Obesity/Weight Management Employer Survey and Interview Project

Obesity/Weight Management Employer Survey and Interview Project

Obesity/Weight Management Employer Survey and Interview Project

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E Sample policies <strong>and</strong> other tools especially asadaptable for smaller worksite locations,E Examples <strong>and</strong> approaches for program refreshment<strong>and</strong> sustainability,E Outcomes measurement examples <strong>and</strong> information,<strong>and</strong>E Peer group access with networking opportunities52. What do you think are the main benefits oradvantages for your organization of having yourworkplace obesity program?The wellness program includes weight management<strong>and</strong> obesity so does not single out any one health issue.Programs demonstrate the fact that the company caresabout employee health <strong>and</strong>, with appropriate metrics,can demonstrate cost effectiveness.53. Think for a moment about the main sourcesof obesity related information you chose inthe survey. Why did you seek out this sourceof information (e.g., referred to it by another,credible source, existing relationship)?Information sources are from the wellness vendor,networking, <strong>and</strong> organizations such as WELCOA orWELCOM.54. The survey indicated that very few employerspolled are actively working with communitybasedorganizations around obesity <strong>and</strong> healthissues. Has your organization formed partnershipsaround employee health generally <strong>and</strong>/or obesityspecifically (YES/NO)? Thinking about thesepartnerships…The company has no relationships with communityorganizations. The wellness program does providepoints for employees who submit a request usinga wellness program request form, who participatein community events such as the Breast CancerAwareness Walkathon, Heart Health Walk, or otherhealth improvement related programs. The companyhas no systematic way to identify <strong>and</strong> adviseemployees about these events.<strong>Employer</strong> <strong>Interview</strong> F55. Could you begin by telling us a little more aboutyourself?<strong>Interview</strong>ee, Compensation <strong>and</strong> Benefits Administrator,has a Master’s in health promotion <strong>and</strong> moved to thisposition after having been responsible for the wellnessprogram at a larger employer. <strong>Interview</strong>ee’s training<strong>and</strong> former position bring a wealth of expertise tothe company since interviewee underst<strong>and</strong>s <strong>and</strong> hascontacts with community-based health resources<strong>and</strong> experience working with wellness programs thatprobably far exceeds that of the average benefits staffperson.Company is a provider of fuel transportation with about200 employees with locations from Michigan to theGulf coast. Headquarters are in the Midwest.56. Did you consult with others to complete theonline survey? No57. Tell me about your obesity prevention program.What kinds of activities (education programs,policies, workplace supports such as stairwellimprovements, onsite fitness facilities ormenu labeling in the cafeteria, benefit design,incentives) does your organization offer toemployees? How often?The wellness program is supported from the executiveoffice with both funding <strong>and</strong> buy in. The companyhas an approach that is family-oriented with acommitment to help take care of its employees. Thisphilosophy allowed the development of the wellnessprogram. A Wellness Committee was established witha designated employee from each location. No safetypersonnel are directly involved in the wellness programpresently. The program includes obesity <strong>and</strong> weightmanagement. The program is built on the mindbody-spiritconcept so no one issue such as obesityis singled out. The program exemplifies the fact thatcompartmentalization is not realistic since one area ofhealth prevention <strong>and</strong> wellness often leads to another.For example, tobacco cessation may have an impact onweight management or depression may be part of theissues that need to be addressed for obesity.The company has tobacco-free work place policiesthat reinforce the wellness program. This programfor tobacco-free extends not only to worksites, but tocompany vehicles.76National Business Coalition on Health

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