Data sheet gapCONTROL (PDF, 4 MB) - Micro-Epsilon

Data sheet gapCONTROL (PDF, 4 MB) - Micro-Epsilon

Data sheet gapCONTROL (PDF, 4 MB) - Micro-Epsilon


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More Precision<strong>gapCONTROL</strong> // Non-contact gap measurement

2Measuring principle: laser line triangulation<strong>gapCONTROL</strong>sensor matrixreceivermeasuring range z-axis(profile height)light source Laser lineProjecting a laser line onto the target surfcaemeasuring rangex-axis (profile width)What is <strong>gapCONTROL</strong>?The laser scanners of the <strong>gapCONTROL</strong> series record, measure and evaluate gaps on verydifferent target surfaces. With <strong>gapCONTROL</strong>, <strong>Micro</strong>-<strong>Epsilon</strong> offers a measurement system speciallymatched to the demands of gap measurement. Sensor matrix (pixels)The diffusely reflected light of the laser line isdisplayed on the high-value sensormatrixThe measuring principleLaser scanners - often referred to as profile sensors - use the laser triangulation principle fortwo-dimensional profile detection on different target surfaces.Using special lenses, a laser beam is enlarged to form a static laser line and projected onto thetarget surface. A high-quality optical system projects the diffusely reflected light of this laser lineonto a highly sensitive CMOS matrix. In addition to the distance information (z-axis), the controlleralso uses this camera image to calculate the position along the laser line (x-axis). Thesemeasured values are then designated as a profile in a two-dimensional coordinate system thatis fixed in respect to the sensor. The <strong>gapCONTROL</strong> sensor evaluates this profile according tospecified criteria and outputs the result (e.g. gap width) as a measured value via the interfaces. Calibrated x / z - measuring pointsCalculation of the distance coordinate z and theactual position x along the laser line for eachmeasuring point

24VX30VX1X28ONON876543210: WBM255: DHCP1ETHERNETLINKLINKACTMSNSI/O13 14 13 14 13 14AAACCBBBDD+ Ñ A1 A2 A1 A2+ + A3 A4 M M- -750-626A5A6750-536A3 A4+ - A7 A8 M M750-555750-600CDSoftware3<strong>gapCONTROL</strong> Setup SoftwareNot all gaps are alike. There are different definitions of how the optical gap is defined for differentindustries and measuring targets. The <strong>gapCONTROL</strong> Setup Software enables quick and easyconfiguration of <strong>gapCONTROL</strong> sensors. Both components together represent a complete solutionfor automated gap measurement.After parameterisation, the sensor operates in standalone mode. However, the software can beused for the visualisation of the measured values.<strong>gapCONTROL</strong> gap modesThe user-friendly, intuitive software guides the user through the program. In the first step, a gapmode is chosen from a wide selection of conventional gap types. This pre-selection specifies astart configuration for the chosen gap type. With simple types of gap, e.g. “Edge Points Gap”,no additional configuration is needed. Other gap types offer application-specific configurationoptions.Parameterisation of the gap measurementsAfter selecting the gap mode, the search algorithms for the right and left-hand gap edges as wellas for the gap offset are specified with the <strong>gapCONTROL</strong> Software.For dynamic processes, <strong>gapCONTROL</strong> also offers tracking functionality, e.g. following the centerposition. Selection of the gap type and measuring programMeasurement output: Plug&Play solution in the integrated controllerFor output of measured values, these can be configured with freely assigned values. The configurationof <strong>gapCONTROL</strong> can be saved in the memory of the sensor. Consequently, the sensoris ready for running in its standalone mode without an external PC. Besides measurement valueoutput via Ethernet (Modbus TCP protocol, UDP protocol) and RS422 (Modbus RTU protocolor ASCII format), additional digital switch signals and analogue measuring values can also beoutput.Measuring values Ethernet (Modbus TCP or UDP)Power supplyTriggerSynchronisationMode switchingSensor controlMeasuring values RS422 (Modbus RTU or ASCII-Format)ACT 1 2Analogue measuring values Parameterising the gap on the left and right-hand edge750-352Digital outputOutput UnitSensor configuration Measurement value outputMeasurement and evaluation of the measurement value sequenceUsing the „Result Monitor“ analysis program, selected measurement value sequences of recordedprofiles and live profiles can be displayed and analysed, enabling the evaluation of measurements.Additionally, an integrated cgm analysis (capability gauge measurement), and furtherstatistical parameters (e.g. limit value exceeded, average values) are available. The software allowsthese values to be exported for archive purposes or for further analysis in calculation tables.Load and saveThe <strong>gapCONTROL</strong> Setup Software allows both profiles and measuring results (e.g. gap width)to be saved. Stored profiles, even without a <strong>gapCONTROL</strong> sensor connected, can be re-loaded,and all parameters of the evaluation can be tested on these offline data. Several example profilesare already included with the standard installation of the <strong>gapCONTROL</strong> Setup Software, and theycan largely be used to test the functioning of the software.Download at: http://www.micro-epsilon.com/gapcontrol-setup-software Measured value sequence (optional)

