Biblical Separation Defended - Far Eastern Bible College

Biblical Separation Defended - Far Eastern Bible College

Biblical Separation Defended - Far Eastern Bible College

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objective. A wolf does not show himself to be a good fellow by feedinga lamb out of whom he later intends to make a meal.Matthew 7:22,23 confirms the fact that one can verbalize sweet andgreat things about God and yet be in the category of “opposers” toChrist. Matthew 7:22,23 says:Many will say to me in that day, Lord, Lord, have we notprophesied in thy name? and in thy name have cast out devils?and in thy name done many wonderful works: And I will professunto them, I never knew you: depart from me, ye that workiniquity.ConclusionsThus it is seen with regard to the statement of Dr. Ferm, “If [i.e.,since] Jesus accepted the cooperation of any who did not opposehim, . . .” when “oppose” is properly defined in the biblical frameworkso as to include indifference and unbelief as forms of opposition, thenhis statement cannot stand. 13 Since his book is defending BillyGraham’s cooperation with the liberals, who are unbelievers andheretics, and since he must therefore place the unbelieving liberals in thecategory of those who do not oppose Christ, then it must be concludedthat his concept of the word “oppose” is unbiblical, and his propositionis false. This is true because he, Dr. Ferm, has not proved, nor could heprove, that Jesus ever cooperated with unsound religious leaders; for“cooperation” used in this sense implies a measure of endorsementwhich Christ never gave to unbelievers (Matt. 7:21-23). His quoting theincident of the exorcisor of demons being forbidden by the twelve doesnot prove his case, because there a man is doing a good work in theproper manner without discrediting Christ’s name, while in the case ofthe liberals who have cooperated with Dr. Graham there is clearevidence of their sin of unbelief which brings reproach to Christ’s name.It cannot be argued from Christ’s defense of one who might have been abeliever, who at any rate has not a sin of any weight save possiblyrashness of which he can be proved guilty, that Christ would also havedefended those who are guilty of the sin of unbelief. This is especiallytrue in view of Christ’s continual outspoken consternation at this26

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