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consequence, for example, new document types were created, fields were added andrenamed. Further changes were and continue to be made in order to adapt the pedocssoftware to the requirements resulting from long-term preservation concerns.Expectations are that within two years from now the pedocs software will only beremotely related to the original OPUS base. The downside of the adaptations made to theOPUS software on which pedocs was originally based are that an update to subsequentversions of OPUS will not be possible as any changes made in the past would be lost. Inaddition, pedocs no longer partakes in the advantages of using a software with a wide(national) user community.pedocs-DNB cooperationAs mentioned above, pedocs is in the process of implementing a preservationworkflow in cooperation with the German National Library (DNB). Currently, an agreementis being drafted which will specify the details of the cooperation, the basis of which isamong others formed by the legal deposit regulation (Pflichtablieferungsverordnung,PflAV 48 ), the National Library Law 49 , as well as the DNB's collection guidelines. Thus,pedocs will be treated similarly to a publisher required to submit publications to the DNB;the DNB itself, on the other hand, is required by law to collect and preserve electronicpublications. 50 The cooperation agreement will have to specify, among others, the designof the Submission Information Packages provided by pedocs, how frequently these will beharvested by (or submitted to) the DNB, and at which points and in which form the DNBwill return migrated objects back to pedocs for re-ingest.2.1.2 JUWEL (JUelicher Wissenschaftliche Elektronische Literatur)JUWEL 51 is a service offered by the Central Library of the Forschungszentrum Jülich(Research Center Jülich), which was established as part of the Open Access strategyproposed in 2003 and since then implemented at the Forschungszentrum (FZ). 52 With keycompetencies in the field of physics, biophysics, and scientific computing, research at theForschungszentrum Jülich is also carried out in the areas of health (biotechnology,neuroscience), energy and environment, and information technologies of the future. 53Thus, the Central Library is a special library providing services to a very heterogeneoususer community, which makes both the monitoring of JUWEL's designated communitiesand the subject indexing of publications submitted to the repository a challenging task.48 http://bundesrecht.juris.de/pflav/index.html – 01.11.2009.49 http://bundesrecht.juris.de/dnbg/index.html – 01.11.2009.50 For the DNB's preservation strategies and principles, see Neuroth et al. 2009 (chapter 18.2) as well as theshort introduction to kopal given below.51 http://juwel.fz-juelich.de:8080/dspace/ – 03.11.200952 See http://www.fz-juelich.de/zb/index.php?index=758 (03.11.2009). for information on the FZ's OpenAccess strategy which is also outlined in a 2003 lectured delivered by the then director of the FZ's centrallibrary, Dr. Rafael Ball (see Ball 2003).53 See http://www.fz-juelich.de/portal/research – 03.11.200921

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