Sports Management Q2 2012 - Leisure Opportunities

Sports Management Q2 2012 - Leisure Opportunities

Sports Management Q2 2012 - Leisure Opportunities

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According to Sport England’sAPS 2010/2011, three millionpeople give at least one hour aweek to volunteering in sportLondon <strong>2012</strong> has recruited 70,000Games Makers to volunteer during theGames and every Personal Best graduatewho applied was guaranteed an interviewto fulfil the unique commitment ofthe programme.Thousands more people will be askedto help out in a wide range of activitiesacross the UK including welcomingvisitors at airports and tourist sites; workingwith visiting teams in their trainingcamps; providing back-up for police services;running school sports and servingtea at street parties.Volunteers will be the lifeblood of London<strong>2012</strong> and the interest in applicationsto be Games Makers was overwhelmingwith 250,000 applying – 40 per centof whom had never volunteered before.Perhaps volunteering could be London’sgreatest legacy as people of all ages, culturesand backgrounds, come togetherand thrive on the buzz of the once-in-alifetimeexperience.Volunteering could be London’s greatest legacy as peopleof all ages, cultures and backgrounds come together andthrive on the buzz of the once-in-a-lifetime experienceVolunteering in sportLooking at the national governing bodiesof Sport (NGBs) and other sportingorganisations, volunteering programmesare very much at the heart of developingclub structures and nurturing sportingtalent across the UK.The England Hockey Board (EHB) isgearing up for an incredible 12 monthswith the London <strong>2012</strong> Olympic Gamesjust around the corner. A nationwidecampaign, the Hockey Nation programme,has been launched with theaim of capturing the imagination of theBritish public. With events and activities,including The Big Dribble and Five WeekFrenzy between now and the Games, theEHB is also looking to recruit its biggestand best volunteer workforce, or HockeyMakers, as they will be known.“London <strong>2012</strong> presents hockey with thebiggest shop window you could ever wishfor,” EHB chief executive Sally Mundayexplains: “We’re rolling out the most ambitiouspublic engagement programme ofany sport to drive awareness and interestin hockey and, ultimately, to get morepeople picking up a stick. To achieve ourgoals we are going to need our biggestand best ever team of volunteers.“Our team of Hockey Makers lies atthe core of making the Hockey Nationprogramme a success. Gone are the dayswhen volunteering simply meant actingIssue 2 <strong>2012</strong> © cybertrek <strong>2012</strong> Read <strong>Sports</strong> <strong>Management</strong> online sportsmanagement.co.uk/digital 41

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