62-5 SPD:62/5 SPD.qxd - NYCERS

62-5 SPD:62/5 SPD.qxd - NYCERS

62-5 SPD:62/5 SPD.qxd - NYCERS

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NEW YORK CITY EMPLOYEES’ RETIREMENT SYSTEMDOMESTIC RELATIONS ORDER (DRO)A court order derived from a divorce decree or legal separation agreement outlining the circumstancesand amounts payable to an alternate payee from a member's pension benefit.ELECTRONIC FUNDS TRANSFER (EFT)A mechanism for distributions from <strong>NYCERS</strong>, such as loans and monthly pension payments, tobe electronically deposited into a member's or retiree's bank account.ELIGIBLE BENEFICIARYA person(s) who is entitled to receive an Accidental Death Benefit based upon a priority order specifiedin law.FINAL AVERAGE SALARY (FAS)A compensation base used to calculate a pension benefit. FAS is the greater of the averageannual wages earned during any three consecutive calendar-year periods, or the average of thewages earned during the 36 months immediately preceding the member's retirement date, subjectto the Kingston Limitation.FINAL MEDICAL REVIEWA process by which a member can contest the findings of <strong>NYCERS</strong>' Medical Board denying hisor her disability claim.GROSS WAGESAll earnings paid to an employee of a public employer in New York City or New York State beforetax deductions and other types of deductions (e.g., health insurance premiums).INCOME LIMITATIONThe dollar amount of Personal Service Income (income derived from the private and/or publicsectors) a disability retiree can earn in the calendar year. The Income Limitation is establishedannually and is based on the percentage increase or decrease in the prior year's Consumer PriceIndex.INTERIM OPTIONA temporary option selection chosen by a member on his or her retirement application. If themember dies before selecting a final retirement option, the interim option chosen by the memberis payable.KINGSTON LIMITATIONA limitation on the salary earned in any year used in the Final Average Salary computation.Under this limitation, the earnings in any year used in such computation cannot exceed theaverage salary of the previous two years by more than ten percent.MAXIMUM RETIREMENT ALLOWANCEThis is the highest pension payable to a <strong>NYCERS</strong> member while retired, which does not continueupon the member's death.GLOSSARYMEMBER CONTRIBUTION ACCUMULATION FUND (MCAF)The account in which Tier 4 Basic Member Contributions are deposited. Funds in this accountearn 5% interest compounded annually.78

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