BLM Desk Guide to Cooperating Agency Relationships - National ...

BLM Desk Guide to Cooperating Agency Relationships - National ...

BLM Desk Guide to Cooperating Agency Relationships - National ...

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Other Requirementsand ChallengesMeeting coordination andconsistency requirements► What is the scope of the <strong>BLM</strong>’scoordination responsibilities indeveloping and revising RMPs?The <strong>BLM</strong> has a responsibility <strong>to</strong> coordinatewith other government units. To the extentpracticable, the <strong>BLM</strong> will seek <strong>to</strong> maximizeconsistency with the plans and policies ofother government entities. This responsibilityapplies whether or not a CA relationship hasbeen established.FLPMA, 43 U.S.C. 1712(c) (<strong>BLM</strong>)In the development and revision of landuse plans, the Secretary shall…(9) <strong>to</strong> the extent consistent with thelaws governing the administration of thepublic lands, coordinate the land useinven<strong>to</strong>ry, planning, and managementactivities of or for such lands with the landuse planning and management programsof other Federal departments and agenciesand of the States and local governmentswithin which the lands are located…and ofor for Indian tribes by, among other things,considering the policies of approved Stateand tribal land resource managementprograms. In implementing this directive,the Secretary shall, <strong>to</strong> the extent he fi ndspractical, keep apprised of State, local,and tribal land use plans; assure thatconsideration is given <strong>to</strong> those State, local,and tribal plans that are germane in thedevelopment of land use plans for publiclands; assist in resolving, <strong>to</strong> the extentpractical, inconsistencies between Federaland non-Federal Government plans,and shall provide for meaningful publicinvolvement of State and local governmen<strong>to</strong>ffi cials, both elected and appointed, in thedevelopment of land use programs, landuse regulations, and land use decisions forpublic lands, including early public noticeof proposed decisions which may have asignifi cant impact on non-Federal lands.43 CFR 1610.3-1 (<strong>BLM</strong>)Coordination of planning efforts.(a) In addition <strong>to</strong> the public involvementprescribed by §1610.2, the followingcoordination is <strong>to</strong> be accomplished withother Federal agencies, state and localgovernments, and federally recognizedIndian tribes....(1) Keep apprised of non-Bureau ofLand Management plans;(2) Assure that <strong>BLM</strong> considers thoseplans that are germane in the developmen<strong>to</strong>f resource management plans for publiclands;(3) Assist in resolving, <strong>to</strong> the extentpracticable, inconsistencies betweenFederal and non-Federal governmentplans;(4) Provide for meaningful publicinvolvement of other Federal agencies,State and local government offi cials,both elected and appointed, andFederally recognized Indian tribes, in thedevelopment of resource managementplans ... and(5) Where possible and appropriate,develop resource management planscollaboratively with cooperating agencies.► Is there a “coordinating agencystatus” designation?No. There is no such designation as“coordinating agency status.”► Is an MOU required between alocal government and the <strong>BLM</strong> <strong>to</strong>define coordination?No. While there are a few examples wherethe <strong>BLM</strong> has used MOUs for this purpose, anMOU is not required. However, a frameworkis needed <strong>to</strong> defi ne the coordination and howit will occur. An MOU may be a useful <strong>to</strong>ol <strong>to</strong>establish these terms. Such an MOU shouldbe negotiated and agreed on by both parties.Section 4. <strong>Cooperating</strong> <strong>Agency</strong> <strong>Relationships</strong>: Frequently Asked Questions31

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