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Appendix A: Mapping of Criteria CatalogsIn the following, an attempt has been made to reorganize the criteria from the nestor,TRAC, and DINI catalogs so as to allow them to be mapped onto the OAIS functionalentities Ingest, Archival Storage, Data Management, Preservation Planning, andAdministration. In addition, as some criteria are of a more general nature, concerning notsingle areas in the OAIS functional model but the entire repository or repository system,these have been assigned to a separate category of higher-level requirements,comparable to the “common services” identified in the OAIS model (see above).In the attempt of mapping, problems sometimes occurred where criteria were eithertoo general or too specific to be assigned to one of the OAIS functional entities; equallyproblematic were criteria that concerned more than one functional area. In consequence,the relationship between OAIS functional entities and sub-entities and a given criterion issometimes not entirely straightforward and sometimes only makes a partial match. Othercriteria (marked with an asterisk) appear in more than one place in the tables below.Further problems concerned the relationship between superordinate and subordinatecriteria in the nestor catalog, i.e. criteria with full and decimal numbers respectively. Forthe purpose of this mapping, it was assumed that a criterion with a full number wasfulfilled when all sub-criteria were fulfilled. In consequence, these superordinate criteriaare listed below only in the “Common Services” table and in exceptional cases, e.g. whereeither no sub-criteria existed.Please note that the tables do not accomplish a one to one matching of criteria of thethree catalogs in all cases as this would have made the tables unnecessarily complex(particular in the case of the criteria on metadata). Thus, the matching primarily takesplace by categorizing criteria under the same OAIS functional sub-entity.88

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