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previous versions of this document – especially, as different versions might not be published bythe same author – after the implementation of the changes described above, links will existbetween these documents which will facilitate navigation between versions.Additional context information, e.g. why the content object was produced, might becontained in the abstract in some cases but is not captured otherwise. In that such contextinformation can, in most cases, only be provided by the original author of a resource,there is no opportunity to add it at any later point (e.g. by the DNB).Rights metadata: All records contain a link to copyright information 100 , which isgenerally the same for all documents in the repository if not stated otherwise. Thecopyright information refers users to German copyright law (Urheberrechtsgesetz), whichamong others allows the printing and saving of documents for private or educational use.Additional rights metadata will only be added in the rare case of exceptions.As mentioned above, pedocs uses JHOVE to generate a small set of technicalmetadata based on format identification and validation. Thus, <strong>file</strong> format, format versionand checksum will be submitted to the DNB. At the DNB, a fuller set of technical and otherpreservation metadata will be generated and saved. Thus, the DNB has defined a set ofmetadata relevant to the preservation of digital objects (LMER – Long-term preservationMetadata for Electronic Resources) and will use this metadata in the preservation of thepedocs collection. Capable of being integrated into METS and working with links to formatregistries, the LMER metadata set comprises the following elements:lmerObject: This includes metadata that corporately refer to all sub-<strong>file</strong>s of the document. Italso comprises the URN as a Persistent Identifier to establish a unique reference to thebibliographic metadata.lmerProcess: Within these metadata, all technical changes to the object or to any <strong>file</strong> of theobject are recorded [...].lmerFile: For each <strong>file</strong> that belongs to the object, metadata describing its characteristics arestated here. These metadata are composed of general fields that are common to all <strong>file</strong> types,and of specific fields (e.g., the frame rate for videos) […].Metadata Modification: Within these metadata, all changes to the LMER metadatathemselves are recorded. (Die Deutsche Bibliothek 2005, 8)Where <strong>file</strong> type-specific metadata are required, these are added in lmerFile by mean of aspecial field (xmlData), which “has been assigned to assimilate any XML metadata inanother schema,” a “modular approach […] made possible by the namespace concept ofXML [...]” (Die Deutsche Bibliothek 2005, 5).Fixity information for the digital object(s) contained in the (pre-)AIPs produced bypedocs is generated in the form of checksums, which will be discussed below (seeArchival Storage).Ingest: Generate Descriptive Infopedocs currently supports three document types: Articles in a journal, essays in acollection, and monographs. The metadata for the different document types consists of a100http://www.pedocs.de/doku/urheberrecht.php?la=en – 03.11.2009.37

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