BLM Desk Guide to Cooperating Agency Relationships - National ...

BLM Desk Guide to Cooperating Agency Relationships - National ...

BLM Desk Guide to Cooperating Agency Relationships - National ...

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Section 1IntroductionSection 1. IntroductionIn the American political system, differentspheres of government—Federal, State,local, and tribal—have their respective areasof responsibility, authority, and expertise.As a result, the need for cooperation in themanagement of public lands and resources isespecially critical. This <strong>Guide</strong> describes one<strong>to</strong>ol for creating more effective governmentpartnerships: the lead agency–cooperatingagency relationship (referred <strong>to</strong> in this <strong>Guide</strong>as the “cooperating agency (CA) relationship”)and its application <strong>to</strong> the planning andenvironmental analysis responsibilities ofthe Bureau of Land Management (<strong>BLM</strong>).While this <strong>Guide</strong> is primarily concerned withimplementing formal CA relationships inpreparing resource management plans (RMPs)and environmental analyses, collaborationwith State, tribal, and local governments—aswell as with other Federal agencies—shouldalso be standard practice at the <strong>BLM</strong> for allland use planning and related implementationactivities.Section 1 of this <strong>Guide</strong> introduces the CArelationship and describes the opportunitiesand challenges this approach presents for the<strong>BLM</strong> and its government partners.Section 2 describes the CA provisions of the<strong>BLM</strong>’s planning and <strong>National</strong> EnvironmentalPolicy Act (NEPA) regulations and guidance,reviews CA eligibility criteria, and describes theappropriate roles for CAs at various steps inthe <strong>BLM</strong>’s planning and NEPA processes.Section 3 describes key elements of aneffective memorandum of understanding(MOU) establishing a CA relationship.Section 4 provides answers <strong>to</strong> frequentlyasked questions regarding effective workingrelationships with CAs.Section 5 describes sources of informationand training that can help support effectiveinteractions between the <strong>BLM</strong> and its CApartners.The <strong>BLM</strong>’s Statu<strong>to</strong>ryResponsibilitiesThe CA relationship is distinctive, movingbeyond consultation <strong>to</strong> engage offi cialsand staff of other agencies and levels ofgovernment in working partnerships. The CAsshare skills and resources <strong>to</strong> help shape <strong>BLM</strong>land use plans and environmental analysesthat better refl ect the policies, needs, andconditions of their jurisdictions and the citizensthey represent.The CA relationship provides a framework forintergovernmental efforts by:• Gaining early and consistent involvemen<strong>to</strong>f CA partners• Incorporating local knowledge of economic,social, and environmental conditions, aswell as Federal, State, local, and tribal landuse requirements• Addressing intergovernmental issues• Avoiding duplication of effort1

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