62-5 SPD:62/5 SPD.qxd - NYCERS

62-5 SPD:62/5 SPD.qxd - NYCERS

62-5 SPD:62/5 SPD.qxd - NYCERS

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SUMMARY PLAN DESCRIPTION - <strong>62</strong>/5 TIER 4 MEMBERS VERSION APRIL 2012We recommend EFT because:It is SAFE - eliminates the risk of your loan check being lost or stolenIt is FAST - no waiting for the check to clear your bank – the funds are immediately availableIt is EASY - no more trips to the bank - no more waiting in line to deposit the checkJOIN THE THOUSANDS OF <strong>NYCERS</strong> MEMBERS AND PENSIONERS WHO SELECTED EFT FOR THEDEPOSIT OF THEIR LOAN OR PENSION FUNDS. THEY OVERWHELMINGLY CONFIRM THAT EFT ISSAFE, FAST, AND EASY.REPAYMENTWhen you apply for a loan, you agree to repay your loan through payroll deductions while onactive City payroll. If you should leave City service or are simply off payroll for another reason,you are still responsible for payments due on your loan. Failure to make your payments in atimely manner may result in your loan being declared a "Non Performing Loan." If this occurs,not only are you still responsible for paying off your outstanding loan, but your loan will be subjectto Federal taxation and may be subject to early distribution penalty charges imposed by theInternal Revenue Service (IRS).You may choose to pay off the full amount of your outstanding loan in a lump sum at any time(no partial lump-sum payments are permitted, except at retirement before you are finalized).Determining your pay-off amount is simple! Just visit our website and locate "Pay-off Figure"under "Your Loan Activity" on your MY <strong>NYCERS</strong> page (this feature is only available to MY<strong>NYCERS</strong> accountholders with registered Personal Identification Numbers [PINs]). In addition, MY<strong>NYCERS</strong> accountholders with registered PINs may take advantage of an online payment featurecalled E-payments. Payment can be made by a credit or debit card, or by online check.NOTE: The current interest rate is 7.3% (7% basic interest rate plus 0.3% mandatory loan insurancepremium).LR: Chapter 920 of the Laws of 1990SR: RSSL §613-b subdivisions d and fWhile repaying your loan by payroll deductions, you must pay at least 2% of your gross salaryper pay period, and the payments must be sufficient to repay the amount borrowed plus interestwithin five years. Deductions for repayment of your loan should begin in the first or secondpay period after your loan application has been processed. If loan payments are not deductedfrom your paycheck following the second pay period after your loan has been processed, notify<strong>NYCERS</strong> immediately. If you do not notify <strong>NYCERS</strong>, interest will continue to accrue on your outstandingbalance.LR: Chapter 920 of the Laws of 1990SR: RSSL §613-b subdivision cIf you wish to change the amount of your repayment, you may elect one of the following twooptions:File a “Change of Repayment Form” (Form #309)You may change the amount of your repayment only once in any 12-month period at a onetimeservice fee of $40.00 (money order only).Renegotiate your loanWhen you are eligible for another loan you may change your loan repayment schedule byWWW.<strong>NYCERS</strong>.ORGLOANS21

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