4 “Basic Gaps” measuring programs <strong>gapCONTROL</strong>Edgeless gapThe edgeless gaps are the so-called „BasicGaps“ and are characterised by clearly definedreference points for gap measurement.These could be, for example, the end pointsor the lowest points of each side. Furthermore,the offset of both sides is easily measurable.This gap type allows for an easy entry and thedesired measurement result is output by modifyingjust a few settings.„Basic Gaps“ programs:• Edge Points Gap• Top Points Gap• Bottom Points Gap• Threshold Points GapTypical values measured:• Gap width• Height differences• Center position

“Projected Gaps” measuring programs5Projected GapWith these types of gaps, the end points ofboth sides are projected. There are differentways of projection, for example, the projectiononto a common parallel or the projection of anend point onto the opposite side.The distance between the projected points isdescribed as gap width.The pre-defined gap variants allow for easyand fast setting.„Projected Gaps“ programs:• Intersection Gap• Single Line Projection Gap• Double Line Projection Gap• Point to Line Projection GapTypical values measured:• Gap width• Minimum distance• Angle

6 „Advanced Gaps“ measuring programs<strong>gapCONTROL</strong>Advanced Gaps:These types offer the user advanced settings.The algorithms for flushness measurement orprojection can be adapted independently ofeach other as well as the search criteria forthe respective gap points. Furthermore, thesegap types provide numerous additional measuredvalues such as angle or unevenness ofthe edges.Easy startIn most cases, it makes sense to start withthe „Basic Gaps“ or „Projected Gaps“ measurementprograms. If required, the user caneasily switch to the advanced settings via thenavigation menus. The software enables theuser to keep all previous settings.Advanced V-Gap - A special typeThis gap type is specially conceived for cladding(welding) of, for example, pipelines. Differentvalues such as the current fill level, theoscillation width at a certain depth, and theoffset of both sides can be output.

