BLM Desk Guide to Cooperating Agency Relationships - National ...

BLM Desk Guide to Cooperating Agency Relationships - National ...

BLM Desk Guide to Cooperating Agency Relationships - National ...

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that the CAs may negotiate a level ofinvolvement consistent with their availablestaffi ng and resources. The CAs mayvary the time and resources they commitby determining which meetings <strong>to</strong> attend,whether <strong>to</strong> offer data or analyses (or both),and at what stage of document preparation<strong>to</strong> comment.• Seek ways <strong>to</strong> reorganize the planning orEIS schedule for greater effi ciency, withoutmodifying the deadline for completion.• Improve the effi ciency of collaborationamong the CAs and <strong>BLM</strong> staff. Theinvolvement of an effective facilita<strong>to</strong>r mayimprove the speed and focus of CA and<strong>BLM</strong> staff interaction.• Where none of these approaches isfeasible, the Washing<strong>to</strong>n Offi ce mayconsider a change in the planningschedule, or the Responsible Offi cial maychange the schedule for completion of aNEPA document.40 CFR 1501.6(c) (CEQ)A cooperating agency may in response<strong>to</strong> a lead agency’s request for assistancein preparing the environmental impactstatement ... reply that other programcommitments preclude any involvemen<strong>to</strong>r the degree of involvement requestedin the action that is the subject of theenvironmental impact statement. A copy ofthis reply shall be submitted <strong>to</strong> the Council[on Environmental Quality].43 CFR 1601.0-5(e) (<strong>BLM</strong>)<strong>Cooperating</strong> agencies will participate in thevarious steps of <strong>BLM</strong>’s planning processas feasible, given the constraints of theirresources and expertise.CA roles in preparingRMPs and EISs► May the CAs use their expertise <strong>to</strong>prepare (rather than merely reviewand comment on) sections of an RMPor EIS or the technical analyses onwhich either is based?Yes, where appropriate, when the CApossesses expertise and resources <strong>to</strong>complete the task in a timely manner, the <strong>BLM</strong>may agree <strong>to</strong> include the CA’s analysis aspart of an RMP or EIS. Work developed bythe CA becomes the <strong>BLM</strong>’s work, however,and the <strong>BLM</strong> is responsible for all contentwithin the planning or NEPA document and thesupporting materials, which must be includedin the administrative record.40 CFR 1501.6(a) (CEQ)The lead agency shall…[u]se theenvironmental analysis and proposals ofcooperating agencies with jurisdiction bylaw or special expertise, <strong>to</strong> the maximumextent possible consistent with itsresponsibility as lead agency.► May a CA participate in the reviewof protests <strong>to</strong> a plan?No. Protest resolution is an internal reviewprocess conducted by the <strong>BLM</strong> Washing<strong>to</strong>nOffi ce, <strong>to</strong> determine if in preparing a planapplicable laws, regulations, and policies werefollowed. However, a CA that has providedinformation relevant <strong>to</strong> an issue raised in aprotest may be asked for clarifi cation.► What is the role of a CA once theRecord of Decision (ROD) is signed?While formal CA status ends once the RODis signed, CA expertise may be valuable inimplementing plans and projects, as wellas in moni<strong>to</strong>ring outcomes and assistingwith enforcement. Both the <strong>BLM</strong> andlocal communities may benefi t from anongoing relationship. In addition, after theestablishment of a new or revised RMP, CArelationships may be formed around the NEPASection 4. <strong>Cooperating</strong> <strong>Agency</strong> <strong>Relationships</strong>: Frequently Asked Questions27

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