Gazzetta tal-Gvern ta' Malta - Doi-archived.gov.mt

Gazzetta tal-Gvern ta' Malta - Doi-archived.gov.mt

Gazzetta tal-Gvern ta' Malta - Doi-archived.gov.mt


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Is-17 ta’ April, 2012 VERŻJONI ONLINE6575Applikazzjonijiet jistgħu jintbagħtu bil-posta jew postaelettronika (kirkop.lc@<strong>gov</strong>.<strong>mt</strong>) sa nofsinhar <strong>tal</strong>-Erbgħa, it-2 ta’ Mejju, 2012. Applikazzjonijiet li jaslu tard ma jkunuxaċċettati.Is-17 ta’ April, 2012Applications may be sent by post or by email: (kirkop.lc@<strong>gov</strong>.<strong>mt</strong>) by noon on Wednesday, 2nd May, 2012. Lateapplications will not be considered.17th April, 2012MINISTERU TAL-FINANZI,L-EKONOMIJA U INVESTIMENTRiżultat <strong>tal</strong>-Intervista għall-Ingaġġ fuq Kuntrattfil-Post ta’ Economics Officer fil-Ministeru<strong>tal</strong>-Finanzi, L-Ekonomija u InvestimentIs-Segretarju Permanenti, Ministeru <strong>tal</strong>-Finanzi, l-Ekonomija u Investiment jgħarraf illi wieħed jista’ jara r-riżultat <strong>tal</strong>-intervista għall-post imsemmi hawn fuq fin-noticeboard prinċipali <strong>tal</strong>-Ministeru <strong>tal</strong>-Finanzi, l-Ekonomija uInvestiment f’30 Triq Nofsinhar, Il-Belt Valletta u fuq innotice-board<strong>tal</strong>-Uffiċċju <strong>tal</strong>-Kummissjoni dwar is-ServizzPubbliku, Il-Palazz, Il-Belt Valletta.Is-17 ta’ April, 2012MINISTERU GĦAR-RIŻORSIU L-AFFARIJIET RURALIRiżultat ta’ Intervisti għall-Post ta’ SeniorOperative (Bennej ta’ Ħitan tas-Sejjieħ) Grupp IV,fil-Ministeru għar-Riżorsi u l-Affarijiet RuraliIs-Segretarju Permanenti, Ministeru għar-Riżorsi u l-Affarijiet Rurali, jgħarraf illi r-riżultat <strong>tal</strong>-intervisti għallpostimsemmi hawn fuq ġie ppubblikat u wieħed jista’ jarahfuq in-notice-board prinċipali fid-Direttorat <strong>tal</strong>-PeopleManagement and Support Services, Ministeru għar-Riżorsiu l-Affarijiet Rurali, Blokk ‘A’, Triq Francesco Buonamici,Floriana, u fuq in-notice-board <strong>tal</strong>-Uffiċju <strong>tal</strong>-Kummissjonidwar is-Servizz Pubbliku, Il-Palazz, Il-Belt Valletta.Is-17 ta’ April, 2012DIPARTIMENT TAL-QRATITAL-ĠUSTIZZJA, MALTARiżultat għall-Post ta’ Marixxall Anzjanfid-Dipartiment <strong>tal</strong>-Qrati <strong>tal</strong>-Ġustizzja (<strong>Malta</strong>)Id-Direttur Ġenerali (Qrati <strong>tal</strong>-Ġustizzja) jgħarraf li r-riżultat għall-post imsemmi hawn fuq ġie ppubblikat u qedjintwera fuq in-notice-board tad-Dipartiment <strong>tal</strong>-Qrati <strong>tal</strong>-Ġustizzja (ir-raba’ sular), Triq ir-Repubblika, Il-Belt Vallettau fl-Uffiċċju <strong>tal</strong>-Kummissjoni dwar is-Servizz Pubbliku, Il-Palazz, Il-Belt Valletta.Is-17 ta’ April, 2012MINISTRY OF FINANCE,THE ECONOMY AND INVESTMENTResult of Interview for the Post ofEconomics Officer in the Ministry of Finance,the Economy and InvestmentThe Permanent Secretary in the Ministry of Finance,the Economy and Investment notifies that the result of theinterview for the above mentioned post may be viewedon the main notice-board at the Ministry of Finance, theEconomy and Investment, 30, Triq Nofsinhar, Valletta andon the notice-board of the Office of the Public ServiceCommission, the Palace, Valletta17th April, 2012MINISTRY FOR RESOURCESAND RURAL AFFAIRSResult of Interviews for the Post of SeniorOperative (Rubble Wall Builder) Group IVin the Ministry for Resources and Rural AffairsThe Permanent Secretary, Ministry for Resources andRural Affairs, notifies that the result of the interviews forthe above-mentioned post has been published and can beviewed on the main notice-board at the People Managementand Support Services Directorate, Ministry for Resourcesand Rural Affairs, Block ‘A’, Triq Francesco Buonamici,Floriana, and on the notice-board of the Office of the PublicService Commission, The Palace, Valletta.17th April, 2012COURTS OF JUSTICEDEPARTMENT, MALTAResult for the Post of Senior Marshal atthe Courts of Justice Department (<strong>Malta</strong>)The Director General (Courts of Justice) notifies that theresult for the above mentioned post has been published andcan be viewed on the notice-board of the Courts of JusticeDepartment (4th Floor), Triq ir-Repubblika, Valletta and thatof the Public Service Commission, The Palace, Valletta.17th April, 2012

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