WB-9 - Paschim Banga Sarva Shiksha Mission - Sarva Shiksha ...

WB-9 - Paschim Banga Sarva Shiksha Mission - Sarva Shiksha ...

WB-9 - Paschim Banga Sarva Shiksha Mission - Sarva Shiksha ...

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(d)Package No. <strong>WB</strong>-9proposals; if not, the client will cost them and add their cost to the initial price),correct any computational errors. The evaluation shall exclude local taxes. Theclient will select the firm, which ranked highest in technical evaluation.During negotiations, the consultants must be prepared to furnish the detailed costbreak-up and other clarifications to the proposals submitted by him, as may berequired. If the negotiations with this consultant are successful, the award will bemade to him and all other consultants notified. If negotiations fail, and if it isconcluded that a contract with reasonable terms cannot be concluded with thisconsultant, the consultant obtaining the second highest score will be invited fornegotiations. This process will be repeated till an agreed contract is concluded.11. Please note that the State Project Director, PBSSM is not bound to select any of thefirms submitting proposals. Further, as quality is the principal selection criterion, theState Project Director, PBSSM does not bind itself in any way to select the firm offeringthe lowest price.12. You are requested to hold your proposal valid for 90 (ninety) days from the date ofsubmission without change the personnel proposed for the assignment and yourproposed price. The State Project Director, PBSSM will make its best efforts to select aconsultant firm within this period.13. Please note that the cost of preparing a proposal and of negotiating a contract includingvisits to State Project Office, PBSSM, if any is not reimbursable as a direct cost of theassignment.14. Assuming that the contract can be satisfactorily concluded in one month, you will beexpected to take up/commence with the assignment in 1 st week of April, 2009.15. Please note that if you consider that your firm does not have all the expertise for theassignment, there is no objection to your firm associating with another firm to enable afull range of expertise to be presented. However, full details about the associating firmshould be furnished.16. Please note that the remuneration, which you receive from the contract, will be subject tonormal tax liability in India. Kindly contract the concerned tax authorities for furtherinformation in this regard, if required.17. We would appreciate if you inform us by Telex/Facsimile:(a) Your acknowledgement of the receipt of this Letter of Invitation; and(b) Whether or not you will be submitting a proposal.Yours faithfully,Enclosures:1. Terms of Reference.2. Supplementary Information to Consultants.3. Draft contract under which service will be performed.Page 4 of 4(P.K. Mishra)State Project DirectorPBSSM

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