PDF - 1.62 MB - Sydney Harbour Federation Trust

PDF - 1.62 MB - Sydney Harbour Federation Trust

PDF - 1.62 MB - Sydney Harbour Federation Trust

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Appendix 4Maintenance, Heritage Conservation andEnvironmental Management ProjectsAll Sites• Grounds Maintenance• Feral animal control program• General building maintenance• Services maintenance• Fire systems maintenance• Volunteer groups bush regenerationNorth Head• Construction of stages 2 and 3 of walking track• Renewal of high voltage electricity supply• Heritage restoration of the Gatehouse• Establishment of interpretation and education centre• Fire hazard reduction• Investigation into decontamination of theplotting room• Initial restoration works on the officers’ Mess, andother buildings for tenancy by the NSW Police• Bush regeneration• Restoration of electricity and sewer servicesto GatehouseChowder Bay• Tenant fitout works at the Submarine Miners’depot, barracks building and mining workshop• Restoration of the wharf and mooring facilities• Completion of tenant ancillary facilities such aspost boxes, rubbish areas etcLower Georges Heights• Volunteer bush regeneration• Restoration of significant artillery gun• Establishment of sculptures as part of sculpture trail• Provision of services to the landship and publicuse areasGeorges Heights• Restoration of buildings 24, 21, 23, 30, 32, 34,including construction of new toilets, airconditioning, repainting, and landscaping• Construction of two carparks for precincts• Decontamination of precinct• Replacement of services including electricity,water, fire services, telephone and sewer• Landscaping of main pedestrian routes throughthe precinct• Refurbishment of the former barracks into achildcare facility• Volunteer bush regeneration• Completion of the Georges Head lookout• Provision of public access to the GeorgesHead tunnels• Installation of gun carriages and guns toGeorges HeadWoolwich Dock• Provision of services including sewer ,water,electricity and fire services• Decontamination of the horse paddock and theupper lookout area• Commencement of the upper area lookout• Completion of site and building repairs to enabletenant occupancy• Commencement of the new carpark area andalternative access point to the site.57 Annual Report 2006-07

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