(1): numéro de l'atelier / session number Abel, Tim - Canadian ...

(1): numéro de l'atelier / session number Abel, Tim - Canadian ...

(1): numéro de l'atelier / session number Abel, Tim - Canadian ...

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Duchaine, Désirée-Emmanuelle (Ruralys) Wolfe’s Cove Hill: un point stratégique pourl’armée britannique lors <strong>de</strong>s batailles <strong>de</strong> 1759 et 1760 (12) Au cours <strong>de</strong> l’été et <strong>de</strong>l’automne 2011, <strong>de</strong>s fouilles archéologiques ont été réalisées sur les sites du musée duQuébec (CeEt-542) et du couvent Saint-Dominique (CeEt-893) dans le cadre du projetd’agrandissement du Musée national <strong>de</strong>s beaux-arts du Québec. Les interventionsarchéologiques sur le site du musée du Québec ont permis <strong>de</strong> mettre au jour <strong>de</strong>s témoinsimportants <strong>de</strong> l’histoire <strong>de</strong> la ville <strong>de</strong> Québec. Une sépulture d’un militaire ainsi que <strong>de</strong>svestiges en bois respectivement associés aux batailles <strong>de</strong>s Plaines (1759) et <strong>de</strong> Sainte-Foy(1760) jettent un nouveau regard sur ces événements décisifs dans l’histoire <strong>de</strong> Québec.Les fouilles archéologiques sur le site du couvent Saint-Dominique ont conduit à ladécouverte <strong>de</strong>s fondations <strong>de</strong> la villa Battlefield Cottage construite en 1829. Un autretémoin significatif <strong>de</strong> la vie bourgeoise <strong>de</strong> la ville <strong>de</strong> Québec.Duggan, Rebecca (Parks Canada) The Louisbourg coastal conservation plan (16) Acoastal conservation plan is currently in <strong>de</strong>velopment for the management of erodingheritage at the Fortress of Louisbourg. A peer-reviewed draft conservation plan has beenproduced, drawing together information about coastal geomorphology, coastallypositionedheritage sites, erosion rates, and anticipated coastal change at Louisbourgbased on the IPCC’s fourth assessment report predictions for sea level rise over the nextcentury. The conservation plan divi<strong>de</strong>s the Louisbourg coastline into management unitsaccording to natural coastal cell divisions. Within each cell, the future outlook for heritagesite protection is to be assessed through a coastal ‘triage’ process. This is proving to be acomplex task with numerous variables to consi<strong>de</strong>r such as heritage value, protection vs.rescue options, financial viability, research potential, and public engagement options. Thispaper will discuss current efforts to work through the triage process, to best meet resourcemanagement needs now & in the years to come.Duguay, Françoise (Célat, Université Laval) Clay Pipes in New France, 1625-1760:Can Archaeometry be Helpful in I<strong>de</strong>ntifying Imitations (21) A small <strong>number</strong> of clay pipebowls from collections housed in the Netherlands and the United Kingdom weresubmitted to neutron activation, to be used as reference samples. Pipe fragments from anarchaeological site in Trois-Rivières (Canada), presenting unusual features (i<strong>de</strong>ntifiedthrough macroscopic and microscopic observations), were also submitted to the sameprocedure. Comparisons of results tend to support the impression gained from qualitativecharacterisation, that pipes used in New France were mainly imports from theNetherlands. However, minute chemical component differences with both the Netherlandsand UK pipes, combined with visual characterisation, lead to another conclusion: somepipes might be imitations of Dutch products. Where were they ma<strong>de</strong>? We propose thatimitations used in New France originated from continental Europe, perhaps France, sincethe observed chemical components offer greater similarity with the Netherlands’ samplethan the UK one. Warning: given the small <strong>number</strong> of artefacts and samples, thearchaeometric findings shouldn’t be regar<strong>de</strong>d as <strong>de</strong>finitive.Duguay, Françoise (CÉLAT, Université Laval) Tadoussac et Trois-Rivières : <strong>de</strong>uxhauts lieux <strong>de</strong> la traite <strong>de</strong>s fourrures (fin XVIe – tournant XVIIIe siècle) (29)L’observation d’une ressemblance <strong>de</strong>s lieux physiques, entre Tadoussac et Trois Rivières,a initié une réflexion par rapport à leur statut prépondérant dans la traite <strong>de</strong>s fourrures. La

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