Georgia PBS Interventions - Florida's Positive Behavior Support ...

Georgia PBS Interventions - Florida's Positive Behavior Support ...

Georgia PBS Interventions - Florida's Positive Behavior Support ...

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Criterion Reference Competency Test (CRCT and High School Students)Most students with special needs are required to take the criterion reference tests developed by eachstate. The rote drill and memorization required for these tests are difficult for them. Although, theyneed to practice taking the tests in the same format that they will be taking them (i.e. bubble sheets)for the memorization practice it is good to put large motor skills paired with the memorization. Hereare ideas for how to put large motor movement paired with the questions:Have a BallWrite the questions on 9 inch diameter balls with a Sharpie pen and toss the ball around the roomhaving the students answer the question that their right thumb lands on. Caution: You have to set uprules about how to throw the ball prior to beginning. Once that is done it is not usually a problem.Ladies and Gentlemen…”In this corner”Label the four corners of the room with cards hanging from the ceiling marked “A”, “B”, “C”, and “D”.Then read a question and have the students go to the corner corresponding to the answer they think isthe correct answer. This helps them first learn to listen to all the possible answers before theychoose. It helps them think about associating the answer with letter choices. Caution: It’s importantto set this up so that if one person goes to the wrong corner it’s okay because there is more than oneway to think about answers to questions. Then you can have discussions about why one answer is betterthan another. Start with some really easy questions first.Then…. (shape the learning toward the test)Flash CardsTeach the students a good study skill. Have them make flash cards for questions like they will see onthe test. Then have them pair up and ask each other the questions. Peer mentors work really well inthis situation.Practice, Practice, Practice Turn everything into a bubble test. Have them bubble in their name,address, what they want for lunch etc. Have them write their own tests.Practice TestsAs much as possible, give the child practice tests in the format they will be using during the CRCT.You can start with fun pages like dot to dot pictures, replacing the dots with bubbles to be filled inbefore connecting the dots. Give them their spelling tests in a multiple choice format with fill in thebubble format and so on. This will make it less anxiety ridden when they take the real test because itwill look like all the things they have been doing in the classroom.<strong>Positive</strong> <strong>Interventions</strong> and Effective Strategies Riffel -© 2005 - 63 -

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