Pharmacy Services Agreement 2010 Guide for Guild members

Pharmacy Services Agreement 2010 Guide for Guild members

Pharmacy Services Agreement 2010 Guide for Guild members

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confidential – <strong>for</strong> guild <strong>members</strong> onlyClause Change CommentInsertion of Sector <strong>Services</strong> definition.Updated <strong>Services</strong> definition.Insertion of Special Foods Infant Formulaedefinition.Insertion of Special Foods <strong>Services</strong>definition.Insertion of Sterile Manufacturing<strong>Services</strong> definition.Removed Urgent <strong>Pharmacy</strong> definition.The definition of <strong>Services</strong> is now limited to those that youare contracted to supply.There is no longer a distinction between an Urgent<strong>Pharmacy</strong> and a pharmacy operating after hours.The effect of this is that an Urgent <strong>Pharmacy</strong> is notrestricted to charging 50 cents and is free to set their ownlevel of pharmacy charge <strong>for</strong> after hours services.Insertion of Wholesale Supply Orderdefinition.Part F F1.2 Insertion of Our assistance clause. This insertion was previously effected by theDecember 2007 variation.Part G G3.1 Amended Quality ImprovementPlan clause.G5.6 Insertion of Health EmergencyPlanning clause.G6.3 (k) Amendment to ComplaintsProcedure clause.Added the requirement to review (but not necessarilyupdate) your Quality Improvement Plan on an annualbasis.This insertion was previously effected by the December2007 variation.This clause has been appearing in variations over the last12 months or so; you have probably already signed up tothis clause or something similar. We recommend, if youhave not already done so, that you:1. Ask your DHB <strong>for</strong> their pandemic and emergency plansa. If they are not available, then check with them howyou are to proceed with meeting your obligationsunder this clause.2. Download the pandemic plan template from the<strong>Guild</strong> website.3. Modify the <strong>Guild</strong> template to your own needs, takinginto account the specifics of your pharmacy and yourDHB’s plans.4. Communicate your plan to staff.This procedure is now consistent with the DHB’scomplaints procedure, as opposed to the Ministry ofHealth’s complaint procedure.This amendment was previously effected by the December2007 variation.G7.3 Amended Declining <strong>Services</strong> clause. Inserted an “and” after subclause (c) to avoid confusion.Inserted subclauses (e) through (i). The purpose of thisamendment is to stop “cherry picking”. Please note thatthis clause does not limit your ability to decline service topatients that threaten the safety of you, your staff, yourcustomers, or the security of your premises, in any way.PAGE 6

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