1985 [PDF] - Yosemite

1985 [PDF] - Yosemite

1985 [PDF] - Yosemite


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*iAUG 6 <strong>1985</strong>YOSEMITE NATIONAL PARK RESEARCH LIBRAR’f;i., i I244:i4Regional Tourism Meeting Held in <strong>Yosemite</strong>On June 13, <strong>Yosemite</strong> Park and Curry Co. hosted a meeting for Also speaking to the representatives was <strong>Yosemite</strong> SierraServ-Chamber of Commerce members from the six-county area sur- ices Manager George Spach, who announced the "<strong>Yosemite</strong>rounding <strong>Yosemite</strong> National Park to exchange information regard- Gateway Properties Program" in which the YPCC reservationsing possible trends in visitation to the <strong>Yosemite</strong> area.office directs overflow callers to available rooms in surroundingAddressing the Chamber representatives, Superintendent properties.Robert O. Binnewies of <strong>Yosemite</strong> acknowledged the two-fold pur- Considered a very positive first step in cooperation betweenpose of the NPS, to prov de a quality experience for Park visitors YPCC, NPS and area businesses by attending members of thewh e endeavor ng to protect the environment for future genera- <strong>Yosemite</strong> Tourism Council, a follow-up meeting will be held intions. Mr. Binnewiestressed the urgent need to address the September to discuss further a regional marketing plan.transportation and traffic congestion problem currently facinglili~k<strong>Yosemite</strong>.~.. ~.,,,, ~ \ / __..Mr. Ed Hardy, President of YPCC, reiterated the need for alter- ~[~~e~.. : i\’native transportation for the area, urging the priority of change in~~~.’~vehicle control.~ll~~~;~A letter from Governor Deukmejian, read to the group by Alan I~w~,p.~Richmond, encouraged participation of local communities in V " ~:i~"The Californias" campaign, an advertising effort aimed at mar- r~iliketing the State of California with regard to regional aspects,’ ’ I ~;iiiirather than lad vidua areas ...... Mr Richmond D rector of Market ,~.,. ng ~iil ,~ ~,~:.,’.’~¯ ¯ 1 , r [ ~ , .’: J,;:tt:~,t.!’’z:, ",~,i,~£’~:’.~for YPCC, was appo nted this year to the Governors staff working ~iion the campaign......<strong>1985</strong> NIFI Class Graduates.On June 19th the <strong>1985</strong> NIFI class graduates were honored at a ’-_ ..... " ."’: ...’~!’;Ed Haray, uoo uinnewies ana A~an Hicnmono at n,stoncreception at tleld .......... .ne ~nwannee .............. ola HOtel iu ;5 S r ¯ eakin m . p g.to Regional Tourismeeting in <strong>Yosemite</strong>. (Photo by James Corwinthe group, Mr. rlaray, ¥vuu vresiaent, stressee me ~mpor[ance Johnson)of incorporating the basic principles of food sanitation learned inthe class into all foodservice operations. He offered congratula- ,,,tions to all graduates as he presented their Certificates of Com- Avery Sturm Re,lip=ent",f.f Fourthpletion in the Applied Foodservlce " Samtatlon " ’ Program . Annual Community Service AwardMr. Hardy himself was honored by Joe Higuera, the NPS ~ . ~ . ~, ~ ~,~,~,,,..~.:-~.~..~ . .~,~.~~~...Sanitarian, with the National Environmental Hen th Association ~.’;~!4~,.,.;~~:,~.’,: ’;’, ,’~,>,~’. ’~,~,~~.~.~.plaque designating YPCC’ susta nmg membership n that ~’~~’,~~:~:;~.f..*,.~ ,, ~,,,,.~,~~~national organization. NEHA is a profess onal organization of ~’~~~!~:;;~~:~ !.~..,;,~,....,. .,;.: .... : ... !.~:~ .:~~,.,,..,~:," ,,~,over 5,000 members who supporthe concepts of environmental ~’.~.~::,~.3;.,.~,~,...,/,,,.. ,.,~:,.... ,.. ,, ,,,,~,.Z".~ ~, .f,~,"~’~’#’.i;,’;~:~.:’.: ~ . ’.t:#;~, ’control and public health .... ~..,, .~ , .~,i,,~. i ....,...~ :,.’,, ~. .,, .,.~’~,7. , . .¯ , .

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