Georgia PBS Interventions - Florida's Positive Behavior Support ...

Georgia PBS Interventions - Florida's Positive Behavior Support ...

Georgia PBS Interventions - Florida's Positive Behavior Support ...

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Ideas to change the environment to suit the needs of the child:Disk ‘o’ Sit for studentswith ADHD availablefrom Abilitations orSchool Specialty.(air filled pillow)To work in a preferredadult’s classroom oroffice as a reward.Headphones to block outnoises. I have even seennoise blockerheadphones at the DollarStores.Incandescent Lamps insteadof fluorescent lights forstudents who “hear” thehumming of the lights.Inexpensive floor lamps withup lights can be purchased atdiscount stores.Office space-small cubbythey create in corner of room.Special Chairs (bean bags,Pilates chair, etc., RollingChair)Two Desks in the room for onechild so they can move whenthey need to- but still have adesignated place to go.Work at the teacher’s desk as aspecial treat.Opaque overlays to lay overreading materials for childrenwho are distracted by lightsources in the room.Science Fair Posters tomake a student anindividual “office” thatblocks out visual stimuli.Keep a comfort item in theirdesk that they can take outto use to signal you that theyneed help.Example: stuffed Garfieldanimal.available at:http://www.irlen.com/index_autism.htmlKeep a folder in their deskfilled with work pages they cando independently if they getstuck on the current assignmentuntil you have time to helpthem.Water bottles on or inthe desk. Hydratedbrains think better. Iused to have them bringthem from home halffrozen. This alleviatedlong lines at the waterfountain and gave themcold water to drink.I had everyone bring twoboxes of pencils at thebeginning of the year. I putthem all together in a pencilcan in the room. Whensomeone’s pencil broke theyput it in the can and took outone that was alreadysharpened. Volunteerssharpened all the pencilsduring chore time.Keep a book handy in the roomthat needs to go back to thelibrary. Use it for those withthe wiggles and have them takeit back for you. You will beamazed at what a quick changeof scenery does for the wiggles.<strong>Positive</strong> <strong>Interventions</strong> and Effective Strategies Riffel -© 2005 - 72 -

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