal loans canprovide <strong>you</strong> with the financial flexibility <strong>to</strong> let <strong>you</strong>spend <strong>you</strong>r money on whatever <strong>you</strong> want.We also offer loan protection which would protect <strong>you</strong>rrepayments in the event of unforeseen circumstancessuch as accident, sickness or involuntaryunemployment. Please speak <strong>to</strong> a Cus<strong>to</strong>mer Adviser<strong>to</strong> find out more and <strong>to</strong> check <strong>you</strong>r eligibility.MortgagesWhether <strong>you</strong>’re looking <strong>to</strong> buy for the first time, movefrom one property <strong>to</strong> another, re-mortgage or simplywant <strong>to</strong> switch mortgage provider, we have a selectionof mortgages <strong>to</strong> choose from.YOUR HOME MAY BE REPOSSESSED IF YOU DO NOT KEEPUP YOUR REPAYMENTS ON YOUR MORTGAGE.OffsetWith our Offset Flexible Mortgage and <strong>you</strong>r eligible<strong>NatWest</strong> current account and savings account working<strong>to</strong>gether, <strong>you</strong> could save money over the life of <strong>you</strong>rmortgage.35

InsuranceWhen it comes <strong>to</strong> protecting the things <strong>you</strong> careabout, <strong>NatWest</strong> has it covered. We offer:■ home insurance, including building and contents;■ car insurance;■ travel insurance, including 24-hour MedicalEmergency Service;■ student possession insurance.Travel moneyPlanning a trip away? You can order foreign currencyor travellers cheques by visiting a branch, orderingonline at www.natwest.com/travel or by calling0845 300 1279. If <strong>you</strong> order online <strong>you</strong> can choosewhether <strong>to</strong> collect <strong>you</strong>r order at a branch or have itdelivered <strong>to</strong> <strong>you</strong>r home.We offer a comprehensive range of options – just askin branch. If <strong>you</strong> are a Advantage Blue, AdvantageGold or Advantage Private cus<strong>to</strong>mer then <strong>you</strong> benefitfrom preferential exchange rates when ordering throughmembership services, check the ‘Useful Numbers’ pageat the back of this leaflet. To protect against fraud,there is a £2,500 limit in any 90 day period when <strong>you</strong>order travel money online or over the phone. There isno such limit if <strong>you</strong> place <strong>you</strong>r order in-branch.36

GlossaryBelow, we explain some of the most commonterms, in plain English.Account aggregationAn online service that allows consumers <strong>to</strong> consolidate and viewon one webpage financial information from multiple products,across multiple financial institutions.Annual Equivalent Rate (AER)This is a notional rate used for interest bearing accounts whichillustrates the gross credit interest rate (excluding any bonusinterest payable) as if paid and compounded on an annualbasis. It helps <strong>you</strong> <strong>to</strong> compare the effective rates of creditinterest on different accounts.Annual Percentage Rate (APR)To help <strong>you</strong> make a meaningful comparison between thedifferent interest rates on loans and other credit facilities,all lenders are obliged by law <strong>to</strong> use a standard method ofcalculating and displaying “APR”. An APR is an interest ratethat takes account of the full amount of interest on any moneyborrowed, the timing of repayments and any other chargeswhich may be payable.Arrangement feeA fee which we charge over and above interest when we set upan arranged overdraft facility for <strong>you</strong>.Base RateA rate of interest set by the Bank, which moves from time <strong>to</strong>time as the general level of interest rates move.CHAPSSame day electronic transfer of funds between bank accountsin the UK.ClearingWhere <strong>you</strong>r account is credited with a payment by cheque orelectronic transfer, clearing is the process by which the bank,building society or other organisation which has been instructed<strong>to</strong> pay the cheque or make the electronic transfer confirms thatthe payment will be made. For more information about thenormal timescales for clearing cheques and electronic transfers,see the section headed “Paying money in”.Credit CardA credit card – such as a MasterCard or Visa – allows <strong>you</strong> <strong>to</strong>buy now and pay later. When <strong>you</strong> receive monthly statements<strong>you</strong> can pay the monthly balance in full or part. You will normallybe charged interest on what <strong>you</strong> owe – if <strong>you</strong> decide <strong>to</strong> repaythe amount <strong>you</strong> owe in full by the payment due date shown on<strong>you</strong>r statement, <strong>you</strong> may not have <strong>to</strong> pay any interest.Credit referenceWhen <strong>you</strong> apply for a new bank account or loan, we may refer<strong>to</strong> a credit reference agency – a company licensed by the Officeof Fair Trading which holds information about an individual’sfinancial background – <strong>to</strong> help us reach a lending decision.We will tell <strong>you</strong> in advance if we have <strong>to</strong> do this.37

