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pedocs is a scholarly open access document server for scientifically relevant publications in thefield of educational research and educational science [...]. pedocs offers authors in thedisciplines of educational science and education as well as related domains an organisationaland technical framework for publishing scientifically relevant documents in electronic form.(pedocs Guidelines)Certainly, the authors mentioned constitute one major portion of the designatedcommunity of pedocs, as often producers will also be users of the service. However, itwould be desirable to have more detailed information about the community/communitiesfor whose use pedocs is primarily intended – now and in the future. At this point in time itmight seem comparably clear at whom the services offered by pedocs are addressed andwhat the knowledge base of the designated community or communities is, it will becomemore difficult in the future to determine the knowledge base available to a designatedcommunity not precisely defined. In fact, the policy of FIS Bildung is somewhat moreprecise here by stating that its services are addressed at both educational research andtraining, as well as at educational practice (see FIS Bildung Policy). 149Although the pedocs policy is frequently reviewed and adapted, there are currently nomechanisms or policies governing this review process.Significant properties: In that it is crucial in long-term preservation to define anobject's (or object class's) significant properties, both the nestor and TRAC criteria catalogrequire the repository to identify these properties. This definition has not yet beencompleted for pedocs. Currently the policy only states that the content of the documentssubmitted and published will be preserved, but that this might not be possible for thelayout (see pedocs Guidelines, Section VII), thus indicating that content is consideredmore important than appearance/rendering. In the future, a more detailed list of significantproperties to be preserved for different document types will be added.Administration: Audit SubmissionIn order to ascertain that the <strong>file</strong>s published in pedocs adhere to the criteria outlinedin the policy, submissions are subject to both intellectual and automatic control. Asoutlined above, JHOVE is used to identify and validate <strong>file</strong> format. In addition, therepository staff determine by means of intellectual control whether documents areappropriate for publication in pedocs with regard to form, content, and quality (in particularalso quality of metadata). The completeness of the Submission Information Packages tobe stored on the server as (pre-)AIPs is primarily checked and guaranteed by the software– thus, for example, a record cannot be saved without having filled in metadata in therequired fields; a URN is added automatically so that published records will always have aURN.2.5.2 JUWEL AdministrationAdministration: Negotiate Submission Agreement149 http://www.fachportal-paedagogik.de/fis_bildung/fis_policy_e.html – 11.10.2009.63

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