October 2012 - Informatics

October 2012 - Informatics

October 2012 - Informatics

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From the Statesreview/monitor the followingactivitieslimplementation of variousGovernment sponsored programs bythe financial institutions operating inthe NE states.l quarterly progress of theimplementation of Annual Credit Planand other agencies sponsored creditlinkedprograms in the districts.l flow of credit into rural areas and tothe small borrowers in the neglectedsectors.l recovery performance.l Credit Deposit Ratio, Priority SectorAdvances to Weaker Sections,financing of Minority Communitiesetc.To meet the requirement of theSLBC an online ManagementInformation System for SLBC hasbeen developed by NIC, Assam StateCentre, for reviewing and monitoringof all the activities of member banks.The system uses Open Source Stacki.e. PHP technology with MySQL asRDBMS and Apache as ApplicationServer to maintain portability to anyplatform with minimum effort.THE QUARTERLY INPUTS FROMALL THE MEMBER BANKS ARE ASFOLLOWS1. Public Sector Banks providenecessary inputs like Agricultural Loan(Direct/Indirect), Financial Inclusion,Progress and Recovery under variousgovt. sponsored schemes,Finance/Disbursal to/Under Micro,Small and Medium Enterprise(MSME) Sector, Details of AnnualCredit Plan, Advances details of allsectors, Coverage of un bankedVillages etc.2. District-level Lead Bank provideinputs like performance and progressThe SLBC web application showing Analysis of Priority Sector Advances.of various Govt. sponsored Schemes,Crop Loan, Annual Credit Plan (ACP)etc.VARIOUS REPORTS GENERATEDBY THE SYSTEM AREi) Analysis of Total Priority Sector,Advances under Agriculture, Industry,Services and Crop Loan.ii) Advances to Sensitive Sector,Other Sensitive Sector, MinoritiesCommunity.iii) Recovery position under SwarnaJayanti Gram Swarojgar Yojana(SGSY), Prime Minister EmploymentGeneration Program (PMEGP), KVICMargin Money Scheme, SwarnaJayanti Sahari Rojgar Yojana (SJSRY),Transport Operator Scheme, BAKIJAICases,iv) Financial position under TeaSector and Rural Housing Scheme.v) Financing under Self Help Group(SHG) and Housing Scheme.vi) Finance disbursal under Micro,Small and MediumEnterprises(MSMEs)vii) Progress under FinancialInclusion – Issue of General purposeCredit Card (GCC), Opening of NoFrills Accounts, Coverage of Unbanked Villages.viii) Performance under PMEGP,SJSRY, SGSY, Transport Operator,Annual Credit Plan.ix) Target and Achievement ofAnnual Credit Plan (ACP).ELECTORAL ROLL MANAGEMENTSYSTEM (ERMS)The Electoral Roll ManagementSystem (ERMS) enables the StateChief Electoral Office to maintain‘Electoral Roll’ of the state in astandardized and uniform database asspecified by the Election Commissionof India .The ERMS developed byNIC, Assam in ASP.Net 3.5 and SQLServer 2005 comprises of the followingmodules:-l Porting of data –The modulefacilitates porting of existing data fromAccess database to the correspondingtables of Assembly Constituency.<strong>October</strong> <strong>2012</strong> | informatics.nic.in | 15

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