2013 - ICC India

2013 - ICC India

2013 - ICC India

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<strong>ICC</strong> BANKING COMMISSIONTHE WORLD’S ESSENTIAL RULE-MAKINGBODY FOR THE BANKING INDUSTRYWITH 80 YEARS OF EXPERIENCE AND MORE THAN 600MEMBERS IN MORE THAN 100 COUNTRIES, THE <strong>ICC</strong> BANKINGCOMMISSION — THE LARGEST COMMISSION OF <strong>ICC</strong>, THEWORLD BUSINESS ORGANISATION — HAS RIGHTLY GAINEDA REPUTATION AS THE MOST AUTHORITATIVE VOICE IN THEFIELD OF TRADE FINANCE.RULES<strong>ICC</strong> Banking Commission produces universallyaccepted rules and guidelines for internationalbanking practice. <strong>ICC</strong> rules on documentary credits,UCP 600, are the most successful privately draftedrules for trade ever developed, serving as thebasis of USD2 trillion trade transactions a year.POLICY-MAKING<strong>ICC</strong> Banking Commission is helping policy makers andstandard setters to translate their vision into concreteprogrammes and regulations to enhance businesspractices throughout the world.PUBLICATIONS ANDMARKET INTELLIGENCEUsed by banking professionals and trade financeexperts worldwide, <strong>ICC</strong> Banking Commissionpublications and market intelligence is the industry’smost reputable and reliable source of guidance tobankers and practitioners in a broad range of fields.DISPUTE RESOLUTIONThe <strong>ICC</strong> Banking Commission and <strong>ICC</strong> InternationalCentre for Expertise administer the <strong>ICC</strong> Rules forDocumentary Instruments Dispute Resolution Expertise(DOCDEX) to facilitate the rapid settlement of disputesarising in banking.EDUCATION AND CERTIFICATIONMore than 10,000 people in over 100 countries havetrained and certified in international trade finance usingour suite of <strong>ICC</strong> approved online training services andcertification facilities.SPECIALIZED TRAININGSAND EVENTSIn addition to its bi-annual summit gathering more than300 international delegates every six months, the <strong>ICC</strong>Banking Commission organizes regular seminars andconferences around the world, in partnerships with <strong>ICC</strong>National Committees and other sponsors.STRATEGIC PARTNERSHIPSWell-established collaboration with leading policymakers and trade association, including WTO (WorldTrade Organization), ADB (Asian DevelopmentBank), Berne Union, EBRD (European Bank forReconstruction and Development), IDB (Inter-American Development Bank), IFC (InternationalFinance Corporation), IMF (International MonetaryFund), SWIFT, the World Bank and others.38 COURS ALBERT 1ER, 75008 PARIS, FRANCE+33 (0)1 49 53 28 28 WWW.<strong>ICC</strong>WBO.ORG

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