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The project does this by developing and promoting theAs part of the personnel training and developmentDeveloping local communitiesColumbus sponsored the Economic Council, dedicatedpersonal-safety leadership of line managers, improvingeffort, <strong>Severstal</strong>’s Corporate University made the most<strong>Severstal</strong>’s cooperation with the social sphere is basedto advancing local businesses and organizations. Inthe internal safety communications, and offering intensiveof original training methods, such as business cases andon strategic programmes in areas such as employmentaddition, SNA provided support for the Second Harvestsafety training for employees. The division’s Frenchbusiness simulations. A total of more than 2,500 hours ofand occupational guidance, youth policy, health care,Food Bank, operating in Warren, Ohio, where <strong>Severstal</strong>operations undertook similar actions. In various locationsauditorium classes were held during the year, and thereand support of unprotected people. As a company, weWarren is located.throughout the USA, <strong>Severstal</strong> International is supportingwere six long-term training and development programmes:work with regional authorities to set out our primarya number of health and safety projects.MBA, Top-100, Talent Pool, Leadership for Productioncommitments.Elsewhere, <strong>Severstal</strong> Sparrows Point lent its support toEnvironmentManagers, Master, and Programme for Developmentof Production Consultancy Managers. For many of theIn 2008, non-commercial partnership Urban DevelopmentAutism Speaks, the nation’s leading organisation devotedto autism.In 2008, <strong>Severstal</strong> worked on a number of significantcompany’s employees, the University provides theAgency continued its work in Cherepovets in assistingIn 2008, the first three projects of <strong>Severstal</strong>’s charityenvironmental programmes, continuing our closepossibility of computer-aided distance learning, withsmall and medium-scale businesses. The partnership wasprogramme– Museums of the Russian North – opened.partnerships with environmental authorities, trade unions,over 5,500 users recorded in 2008. In the same year,established in 1999 by the City Mayor’s Office and OAOWe launched the contest in 2007, with a total grant fundand research and public organisations.the University’s other line of activities – research into<strong>Severstal</strong>. The Agency has launched a special programme,of 9 million roubles, with the organisational backing ofLast year, <strong>Severstal</strong>’s financial commitment topersonnel satisfaction, loyalty and the psychological andBusiness Incubator, to support entrepreneurship bythe Russian branch of UK Charity Fund CAF Russia. Theenvironmental causes exceeded US$113 million.social climate – included 36 large-scale research projects,offering all-round assistance at early, risky, stages. Incontest was won by six projects from five cities in Russia’sCherepovets Steel Mill of the Russian Steel divisionpolling over 14,000 people.2008, the Agency consulted over 1,800 people, trainednorth-western region, which is a strategic area for most ofcontinued its Energy Saving Integrated Programme. Theover 150 beginner entrepreneurs, and created over 500<strong>Severstal</strong>’s Russian business units.programme is not only about saving energy resources,Improving people’s health is a priority for our social policy,jobs.In 2008, our priority in terms of charitable activities wasbut also trying to significantly reduce carbon dioxideand one pursued by all of <strong>Severstal</strong>’s business units. Thethe development of international cross-cultural dialogue.emissions in the air (about 1 million tonnes a year). That<strong>Severstal</strong> Health Programme, which has been runningAlso last year, OAO Vorkutaugol (Vorkuta Coal) developed<strong>Severstal</strong> supported the Tretyakov Gallery’s large-scaleinitiative was recognised and supported by the Europeanat the Cherepovets Steel Mill since 2002, provides ana social partnership programme with the city. The projectexhibition project – Orthodox Icon of Russia, UkraineBank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD), whichexample of our all-round approach. Based on the 2008set out to support the city’s medical and educationaland Belarus – which was presented in Moscow, Kiev andprovided a700 million credit for OAO <strong>Severstal</strong> – makingresults, temporary disability of the plant employeesinstitutions.Minsk. October 2008 saw the opening in Oklahoma, ofit Russia’s largest energy-saving deal. In 2008, thanksreduced by 6.8% (in man days per 100 workers) comparedOAO Karelsky Okatysh annually allocates funds for theAmerican Artists from the Russian Empire, which providedto the Energy Saving Program, the energy consumptionto 2007.maintenance of cultural and sport centre, with more thanan insight into new facets in the history of relationsdecreased by more than 20%. In the same year, <strong>Severstal</strong>80,000 people visiting it in 2008. The company alsobetween our two countries. In Germany, <strong>Severstal</strong>International’s total expenditure for ecological activitiesIn 2008, Cherepovets Steel Mill proceeded with housingbacked such important musical events as internationalsupported the exhibition Russia 1900: Art and Culture inamounted to more than US$103 million.construction under the Corporate Housing Programme,folk-lore festival Kanteletar.the Epoch of Last Reign in late 2008.A good example of the effective cooperation betweenresulting in 20 residential buildings – 1,950 apartmentsIn 2008, Lucchini continued to support cultural and<strong>Severstal</strong>, local communities and public organisations is– being commissioned. The company is working on asport events of Piombino municipality. Specifically, itOne of Russia’s most important musical events, thea programme at Deaborn Steel Works, Michigan, whichpackage of programs for training highly qualified expertssupported musical festivals. The company helped youthseventh Moscow Easter Festival, was held in Moscow, St.focused on retrofitting local school buses with dieselfor its talent pool. Elsewhere, <strong>Severstal</strong> Resources divisionteam Piombino Football Club and a local volleyball clubPetersburg and some other Russian cities, with <strong>Severstal</strong>’soxidation catalysts and diesel multi-stage filters.continued the Young Resources Programme.buy sports equipment and uniforms, and also helped tobacking. The symphony orchestra of the Mariinsky TheaterDevelopment and social support ofpersonnelIn view of the world’s deteriorating economic situation inlate 2008, we took extra measures to maintain the levelorganise an international tennis tournament.<strong>Severstal</strong> North America’s (SNA) corporate support inarranged two charitable concerts, so Cherepovets sawEaster Festival events for the first time.At <strong>Severstal</strong> we’re consistently creating conditions toof social guarantees and to retain qualified personnel.2008 encompassed a variety of non-profit organizations,Now that the world economy is constantly changing, heremake the most of employees’ potential, and to generateSpecifically, we introduced professional re-trainingranging from cultural to educational to communityat <strong>Severstal</strong> we are committed to pursuing our focus ona culture based on professionalism, individual initiativeand re-qualification programmes, and developed ouroriented charities. Cooperation with local communitiescorporate social responsibility. We’ll be placing specialand responsibility. In 2008, our business units gotcooperation with local self-administration bodies andand municipal organisations has always been SNA’semphasis on programmes aimed at ensuring socialfully involved in the ‘social sphere’, covering suchpublic organizations.primary focus. For example, they contributed towardstability in regions where we operate. <strong>Severstal</strong> also plansareas as health improvement, catering and recreationDearborn’s Homecoming Festival, the city’s premierto make the most of our resources, work constructivelyarrangements, personnel development and training, andcommunity event. <strong>Severstal</strong> Wheeling made a donation towith other partners, involve them in our strategicsocial support for pensioners and veterans.the West Virginia Mansion Preservation Foundation Inc., todecisions, and build relationships based on transparencyrestore the Governor’s mansion. In Mississippi, <strong>Severstal</strong>and mutual responsibility.90 91

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