Technical data <strong>gapCONTROL</strong> 2611/29117Model <strong>gapCONTROL</strong> 2611/2911-25 2611/2911-50 2611/2911-100z-axis (height)Standardmeasuring rangeStart of measuring range 53.5mm 70mm 190mmMidrange 66mm 95mm 240mmEnd of measuring range 78.5mm 120mm 290mmExtendedStart of measuring range 53mm 65mm 125mmmeasuring rangeEnd of measuring range 79mm 125mm 390mmLinearity 1) (3sigma) ±0.16% FSO ±0.16% FSO2611: ±0.20% FSO2911: ±0.16% FSOReference resolution 2) 3) 2µm 4µm 12µmx-axis (width)Standardmeasuring rangeExtendedmeasuring rangeResolution x-axisStart of measuring range 23.4mm 42mm 83.1mmMidrange 25mm 50mm 100mmEnd of measuring range 29.1mm 58mm 120.8mmStart of measuring range 23.2mm 40mm 58.5mmEnd of measuring range 29.3mm 60mm 143.5mm2611: 640 points/profile2911: 1.280 points/profileProfile frequencyup to 200HzInterfacesmulti-functionMeasurement value outputDisplay (LED)Ethernet GigE-Visiondigital inputsRS422 (half duplex)Output of measurement valuesSensor controlProfile data transmissionMode switchingEncoderTriggerOutput of measurement valuesSensor controlTriggerSynchronisationEthernet (UDP / Modbus TCP)RS422 (ASCII / Modbus RTU) 4)Analogue 5)Switching signal 5)1x laser ON/OFF, 1x power/error/statusLight sourcestandardoptional (only 29xx)Semiconductor laser 658nm (red)Semiconductor laser 405nm (blue)Aperture angle laser line 20° 25° 25°Laser powerstandard 8mW (class 2M)optional 20mw (class 3B)Laser off optional via external contactPermissible ambient light (fluorescent light) 2)10.000lxProtection class (sensor) IP 65acc. EN 61326-1: 2006-10EMCDIN EN 55011: 2007-11 (group 1, class B)EN 61000-6-2: 2006-03Vibration2g / 20 ... 500HzShock15g / 6msOperating temperature 0°C to 45°CStorage temperature -20°C to 70°CDimensionsWeightSupply1)Standard measuring range2)Measuring object: <strong>Micro</strong>-<strong>Epsilon</strong> standard object (metallic, diffusely reflecting material)3)According to a one-time averaging across the measuring field (640 points)4)RS422 interface can be programmed as serial interface or as input for trigger / Synchronisation5)Only with Output UnitFSO = Full scale output96 x 85 x 33mm380g11-30VDC, 24V, 500mA,IEEE 802.3af class 2, Power over Ethernet

8 Technical data<strong>gapCONTROL</strong> 2611/2911<strong>gapCONTROL</strong> 2611/2911-25Recommendedattachment point30°27.5Recommendedattachment point85.757975.59689M5 105.2 x 90°04.1 +0.13 H7930029.329.12523.423.2MR ext. >= 5353.5 SMR66 MMR710046.964.171.575(12.9°)78.5 EMRMR ext.

9<strong>gapCONTROL</strong> 2611/2911-50Recommendedattachment point30°27.5Recommendedattachment point85.757975.59689M5 105.2 x 90°04.1 +0.13 H793006058504240MR ext. >= 6570 SMR95 MMR7100Z47.264.871.57500.5~19°32.533120 EMRMR ext.

10Technical data<strong>gapCONTROL</strong> 2611/2911<strong>gapCONTROL</strong> 2611/2911-100Recommendedattachment point30°27.5Recommendedattachment point85.757975.59689M5 105.2 x 90°04.1 +0.13 H79300143.5120.810083.158.5MR ext. >= 125190 SMR240 MMR290 EMRMR ext.

<strong>gapCONTROL</strong> 271111Model <strong>gapCONTROL</strong> 2711-25 2711-50 2711-100z-axis (height)Standardmeasuring rangeExtendedmeasuring rangeStart of measuring range 90mm 175mm 350mmMidrange 102.5mm 200mm 400mmEnd of measuring range 115mm 225mm 450mmStart of measuring range 85mm 160mm 300mmEnd of measuring range 125mm 260mm 600mmLinearity 1) (3sigma) ±0.2% FSOReference resolution 2) 3) 4µm 10µm 15µmx-axis (width)Standardmeasuring rangeExtendedmeasuring rangeStart of measuring range 23mm 44mm 88mmMidrange 25mm 50mm 100mmEnd of measuring range 27mm 56mm 112mmStart of measuring range 22mm 41mm 76mmEnd of measuring range 29mm 64mm 148mmResolution x-axisProfile frequency640 points/profileup to 100HzInterfacesMeasurement value outputDisplay (LED)Ethernet GigE-Vision 6)RS422 (halbduplex)Output of measurement valuesSensor controlProfile data transmissionOutput of measurement valuesSensor controlTriggerEncoderSynchronisationEthernet (UDP / Modbus TCP)RS422 (ASCII / Modbus RTU) 4)Analogue 5)Switching signal 5)1x laser ON/OFF, 1x power/error/statusstandardSemiconductor laser 658nm (red)Light sourceSemiconductor laser 405nmoptional - -(blue)Aperture angle laser line 20°Laser powerstandard 10 mW (class 2M)optional 20 mW (class 3B)Laser off optional via external contactPermissible ambient light (fluorescent light) 2)10.000lxProtection class IP 64acc. EN 61326-1: 2006-10EMCDIN EN 55011: 2007-11 (group 1, class B)EN 61000-6-2: 2006-03Vibration2g / 20 ... 500HzShock15g / 6msOperating temperature 0°C to 50°CStorage temperature -20°C to 70°CDimensions 127 x 69 x 73mm 142 x 69 x 73mm 170 x 69 x 73mmWeight ~700g ~800g ~850gSupply 8-30 VDC, 500mA1)Standard measuring range2)Measuring object: <strong>Micro</strong>-<strong>Epsilon</strong> standard object (metallic, diffusely reflecting material)3)According to a one-time averaging across the measuring field (640 points)4)RS422 interface can be programmed as serial interface or as input for trigger / Synchronisation5)Only with Output Unit6)Optionally available as FireWire interfaceFSO = Full scale output

