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(see DINI 2007, 2.5.1, 4.5.1). This also suggests (somewhat more obviously) that somekind of quality control has to be carried out before a digital objects is ingested into therepository.2.5.1 pedocs AdministrationAdministration: Negotiate Submission Agreementpedocs enters contracts with two different kinds of depositors – individual authors (ortheir representatives), and publishers who agree to the publication of previously publishedtitles (predominantly out of print monographs and journals), often in combination with acommitment of pedocs to digitizing the material to be (re-)published. Thus, two differentkinds of contracts exist – an author agreement and contracts/deposit agreements withpublishers – specifying maintenance, access, and withdrawal of submitted documents. Asoutlined above, in the future authors will have to accept the author agreement via a doubleopt-in email procedure. 147 With the agreement, authors will transfer all rights necessary forlong-term preservation through the DNB and the right to publish their work openlyaccessible via pedocs to DIPF.Administration: Establish Standards and PoliciesAs required by the criteria catalogs considered here, pedocs has defined its policies,collection and preservation objectives as well as general goals in a policy document(pedocs Guidelines) which also fulfills the purpose of a mission statement. The policy notonly specifies collection guidelines and principles but also demonstrates pedocs'commitment to preserving the digital objects accepted into the repository for the long termin cooperation with the DNB. The policy outlines selection criteria, taking into accountcontent and form of documents, the document type (among others pedocs excludeswebsites, legal texts, user manuals, lecture materials such as PowerPoint slides orhandouts, advertising material, and leaflets from its collection), as well as <strong>file</strong> format. Asthe policy states clearly, pedocsaims to provide documents on a long-term basis, and it collaborates with the German NationalLibrary in order to achieve a long-term storage of its documents [...]. Each text is assigned anindividual address (URL), allowing for immediate access. Each document is furthermoreassigned a Persistent Identifier (URN) for its long-term, global and unambiguous referencing,independent from location. Texts and their descriptions are registered with the German NationalLibrary for long-term archiving, where they are catalogued and permanently archived. Theseprocedures are irreversible once they have been completed. 148 (pedocs Guidelines)The designated community is defined in the pedocs policy, albeit somewhat implicitlyand in a very general fashion. Thus, it is stated in section I:147 Currently, work is carried out to implement a new metadata field which will make it possible to link arecord and a document with a certain author agreement. Thus, if one author agreement is modified orreplaced, it becomes possible to trace for which objects in the repository a given agreement is valid.148 The policy states clearly that publications cannot be deleted once the publication process is completed.However, a record can be suppressed from showing up in the database in exceptional cases as laid downin §42 UrhG (see http://bundesrecht.juris.de/urhg/__42.html).62

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