Obesity/Weight Management Employer Survey and Interview Project

Obesity/Weight Management Employer Survey and Interview Project

Obesity/Weight Management Employer Survey and Interview Project

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employee education delivered via posters, paycheckstuffers, email <strong>and</strong> written communications as well asthrough staff meetings. A major focus is developed foreach month, beginning with a walking challenge <strong>and</strong>provision of pedometers to each employee. Employeeparticipation is being tracked <strong>and</strong> employees arebeing asked to submit weekly information about theirparticipation in that period. The program is not nowtied to any premium or other monetary incentives.The program is being introduced from corporateheadquarters with site specific roll outs over time thatinclude a site champion. We have had a smoke-freeenvironment — including company vehicles — <strong>and</strong> atobacco cessation benefit in effect already.We have also had an increase in attention to food atmeetings, with a change from pastry items to fruit orother healthy choices. There is not a corporate policy.There are no onsite cafeterias. This change in meetingpractice behavior does reinforce <strong>and</strong> align with thewellness program. <strong>Management</strong> is supportive.Wellness <strong>and</strong> the introduction of a wellness programhave been a topic within HR for over 4 years. Costof health care is the driving issue that led to thedevelopment of a small budget for 2011 to introducea modest wellness program. This approach does nottarget only obesity but is set up to address a spectrumof wellness components. The tag line for the program is:Healthy choices, healthy livesBeginning in January 2011, the program was announced<strong>and</strong> all employees received introductory educationalmaterials with notification that new information wouldbe provided monthly with a topic for the month.This was done to generate interest <strong>and</strong> begin toestablish program recognition. A letter from seniormanagement introduced the program, which affirmsthe level of support this program receives. Initialmetrics for success are based on interest generated<strong>and</strong> participation in education programs or events.Current resources, in addition to the modest budget,are two corporate human resource staff who workon this program in addition to their other tasks <strong>and</strong>responsibilities. The program is designed to be rolledout over a period of time with education <strong>and</strong> grassroots efforts. Monthly campaigns are communicatedthat target a topic such as healthy heart in February— Heart Month. Employees were provided with apedometer in May as part of a walking promotionprogram. Employees who go to their physician fora physical exam (no results directed by focus are ongoing to the doctor for this basis assessment) areeligible for a drawing done monthly. Incentive rewardsare typically $50 or $100 gift cards for gasoline. Theintent is to build the program over several years <strong>and</strong> tomeasure results as part of the process for expansion.30. Many employers find it difficult to initiate aconversation with their employees around healthyweight <strong>and</strong> obesity prevention <strong>and</strong> control. Fromyour own experience, walk us through the processof what you consider(ed) when deciding how <strong>and</strong>what to discuss with your employees?The approach used with our program was to addresswellness as an overall approach so that we wouldaddress a spectrum of health-related issues fromprimary prevention through healthy lifestyle behaviorsto identification of <strong>and</strong> care management for those whomay already have chronic conditions. We have providedpedometers to employees with the introduction of aWalking Challenge program, for example. We havenot directly addressed obesity or overweight but thebenefits of physical activity such as walking. We seethis wellness program as a long term effort that willfocus on different health issues <strong>and</strong> activities overtime. With our commitment to safety, we see the linksthat will be further developed as the program evolves.We want to use examples of safe work practices, suchas appropriate use of step ladders, <strong>and</strong> carry thatsafe practice outside the worksite to prevent falls <strong>and</strong>injuries.31. Switching gears to think about other employers,from the survey, we learned that most employerspolled feel obesity is an important health issue,but less than half reported that they currentlyhave a program in place to address the issue. Canyou discuss, from your perspective why you feelthere is a disconnect between the perceived need<strong>and</strong> lack of action(s) taken?<strong>Obesity</strong> <strong>and</strong> weight management, while important foroverall health — <strong>and</strong> the impacts to employers for bothdirect <strong>and</strong> indirect cost impacts — do not show up incompany health cost data. The impacts <strong>and</strong> conditionsthat may relate to obesity — diabetes, cardiovascularconditions, <strong>and</strong> even depression — are the conditionsthat are in cost data, for example. Underst<strong>and</strong>ing the linkmight help to overcome the disconnect. Also, increasedinformation from credible sources <strong>and</strong> studies abouthow wellness links to safety would be valuable. Forexample, is there information that shows the evidencebetween health status <strong>and</strong> worksite injuries?Past experience with no results may also be a problem.For example, a couple of years ago, employees had<strong>Obesity</strong>/<strong>Weight</strong> <strong>Management</strong> <strong>Employer</strong> <strong>Survey</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>Interview</strong> <strong>Project</strong> 71

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