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Reports | MBA general newsImportant Master BuildersTasmania events to note inyour diary:Master Builders 2011 ConferenceOur popular annual conference will be held this year at the LauncestonCountry Club Resort on Friday 27th and Saturday 28th May 2011. Speakers andpresenters are currently being secured and as soon as our programme hasbeen finalised we will let you know - but in the meantime be sure to mark thisimportant event in you diary. Don’t forget that attendance at the conferencegives you points towards your Continued Professional Development (CPD).2011 Awards for ExcellenceNow is the time to think about your outstanding projects that may be worthyof consideration for the Master Builders Tasmania 2011 Awards for Excellence.The benefits resulting from not only winning an award but also becoming afinalist in our awards should not be underestimated. It provides recognitionand credibility for your business and is a great way for management and staffto share in the acknowledgment of a job well done. 2011 Awards for Excellenceentry forms along with category information will be available early March.Awards for Excellence Gala DinnerThe awards dinner has become the social event of the year for many of theState’s building and construction industry businesses and their employees. Thisyear the dinner will be held at Hobart’s Hotel Grand Chancellor on Saturday14th August 2011.LifeMembersandHonoraryMembersAt the Master Builders Tasmania StateCouncil meeting, just prior to Christmas,Life Members and Honorary Members ofthe organisation were invited to join theCouncil over a light luncheon. Some of theLife Members and Honorary Members whoattended are pictured below.Craig Burleigh and Tom VimpanyBill Shields and Dick BloomfieldThe State Council of MasterBuilders Tasmaniapictured here at their last meeting for 2010.Neville Bingham and Don MapleyStanding, left to right: Andrew Kilpatrick, Graham Keating, Phillip Watts, David Murray, Ty Turner, Tim Mead.Seated: Craig Edmunds, John Rosevear, Michael Kerschbaum, Wayne Licht, Shane Davidson, Denis Reid.Apologies: David Moody, Lyndon Fenton, Andrew Bennett, Grant Barnes, Ken Lawson.Website OfferMaster Builders Tasmania is now offeringmembers a special three page websitewith 12 months hosting for only $295.00(plus GST). This is about a third of theusual market price. Contact a MBT officeor the MBT website for more informationon this amazing offer.8 | master builders tasmania

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