Georgia PBS Interventions - Florida's Positive Behavior Support ...

Georgia PBS Interventions - Florida's Positive Behavior Support ...

Georgia PBS Interventions - Florida's Positive Behavior Support ...

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Resources:Alberto, P., & Troutman, A. (2003). Applied behavior analysis for teachers (6th ed.). Upper SaddleRiver, NJ: Merrill Prentice-Hall.Fay, J., & Cline, F. (1997). Discipline with Love and Logic. Golden, CO: Love and Logic Press.Ormrod, J. (1999). Human learning (3rd ed.).UpperSaddle River, NJ: Merrill Prentice-Hall.Richards, S., Taylor, R., Ramasamy, R., & Richards, R. (1999). Single subject research: Applicationsin educational and clinical settings. San Diego: Singular Publishing Group, Inc.Websites of Interesthttp://www.ablenetinc.com/productLocation.asp?page=/products.asphttp://www.bestfreestuffonline.com/kidstuff.htmhttp://www.garylamb.com/http://www.irlen.com/index_autism.htmlhttp://www.kelloggs.com/us/http://www.kraftfoods.com/postcereals/cereal_1.htmlhttp://www.generalmills.com/corporate/brands/index.aspxhttp://www.ku-crl.org/iei/index.htmlhttp://www.pecs.com/page5.htmlhttp://www.sensorysmarts.com/diet.htmlhttp://www.sraonline.com/index.php/home/curriculumsolutions/reading/ocphonicskit/1318http://www.sunkist.com/takeast and/http://www.timetimer.com/products.htmhttp://www.tsbvi.edu/Education/early-childhood/object-calendar.htmhttps://www.schoolspecialty.com/ordering/ECommerce;jsessionid=E1D18FED41551E183FB4 7F820460F008Order able net boxes and Big Mac SwitchesFree things for students to orderSixty Beats Per Minute MusicIrlen Reading Website for children who are distracted by lightsIcons of favorite cereal choicesThis is the University of Kansas Center for Research onLearning. The Strategic Instruction techniques are helpful forall students.Picture Exchange Communication SystemInformation on Sensory DietOpen Court Reading SeriesLemonade Stand informationVisual TimerObject CalendarTo order the air filled disk for children who need to move<strong>Positive</strong> <strong>Interventions</strong> and Effective Strategies Riffel -© 2005 - 104 -

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