Credit ScoringA system used by banks <strong>to</strong> help make lending decisions basedon statistical analysis.DrawerThe person who signs and issues a cheque.Effective Annual Rate of Interest (EAR)The real annual cost of an overdraft, stated as an annual rate,which takes in<strong>to</strong> account how often interest is charged <strong>to</strong> theaccount. All other charges, such as arrangement fees, mustbe shown separately from the EAR. For example, if interest ischarged at a rate of 1.50% per month, this is equivalent <strong>to</strong> anEAR of 19.56%.Loan agreementA document detailing the Terms and Conditions of a loan, issuedeach time we agree <strong>to</strong> provide a loan. It includes, among otherthings, the interest rate <strong>to</strong> be charged, the fees payable, thesecurity required and the repayment arrangements.MaestroAn international payment system which gives debit card holdersaccess <strong>to</strong> goods and services at the point of sale where theMaestro symbol is displayed and access <strong>to</strong> cash at cashmachines displaying the Maestro logo.PINYour Personal Identification Number (PIN) is unique <strong>to</strong> <strong>you</strong> and isneeded <strong>to</strong> use cash machines or verify purchases at retailers.SoloA payment system which gives debit card holders access <strong>to</strong>goods and services at the point of sale in the UK where the Solologo is displayed.Visa DebitAn international payment system which gives debit card holdersaccess <strong>to</strong> goods and services at the point of sale where the Visalogo, access <strong>to</strong> cash at cash machines displaying the Visa logoand cash over the counter at banks at home and abroad whichdisplay the Visa logo.38

Useful numbersCus<strong>to</strong>mer Service Review: 0800 200 400Savings: 0800 255 200Loans: 0800 200 400Minicom: 0800 404 6161Home insurance: 0800 051 5450Car insurance: 0800 051 5405Travel insurance: 0800 051 5401Minicom: 0800 051 3030Telephone banking Cus<strong>to</strong>mer Advisers:08457 888 444To join telephone banking: 0800 88 11 77Lost/S<strong>to</strong>len Bank Cards: 0870 600 0459(When phoning from abroad, call +44 1423 700545)Minicom: 0800 404 6161Credit Cards: 0800 096 0220Minicom: 0800 028 5304Mortgages: 0800 068 8971Offset: 0800 068 8965Minicom: 0800 917 0789Advantage Blue Membership Services: 0845 301 1317Minicom: 0870 600 0856Advantage Gold Membership Services: 0845 300 3695Minicom: 0870 523 9670Advantage Private Membership Services:0845 877 7111Minicom: 0870 154 1196Useful web addresseswww.natwest.com/onlinebanking – find out more,register or log-on <strong>to</strong> our online banking services.If <strong>you</strong> need any help with online banking, answers <strong>to</strong><strong>you</strong>r questions can be found through our ‘Got aquestion?’ service, which can be found on the URLabove or within online Banking.www.natwest.com/security – online security tipsfrom our websitewww.banksafeonline.org.uk – website set up by theUK banking industry <strong>to</strong> help online banking users staysafe online.www.natwest.com/personal – find out where <strong>you</strong>rnearest branch is.39

This leaflet is also available in Braille, large print and on audio tape. Please askat any <strong>NatWest</strong> branch for a copy of our leaflet Disability Discrimination Act –How we make our services accessible <strong>to</strong> everyone.If <strong>you</strong> are unhappy with <strong>you</strong>r choice of account, <strong>you</strong> have 14 days <strong>to</strong>cancel it. That 14 day period runs from the later of the date on which <strong>you</strong>raccount is opened and the date on which <strong>you</strong> first received copies of eachof the following:■■■Personal and Private Banking – Terms and Conditions;Personal and Private Banking – A Guide <strong>to</strong> Fees and Interest; andany other documents containing contractual terms relating <strong>to</strong> <strong>you</strong>raccount (which, in the case of a savings account, will include SavingsInterest Rates).If <strong>you</strong> wish <strong>to</strong> cancel a branch-based account, <strong>you</strong> must confirm <strong>you</strong>r decisionin writing addressed <strong>to</strong> <strong>you</strong>r branch. If <strong>you</strong> wish <strong>to</strong> cancel an account which isnot branch-based, <strong>you</strong> should write instead <strong>to</strong> the address given in the AccountSpecific Conditions which apply <strong>to</strong> <strong>you</strong>r account (<strong>you</strong> will find these in Personaland Private Banking – Terms and Conditions).If <strong>you</strong> cancel <strong>you</strong>r account, we will give <strong>you</strong> all <strong>you</strong>r money back withany interest it has earned and we will ignore any notice period and anyextra charges.The 14 day cancellation period does not apply if <strong>you</strong> have an account, suchas a bond, whose price depends on fluctuations in the financial market outsideour control.Contact usIf <strong>you</strong> want any help, information or advice on any of our services, or if <strong>you</strong> havea complaint <strong>to</strong> make, just ask at any <strong>NatWest</strong> branch, or call us on 0800 015 4212(Minicom users call 0800 917 0527).Calls may be recorded. <strong>Our</strong> lines are open Monday <strong>to</strong> Friday, 9am <strong>to</strong> 5.30pmand Saturday 9am <strong>to</strong> 3pm, excluding Bank Holidays.Registered Office: 135 Bishopsgate, London EC2M 3UR.Registered Number: 929027, EnglandNWB 3828 5 September 2009

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