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PDF - 1.62 MB - Sydney Harbour Federation Trust

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Training Command at Georges Heights underwent acompetitive Request for Proposals process in April2007 and the newly refurbished WRAAC buildingswere in strong demand for office, serviced office,production studio and fitness uses. The first tenantswill commence their tenancies in July 2007, whilstthe former WW1 hospital buildings are expected tobe leased progressively during 2007 as buildingworks are completed.At Georges Head, Sally’s Place long day care centreis scheduled to open in July 2007. The Tea RoomGunners’ Barracks continues to be a popular venuefor lunches and functions. A new café will commenceoperations at the former All Ranks Club at LowerGeorges Heights in July 2007, operated by theowners of the Barn Café in Rozelle. The strongcommunity focus of the owners should facilitate arange of public events and activities and help toactivate this arts precinct.Yacht building and repair operations are now in fullswing at Woolwich Dock. This site has now hosted theconstruction or fitting out of the last three winners of<strong>Sydney</strong> to Hobart yacht race line honours: Nicorette(2004) and Wild Oats XI (2005 and 2006). TenantsMurlan Noakes are now preparing to establish awaterfront café and function centre which will alsocontain interpretive facilities managed by the <strong>Trust</strong>.The Request for Proposals to lease buildings at theFormer School of Artillery, North Head was extendedto 12 weeks to reflect strong local interest in the site.Proposals have been sought which reflect thesignificant built and natural heritage of the site andthe creation of the North Head Sanctuary. Theseproposals will be considered in the latter half of 2007.In the meantime the <strong>Trust</strong> has licensed a number ofbuildings at North Head to the Australian Institute ofPolice Management while its existing site at NorthHead is undergoing refurbishment.Leasing and licensing activity on Cockatoo Island isdependent on a full ferry service, strong land andwater-based logistical support, a steady stream ofvisitors and an active events program. A significantstep in this direction was taken with thecommencement in April 2006 of a limited ferryservice to the island provided by <strong>Sydney</strong> Ferries. Theresultant visitation of up to 1,000 people per weekhas encouraged service providers to considerestablishing a presence on the island. The MusterStation Café will be the first of these services, with aplanned opening in July 2007, to be closely followedby a bar in Building 137. The opening of CockatooIsland camping in late 2007 on the island’s northernapron will be a significant boost to demand forfurther island facilities, while the progressiverefurbishment of houses on the island will providehigh quality accommodation for lease.Leasing and licensing activity at Middle Head (ASOPAand 10 Terminal) and HMAS Platypus will notcommence until the respective management planshave been approved. The now established Requestfor Proposals process will be followed in each case.The <strong>Trust</strong> continued to license its buildings and sitesfor a range of activities including weddings, productlaunches, filming, sports, coach building, candlemaking and art education. The <strong>Trust</strong>’s residentialportfolio of 53 houses is currently fully leased in astrong <strong>Sydney</strong> residential leasing market.Photo: Gun emplacement Georges Head, Mosman19 Annual Report 2006-07

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