PDF - 1.62 MB - Sydney Harbour Federation Trust

PDF - 1.62 MB - Sydney Harbour Federation Trust

PDF - 1.62 MB - Sydney Harbour Federation Trust

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Background StudiesA range of studies commissioned by the <strong>Trust</strong>during the year to inform the planning process islisted at Appendix 3.Community ConsultationThe <strong>Trust</strong> consults communities and liaises with keystakeholders on the planning and rehabilitation of itssites. Consultation activities ranged from formalcommittee meetings to workshops, open days,presentations, discussions and the exhibition of plans.This occurred in relation to the exhibition of plans forWoolwich Dock and Parklands (Amendment 1), HMASPlatypus, Middle Head and Macquarie Lightstation.The <strong>Trust</strong>’s Community Advisory Committee (CAC)provided advice in support of the planning process.Site subcommittees met nine times during the yearto provide feedback on and input into thedevelopment of site management plans.An open day was held at HMAS Platypus andincluded a display of landscape concept drawings bylandscape architectural students of the University ofNew South Wales. A re-union of ex-ASOPA staff andstudents was held at Middle Head to gatherinformation for the Conservation Management Planand the interpretation of the site. A communitybriefing day was held at Woolwich to present theworks program in the area and to answer questionsraised by members of the community.The <strong>Trust</strong> held and attended numerous formal andinformal meetings with key stakeholder groups,government agency staff, councils, local members,community organisations and individuals to discussissues concerning the planning for, and therehabilitation of the sites.The CAC newsletter was produced in August andNovember 2006 to provide members withinformation about current <strong>Trust</strong> activities andinitiatives, and to encourage feedback andcommunication between the members and the <strong>Trust</strong>.Current membership of the Community AdvisoryCommittee is provided in Appendix 2.Public InformationPerformance Indicators• Sound communication methods are used topromote <strong>Trust</strong> lands, activities and values.• Community awareness of the <strong>Trust</strong> and itsactivities increase through the promotion of tours,events and open days.• The <strong>Trust</strong> receives positive media coverage for allsignificant public events and planning activitiesand the media maintains an interest in the <strong>Trust</strong>.• Education, interpretive and public programs aredeveloped and implemented to promote <strong>Trust</strong>lands and their significance.• Partnership programs with institutions, neighboursand others are developed to promote <strong>Trust</strong> landsand their significance.• Schools education program is planned andimplemented.Communication ProgramThe <strong>Trust</strong>’s communication program involved a rangeof activities to increase public awareness of sites andto promote public access.The commencement of a regular, though limited,ferry service to Cockatoo Island effectively openedthe site to the public for the first time. Therefurbishment of the Muster Station at the ParramattaWharf entry to the island enabled the installation of avisitor orientation centre and a booking office. TheMuster Station has also been fitted out for a café.Communications activities on Cockatoo Island areguided by an interpretation strategy prepared duringthe year. The strategy articulated the interpretivegoals for the island and identified the overarchingthemes for telling the island’s story.At North Head, the Gatehouse building of the formerSchool of Artillery was refurbished as a visitor andeducation centre and contains an interpretiveexhibition of the headland’s natural and culturalhistory. Importantly, the centre promotes the conceptof a sanctuary on North Head.11 Annual Report 2006-07

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