Rear Suspension - - Freel2.com

Rear Suspension - - Freel2.com

Rear Suspension - - Freel2.com

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http://topix.landrover.jlrext.com/topix/service/procedure/146634/OD...5 of 6 23/02/2012 7:36 AM8BoltThe longitudinal links are fabricated from squeezed and cropped tube and are located between the wheel knuckle and thevehicle body. The links control the rear suspension in reaction to braking and traction forces.The rear mounting is forked and locates on either side of a bush pressed into the wheel knuckle. The link is secured with abolt and locknut which passes through the bush.The front mounting of the link locates in a bracket which is bolted to the underside of the vehicle sill. The link is fitted with abush which locates in the bracket and is secured with a bolt and locknut.WHEEL KNUCKLE AND HUBItemDescription1Clamp bolt2Wheel knuckle3Anti-lock Brake system (ABS) wheel speed sensor4Brake caliper attachment5Bearing6Circlip7Hub8Studs9Disc shield attachment10Bush - Longitudinal link11Front transverse link attachmentThe cast steel wheel knuckle provides the attachment for the transverse links, longitudinal link, spring and damper assemblyand the wheel hub and bearing assembly.An extended lower boss on the knuckle is fitted with a pressed bush and provides for the attachment of the longitudinal link.The link is secured to the knuckle with a bolt and locknut which passes through both the link and the bush.Two further bosses on the inside face of the wheel knuckle allow for the attachment of the front and rear transverse linkswhich are each secured with a bolt and locknut.The upper section of the wheel knuckle has a location hole for the damper body. The damper body slides into the hole andlocates against an abutment on the damper body. The rear face of the hole is split and allows the damper body to be securedin the wheel knuckle with a clamp bolt.

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