12Technical data <strong>gapCONTROL</strong> 2711<strong>gapCONTROL</strong> 2711-2501220.573.2109.5A5.6±116968Cmax. ø10max. ø183430034.529100ø 17.912ø5.54x thread M4 for protection cover platemounting; not intended for sensor mountingB3034Three mounting holes M4x5on each side A, B, C2934.5R 20130130020.56581053.384.405.564847310663117127181307363ø8R 1018135034.5sensor field of viewextendedmeasuring range228590115125Standardmeasuring rangeExtendedmeasuring range232527extended measuring range29laser line20°8590102.5115125

8ø13<strong>gapCONTROL</strong> 2711-506968C01221max. ø1093.3124.5Amax. ø183430034.529100ø 17.95.6 ±11125.54x thread M4 for protection cover platemounting; not intended for sensor mountingB3034Three mounting holes M4x5on each side A, B, C2934.57363181313013034.50218510205.57799.2121.21301427363R10181350R20064.91050sensor field of viewlaser line20°extendedmeasuring range41160160175175225Standardmeasuring rangeExtendedmeasuring range200225260445056extended measuring range64260

14Technical <strong>Data</strong> <strong>gapCONTROL</strong> 2711<strong>gapCONTROL</strong> 2711-100C01220.5125.3152.5A343034.5295.6±116968max. ø10max. ø180100ø17,912ø5.54x thread M4 for protection cover platemounting; not intended for sensor mountingB3034Three mounting holes M4x5on each side A, B, C2934.5130130020.511713405.577127.2149.21601707363R 10181350R 2008273137.46318130ø834,5sensor field of viewlaser line20°300Standardmeasuring rangeExtendedmeasuring rangeextendedmeasuring range7630035035040045045088100112extended measuring range 148600600

