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BENEDICTA APPIAH.pdf - Ashesi Institutional Repository - Ashesi ...

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4.9 Respondents’ knowledge of training objectivesAll the 22 respondents indicated that the objective of the training programsby the bank was to help improve employee performance and also to help theemployees acquire more skills. However out of the 22, six also added thattraining was to facilitate promotion, learn about advancements in theindustry and also an opportunity for employees to brainstorm in order todevelop strategies for the bank.4.10 Type of Training Received22 of the respondents indicated that all training takes place internally. Newemployees do receive orientation training, all employees undergo periodic joband career development training.4.11 Respondents opinion on planned and systematicnature of training at HFC Bank (Ghana) LimitedTable 2: Respondents opinion on planned an systematic nature of training at HFCBank (Ghana) LimitedRESPONSE FREQUENCY PERCENTAGEYes 20 90.90No 0 0Not sure 2 9.1TOTAL 22 100%Source: Field data March 2010It can be observed from the table that, 20 respondents representing 90.90%affirmed training at HFC Bank is planned and systematic, 2 of the respondentrepresenting 9.1% indicated they were not sure whiles none of the29

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