BLM Desk Guide to Cooperating Agency Relationships - National ...

BLM Desk Guide to Cooperating Agency Relationships - National ...

BLM Desk Guide to Cooperating Agency Relationships - National ...

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<strong>BLM</strong> • A <strong>Desk</strong> <strong>Guide</strong> <strong>to</strong> <strong>Cooperating</strong> <strong>Agency</strong> <strong>Relationships</strong> and Coordination with Intergovernmental Partners • 201214Suggested roles for CAs:Suggest models and methods for impactanalyses. Develop and review direct, indirect,and cumulative effects analysis within CA’sexpertise. Suggest mitigation measures foradverse effects.43 CFR 1610.4-6 (<strong>BLM</strong>)Estimating effects of alternatives.The Field Manager, in collaborationwith any cooperating agencies, willestimate and display the physical,biological, economic, and social effects ofimplementing each alternative consideredin detail.8. The <strong>BLM</strong> selects preferredalternative and issues the draft RMP.The various planning alternatives must beevaluated in relation <strong>to</strong> planning issues andcriteria and the analysis of effects. The AOselects a preferred alternative and forwardsthe resulting draft plan <strong>to</strong> the State Direc<strong>to</strong>r forapproval and publication. The draft plan mustbe available for public comment for a minimumof 90 days.Suggested roles for CAs:Collaborate with the <strong>BLM</strong>’s AO in evaluatingalternatives. Provide information forpreliminary (internal) draft RMP. Review thepreliminary (internal) draft RMP. After publicrelease of the draft RMP/draft EIS, CAs mayprovide written comment, if desired, just asnon-CAs and members of the public areallowed.43 CFR 1610.4-7 (<strong>BLM</strong>)Selection of preferred alternative.The Field Manager, in collaboration withany cooperating agencies, will evaluatethe alternatives, estimate their effectsaccording <strong>to</strong> the planning criteria, andidentify a preferred alternative thatbest meets Direc<strong>to</strong>r and State Direc<strong>to</strong>rguidance. Nonetheless, the decision <strong>to</strong>select a preferred alternative remains theexclusive responsibility of the <strong>BLM</strong>. Theresulting draft resource management planand draft environmental impact statementshall be forwarded <strong>to</strong> the State Direc<strong>to</strong>rfor approval, publication, and fi ling withthe Environmental Protection <strong>Agency</strong>.This draft plan and environmental impactstatement shall be provided for comment<strong>to</strong> the Governor of the State involved,and <strong>to</strong> offi cials of other Federal agencies,State and local governments and Indiantribes that the State Direc<strong>to</strong>r has reason <strong>to</strong>believe would be concerned.9. The <strong>BLM</strong> responds <strong>to</strong> commentsand issues the final RMP.The <strong>BLM</strong> is required <strong>to</strong> respond <strong>to</strong> substantivecomments submitted on a draft RMP/draftEIS that reveal new information, missinginformation, or fl awed analysis that couldsubstantially change the conclusions. The AOthen forwards the fi nal plan, revised as needed<strong>to</strong> refl ect comments received, <strong>to</strong> the StateDirec<strong>to</strong>r for publication. The document is alsoforwarded <strong>to</strong> the Governor for a 60-day review<strong>to</strong> identify any inconsistencies with State orlocal plans, policies, or programs.Suggested roles for CAs:Review comments within CA’s expertiseand assist the <strong>BLM</strong> in preparing responses.Review the preliminary (internal) draft ofthe proposed RMP. State agency CAs maycontribute <strong>to</strong> the Governor’s consistencyreview.43 CFR 1610.4-8 (<strong>BLM</strong>)Selection of resource management plan.After publication of the draft resourcemanagement plan and draft environmentalimpact statement, the Field Manager shallevaluate the comments received and selectand recommend <strong>to</strong> the State Direc<strong>to</strong>r,for supervisory review and publication,a proposed resource management planand fi nal environmental impact statement.After supervisory review of the proposedresource management plan, the StateDirec<strong>to</strong>r shall publish the plan and fi le therelated environmental impact statement.See 43 CFR 1610.3-2(e) for requirements ofthe Governor’s consistency review.

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