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<strong>Online</strong> <strong>Ethics</strong> <strong>Center</strong>: Guidelines <strong>for</strong> Engineers Dissenting on Ethical GroundsIf, after the failure <strong>of</strong> internal conflict resolution measures, you decide totake the matter outside the organization, whether or not you decide toresign, care must be taken in choosing where to go. In many cases, anobvious place is a cognizant regulatory or law en<strong>for</strong>cement agency. Otherpossibilities include Members <strong>of</strong> Congress (from one's own district orstate, or the head <strong>of</strong> a relevant committee), state or local government<strong>of</strong>ficials or legislators, or public interest organizations. Of course somecombination <strong>of</strong> these might be chosen. Although it is usually not a goodidea to take one's case directly to the news media, they generally becomeinvolved eventually, usually in reporting actions taken by whatever entitythe engineer has contacted. One must take special pains to be accurateand clear when dealing with journalists so as to minimize sensationalismand distortion. When given a choice among media organizations, choosethose with reputations <strong>for</strong> fairness and accuracy.Guidance and support from one's pr<strong>of</strong>essional society is potentially apowerful aid to engineers in the kinds <strong>of</strong> situations considered here.Ef<strong>for</strong>ts are under way within the IEEE to improve the machinery <strong>for</strong>providing such support. Regardless <strong>of</strong> whether one obtains pr<strong>of</strong>essionalsociety support, it would be useful to engage an attorney to advise on themany legal aspects <strong>of</strong> the situation. But in considering their advice, onemust take into account the tendency <strong>of</strong> attorneys to discourage any actsaccompanied by legal risks.Back to topConclusionsFollowing the above guidelines will <strong>of</strong>ten lead to a satisfactory resolution<strong>of</strong> the problem at issue. However the situations treated here are inherentlydifficult. No tactics or strategies can guarantee a happy outcome. It takescourage and dedication to risk one's job, or even career, on ethicalgrounds. Many who have done so have suffered severe consequences, atleast in the short run. It is not uncommon <strong>for</strong> the engineer's position toprevail, while the engineer is fired. Sometimes, the immediate battle islost, but the result <strong>of</strong> the battle is that fewer such bad decisions are madein the future. Finally, one should also consider the personal consequences<strong>of</strong> yielding on a matter <strong>of</strong> principle when the result may be severe harmto others. This can cause a lifelong loss <strong>of</strong> self esteem.<strong>Online</strong> <strong>Ethics</strong> <strong>Center</strong> Help-LineReturn to the Index <strong>of</strong> Codes <strong>of</strong> <strong>Ethics</strong>Return to top.Help us evaluate and improve our site by taking this online survey.Copyright 1995-2004 <strong>Online</strong> <strong>Ethics</strong> <strong>Center</strong> <strong>for</strong> <strong>Engineering</strong> and <strong>Science</strong>,Terms <strong>of</strong> Servicehttp://onlineethics.org/codes/guidelines.html (5 <strong>of</strong> 5)10/25/2005 9:15:59 AM

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