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Administrator sends his request through hismobile phone to the server.Server then recognizes theclient machine which administrator wants to monitorand control.Administrator is provided with a GUI basedapplication in Android phone to send commandinstantly. Server sends command to the client likestart process, shut down process, kill process, create,delete file, Process List.Through the Android service provider thecommunication is done with the mobile phone whichcommunicates with server and server communicateswith the clients.All clients are controlled andmonitored by administrator.The administratorcontrols the <strong>LAN</strong> through his mobile phone even heis at the remote place. The administrator also checksthe load on the <strong>LAN</strong>.If server fails in this model thenClient can communicate to admin through mobilephones.Fig 4.1 Architecture of proposed systemMobile Based Lan Monitoring And Control5. INTERFACES5.1 Hardware Interface5.1.1 Mobile DevicesThe external hardware interface will support mobiledevices, such as smart phones and <strong>LAN</strong> network.5.1.2 External StoragesThe product will support transparent connections withexternal hard drives in order to support automaticarchiving capability.5.2 Software Interface5.2.1 Operating SystemThe product will work with Android 2.1 and above.5.2.2 Integrated Commercial ComponentsThe system will interact with web applicationprogramming interfaces (API) of third party services,such as HTML5.6. FLOW OF THE APPLICATIONOn entering the application the welcome screenwould be displayed. This screen would simply havethe application name and logo. Then user can control<strong>LAN</strong> netwok via AT command or using menu drivencommands.Suppose we are considering the File transferfunction. In this client wants any file from the serverthen he sends request to the administrator.Then adminwill check for that requested file and allows server tosend that file.Then server will send that file to therespective client.If administrator notices that any user orclient is doing unauthorised access to the system thenhe wants to Shutdown that client’s machine then hesimply does that by Shut down AT command.Afterreceiving that command from admin the client’smachine will be automatically turn offed.We can perform or implement variousoperations like net view, kill process, filetranseferring, Process view and messagebroadcasting.The SQLite Database is used for the storagepurpose.In this it has the clients as well asadministrator details.Any unauthorised person cannothandle a <strong>LAN</strong>.The Following Figure shows the flow of theapplication.International Conference on Computer Science & Engineering (ICCSE), 17 th March-2013, Pune, ISBN: 978-93-82208-74-7197

Mobile Based Lan Monitoring And ControlFig 7.1 Data Flow Diagram Of The Application7. FUTURE WORKSThe future enhancements in the application include<strong>LAN</strong> monitoring and control whenever theadministrator is out of station. This applicationreduces the time as well as efforts of administrator.8. APPLICATIONS OF PROPOSED SYSTEMadministrator at any time if at a particularpoint he/she cannot be present there.He/shedoes not have to depend on any third partyinformation regarding the <strong>LAN</strong> and caninstead check the <strong>LAN</strong> status himself usinghis mobile. <strong>LAN</strong> monitoring at the malls isused to monitor all information of malls byadministrator at any time if at particular timehe/she cannot be present there.<strong>LAN</strong> monitoring at the University/collegelevel can be used for monitoring,logging andretenrion of network packets that traverseuniversity networks.The goal of this project is to maintainconfidentiality ,integrity availability of theuniversity network infrastructure andinformation assets.<strong>LAN</strong> monitoring at the office level can beused to monitor the office <strong>LAN</strong> by the9. CONCLUSIONSThe recommended approach is to implementMobile Based <strong>LAN</strong> Monitoring and Controlwhich will easily interact with the <strong>LAN</strong> formonitoring and controlling via cell phones.This application can also been great sourceof administrator for colleges, company’setc.This system communicates throughstandard WAP protocol.International Conference on Computer Science & Engineering (ICCSE), 17 th March-2013, Pune, ISBN: 978-93-82208-74-7198

ACKNOWLEDGMENTWe would like to offer our sincere thanks to ourguide Assistant Professor Mr.P.S.Dhotre, SinhgadInstitute of Technology and Science. We would alsolike to thank Billion Hands Technology Pvt Ltd. Fortheir sponsorship and guidance.REFERENCES[1] Per Ström. M2M - Maskin Till Maskin -Kommunikation”,2001. http://www.atomerochbitar .se/-m-m.html.[2] Bluetooth SIG (Special Interest Group) Home Page.http://www.bluetoothsig.org/.[3] ZDNet. TI launches sub-$5 Bluetoothchipset,October2001. http://news.zdnet.co.uk/story/-0,,t269- s2097647,00.html.[4] DECT Forum Home Page. http://-www.dectweb.com/dectforum/.[5] IEEE. IEEE Std 802.11b-1999, January2000.Mobile Based Lan Monitoring And Controlhttp://standards.ieee.org/reading/ieee/-std/lanman/802.11b-1999.pdf.[6] Infrared Data Association (IrDA) HomePage.http://www.irda.org/.[7] Road Vehicles – Interchange of Digital Information–Controller Area Network (CAN) for High SpeedCommunications, February 1992. ISO/DIS 11898.[8] K. Larsen, P. Pettersson, and W. Yi. UppAalinaNutshell.Springer International Journal of Software Tools forTechnology Transfer, 1(1+2), 1997.http://www.docs.uu.se/docs/- rtmv/papers/lpwsttt97.pdf.[9] Transmission Control Protocol (TCP): InternetRFC793.http://rfc.net/rfc793.html.[10] Internet Protocol (IP); Internet RFC791.http://rfc.net/rfc0791.html.[11] WAP Forum. WAP Architecture.[12] WAP Forum. Wireless Application Protocol.WirelessMarkup Language Specification.International Conference on Computer Science & Engineering (ICCSE), 17 th March-2013, Pune, ISBN: 978-93-82208-74-7199

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