PDF - 1.62 MB - Sydney Harbour Federation Trust

PDF - 1.62 MB - Sydney Harbour Federation Trust

PDF - 1.62 MB - Sydney Harbour Federation Trust

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Heading Level OneAccess and SafetyRisk Assessment and ManagementThe <strong>Trust</strong> has developed an overall riskmanagement framework. Risk assessment is nowan integral part of all new projects and events thatthe <strong>Trust</strong> undertakes.Occupational Health and SafetyThe <strong>Trust</strong> appointed an Occupational Health andSafety Committee which monitors occupational healthand safety and risk management within the <strong>Trust</strong>. Thefollowing actions were undertaken during the year:• Staff received training in manual handling andworkplace safety;• Staff members undertook first aid training;• Regular site safety inspections carried out;• Risk assessments conducted for all events.There were no recorded OH&S incidents in thereporting period. There were three compensableinjuries, one of which was on-going. The <strong>Trust</strong>reviews all incidents to identify and implementrelevant preventative action.Providing Access to People With DisabilitiesThe <strong>Trust</strong> is implementing the CommonwealthDisability Strategy in its day-to-day operations and aspart of the Comprehensive Plan for its sites. It is akey consideration in designing roads, paths, carparks and providing access to buildings.Judicial Decisions and Reviewsby Outside BodiesThere were no judicial decisions or decisions of otheradministrative appeals tribunals that have had asignificant impact on the operations of the <strong>Trust</strong>.There were no reports on the operations of the <strong>Trust</strong>by the Auditor-General (other than the report on thefinancial statements) or reports by a parliamentarycommittee. There was one report received from theCommonwealth Ombudsman.Effects of Ministerial DirectionsThe <strong>Sydney</strong> <strong>Harbour</strong> <strong>Federation</strong> <strong>Trust</strong> Act 2001requires that the annual report must include “the textof all directions, and reasons for directions, given bythe Minister to the <strong>Trust</strong> under section 9 during theperiod to which the report relates”. There were noMinisterial directions given to the <strong>Trust</strong> during thereporting period.For the purposes of the Commonwealth Authoritiesand Companies Act 1997 (paragraph 16(1)(c)), the<strong>Trust</strong> provided a Compliance Report to the Ministerand the Finance Minister for the reporting period.23 Annual Report 2006-07

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