Accessories<strong>gapCONTROL</strong>15Connection cables for power supply and interfacesEthernet connection cable, cable track compatibleArt. No. Model Description2901512 SC2700-2/ET Ethernet connection cable for 2711, 2m2901513 SC2700-5/ET Ethernet connection cable for 2711, 5m2901514 SC2700-10/ET Ethernet connection cable for 2711, 10m2901515 SC2700-15/ET Ethernet connection cable for 2711, 15m2901516 SC2700-20/ET Ethernet connection cable for 2711, 20m2901856 SC2600/2900-0,5 Ethernet connection cable for 2611/2911, 0.5 m2901857 SC2600/2900-2 Ethernet connection cable for 2611/2911, 2 m2901858 SC2600/2900-5 Ethernet connection cable for 2611/2911, 5 m2901769 SC2600/2900-10 Ethernet connection cable for 2611/2911, 10 m2901859 SC2600/2900-15 Ethernet connection cable for 2611/2911, 15 m2901783 SC2600/2900-20 Ethernet connection cable for 2611/2911, 20 m2901860 SC2600/2900-35 Ethernet connection cable for 2611/2911, 35 mEthernet connection cable, suitable for use with robots2901542 SCR2700-2/ET Ethernet connection cable for 2711, 2m2901543 SCR2700-5/ET Ethernet connection cable for 2711, 5m2901544 SCR2700-10/ET Ethernet connection cable for 2711, 10m2901545 SCR2700-15/ET Ethernet connection cable for 2711, 15m2901546 SCR2700-20/ET Ethernet connection cable for 2711, 20m2901861 SCR2600/2900-0,5 Ethernet connection cable for 2611/2911, 0.5 m2901862 SCR2600/2900-2 Ethernet connection cable for 2611/2911, 2 m2901863 SCR2600/2900-5 Ethernet connection cable for 2611/2911, 5 m2901864 SCR2600/2900-10 Ethernet connection cable for 2611/2911, 10 m2901865 SCR2600/2900-15 Ethernet connection cable for 2611/2911, 15 m2901866 SCR2600/2900-20 Ethernet connection cable for 2611/2911, 20 m2901867 SCR2600/2900-35 Ethernet connection cable for 2611/2911, 35 mOther cables2901407 PC2700-4.5 PC2700-4.5 power supply cable, 4.5m2901406 SC2700-4.5/RS422 RS422 connection cable, 4.5m2901581 SC2700-0.5/SYNC Synchronisation cable for two sensors of the <strong>gapCONTROL</strong> 2711 series, 0.5m2901868 PC2600/2900-5 Multi-function cable (qualified for drag chain use):Power supply, digital inputs (TTL or HTL), RS422 (half-duplex), 5m2901767 PC2600/2900-10 Multi-function cable (qualified for drag chain use):Power supply, digital inputs (TTL or HTL), RS422 (half-duplex), 10m2901869 PC2600/2900-20 Multi-function cable (qualified for drag chain use):Power supply, digital inputs (TTL or HTL), RS422 (half-duplex), 20mAccessories0254058 case scanCONTROL Transport case fot <strong>gapCONTROL</strong> sensors, inc. mains adapte2420062 PS2020 Power supply PS2020, 24V/2.5A2420059 PS2700 Power supply for <strong>gapCONTROL</strong> 27112420067 PS2600/2900 Power supply for <strong>gapCONTROL</strong> 2611/2911Output Unit6414073 Output Unit Basic/ET Fieldbus coupler with filter module and bus end terminal0325131 OU-DigitalOut/8-channel/DC24V/0.5A/neg. 8-channel digital output terminal; DC 24V; 0.5A; negative switching0325115 OU-DigitalOut/8-channel/DC24V/0.5A/pos. 8-channel digital output terminal; DC 24V; 0.5A; positive switching0325116 OU-AnalogueOut/4-channel/±10V 4-channel analogue output terminal; ±10V0325135 OU-AnalogueOut/4-channel/0-10V 4-channel analogue output terminal; 0-10V0325132 OU-AnalogueOut/4-channel/0-20mA 4-channel analogue output terminal; 0-20mA0325133 OU-AnalogueOut/4-channel/4-20mA 4-channel analogue output terminal; 4-20mAFurther terminals are available on request.

High performance sensors made by <strong>Micro</strong>-<strong>Epsilon</strong>Sensors and systems for displacementand positionSensors and measurement devices fornon-contact temperature measurement2D/3D profile sensors (laser scanner)Optical micrometers, fibreoptic sensors and fibre opticsColour recognition sensors, LED analyzersand colour online spectrometerMeasurement and inspection systemsSubject to modifications / Y9761369-C021094GKEMICRO-EPSILON HeadquartersKoenigbacher Str. 15 ∙ 94496 Ortenburg / GermanyTel. +49 (0) 8542 / 168-0 ∙ Fax +49 (0) 8542 / 168-90info@micro-epsilon.com ∙ www.micro-epsilon.com<strong>Micro</strong>-<strong>Epsilon</strong> UK Ltd.No.1 Shorelines Building · Shore Road · Birkenhead · CH41 1AUPhone +44 (0) 151 355 6070 · Fax +44 (0) 151 355 6075info@micro-epsilon.co.uk · www.micro-epsilon.co.uk

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